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Frederick wasn’t sure if the stone ceiling was moving or if he was noticing a new stress crack forming on their roof. After lying in bed without sleep for the last seven hours, it could easily have been his mind playing tricks on him. He rolled his head up to look out the window, seeing a lighter shade of blue than the last time he’d looked. It wasn’t quite yet dawn, but he knew he needed to get ready for their grand opening.

Valencia’s soft whimpers pulled his attention to his left. She was always an active dreamer. Frederick watched her arms and legs twitch in her sleep, coordinating with her cute growls. Her red-and-black furred arms and legs flexed, accentuating her athletic figure. Although Valencia was a master sorceress, she had crafted her body into peak physical strength and endurance, a requirement for a stamina-based caster like herself.

When Frederick tried to pull his arm away, her paws wrapped tighter as she nuzzled her face against his open palm. Her breath was as hot as their brick oven. He always enjoyed moments like this. The occasional moment of tenderness always contradicted her default brash exterior. It was something that reinforced her love for him, because he was the only one given the pleasure of seeing this side of her.

Frederick leaned over, kissed her cheek, and rubbed the top of her head. He felt the wetness of her drool slide between his fingers as he pulled away. He froze when he heard a whisper come from the other side of the bed.

“Still can’t sleep?” the whispered feminine voice asked.

Frederick turned to see muted, yellow eyes looking up at him; the same eyes that glowed like lanterns across the purple abyss that was her slime body. He shook his head before lying down next to the beauty at his opposite side. “Not since that day. No matter how hard I try, it never comes.”

“We could always . . .”

Frederick reached his hand out and placed his finger on his lover’s lips. “We’ve already had this conversation, Metzi. I don’t want to use magic to try to induce it. If it happens, then it happens.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Frederick said, smiling. “I know you're just concerned about me. I’m sure it will be fine. I mean it’s been months, I think I just need to get used to it.”

Metzi’s liquid body flowed across the bed toward him, giving the impression that she was floating. “We could always try alternative means of exhaustion,” she said, leaning in and kissing him on the nose.

Frederick’s mouth shifted to a grin. “We’ve tried that already, or don’t you remember Belegrad?”

“Oh I remember, but it was just you and me that day. Maybe we should get Valencia and Iraina to join us next time.”

“Iraina? I love her, but she’s not someone ready for a marathon.”

“Well . . . she could help for the first ten minutes. You know she would be upset if we didn’t include her.”

The two shared a small laugh as they looked into each other’s eyes. The thought alone of being with each of his companions was enough to make Frederick hard. He wanted nothing more than to take Metzi right then and there, but he knew his time was short, and they had a long day ahead.

He brought his hand underneath Metzi’s chin and pulled her close. Rolling his tongue across her lip, he suckled on it ever so slightly before pulling away. Even though the kiss lasted only a few seconds, a strand of overproduced slime draped from both of their mouths. It was one of his favorite parts of having a shoggoth companion.

“Let’s see how the next few hours go. If everything goes to plan, let’s make a date out of it.”

“I’m going to hold you to it,” Metzi said, leaning up and stealing another kiss. Their passion was interrupted by shuffling coming from the other side of Metzi. Frederick looked up to see two black antennae, which looked like long, black feathers, lying above Metzi’s head.

He leaned up to see Iraina snuggling into the back of Metzi, her four arms pressed close to her chest. If it weren’t for her black accents along her arms and legs, Iraina’s white skin would have blended perfectly into their comforter. Her plush, white fuzz that accented along her body gave the impression of soft cotton spilling out of one of the nearby pillows.

He felt bad for getting up and potentially waking the others, but he was certain Iraina wasn’t someone he had to worry about. Unlike the rest of her kind, who were nocturnal, Iraina was lethargic. Her patterned behavior of falling asleep while standing was not uncommon, but he couldn’t deny her usefulness when it mattered. The cleric had saved his life more times than he could count; a debt he always worked to repay. And while their physical affection and love for each other was tamer than that of his with Metzi and Valencia, it was just as passionate.

Frederick leaned over and stroked one of Iraina’s feathered antenna before kissing her forehead. He saw a smile creep along her face as he leaned up to get ready. Scooting his butt down on the oversized bed, Frederick made his way to the edge. He pulled up his trousers and slipped on his boots before heading to the door. When he grabbed the handle, a sound akin to oil being poured onto the floor behind him caused him to turn around.

“What are you doing?” Frederick whispered, looking down at Metzi, who was standing behind him. She had shifted from her nude form into her work clothes in a matter of seconds. She looked up at him, her hands clasped forward in her default pose.

“I’m coming with you,” she said directly. “I assume you’re going to start getting everything ready for our opening this morning? You could use an extra pair of hands.”

“Are you sure? It might be a while before you all will be able to sleep in again.”

Metzi cocked a brow and crossed her arms. “Are you forgetting about the hundred-day march to Thornburg? Or Lord Victor’s castle that we were trapped in for weeks?”

“I’d rather not think about those days,” Frederick said, shuddering.

Metzi leaned in and placed her hand on his chest. “I think we can manage running a tavern.”

“Okay,” Frederick said, letting out a sigh. “But don’t forget I didn’t warn you.”

Frederick closed their bedroom door as quietly as he could before the pair walked down the second-level hallway. Their bedroom was the corner room on the far end, giving them the most space and a bit of privacy from the dozen other guest rooms on the second floor.

The smell of cooked eggs and sausage lingered in the air, bringing a smile to Frederick’s face when they reached the top of the stairs. As they descended, the room filled with the sounds of a man’s gentle, deep hum; a sizzling stove; and a popping fire coming from the kitchen. The creaking flex of the wooden stairs alerted anyone nearby to their approach. A blue-scaled man bent his head down, peeked it through the opening between the bar and kitchen, and smiled as he locked eyes with his approaching companions.

“Good morning, you two,” he said, cutting on the countertop. “The kitchen is already prepared for the morning rush. If you’re hungry, I’ve got breakfast cooking now. If you want to sit at the bar, I’ll bring you both a plate.”

“What are you doing up this early, Alexi?” Frederick asked, smiling. “We’ve still got a few hours till dawn.”

“Probably the same reason why you both are up this early, I couldn’t sleep.”

“I was just talking to Metzi about how it might be a while until we all get to sleep in.”

Alexi dropped what he was doing, leaned over the counter, and nodded his head at Metzi. “Did you remind him about the hundred-day march?”

“I did,” she said plainly.

“And Lord Victor’s castle.”

“That too.”

Alexi snorted before picking up his knife, wiping it across his apron, and resuming chopping. He snapped occasional glares at Frederick while continuing his work. Before Frederick could retort, thunderous stomps down the stairwell pulled his attention to Valencia’s arrival. He turned to see her rubbing her clawed paws into her red eyes. When she opened them, bits of flame emanated from the corners, acting like a supernatural eyeliner.

The clinking sound of a dropped utensil preluded Alexi’s shout. “Valencia, go put some pants on!”

The hellhound looked down at herself, realizing her nudeness before shrugging and waving it off as she approached the bar.

“I’ll get dressed later,” she said. “It’s not like you haven’t seen it before.”

“That’s not the point, girl. We’re about to open for business. We can’t have the staff walking around half naked. They’ll think this is some sort of brothel rather than a tavern.”

“I know that, but we’ve still got a few hours.”

“Alexi’s point, Valencia, is that we need to get used to the new norm,” Metzi explained. “You need to understand every action you take represents the entire collective.”

“Exactly,” Alexi said. “A little tact goes a long way.”

“What about Frederick? He’s missing a shirt!”

“Yes, but he’s wearing pants.”

“Alexi and Metzi are right,” Frederick said. “We all need to get used to the new norm and try to be as presentable as we can be. I’ll get dressed shortly.”

“All right, all right,” Valencia said, slapping the top of the counter. With a snap of her fingers, she covered her body with a uniform. While Metzi’s uniform was a more traditional design with a full-length, purple-and-white dress; white bonnet; and tied apron on the front, Valencia’s was a front-tied, strapless bodice that tapered in front and back, leaving her hips and a bit of her bottom exposed. Her legs were covered with thigh-high stockings. “Are you all happy now?” she asked with a scoff.

“Yes,” Alexi said with a smug smile. “Now get over here and grab a plate.” With sharp thuds, Alexi set three plates on the counter, each customized to the individual's taste. He gave Frederick a hearty helping of eggs, sausage, and cornbread soaked in butter. Metzi’s plate was loaded with a honey-covered crescent and a helping of candied fruit. Valencia was given a thick slab of rare-cooked meat lathered in hot spices.

The three didn’t practice any restraint as they devoured the meals. Metzi was the first to finish, needing only to slap a section of her viscous body against the dish to clean it. Next was Frederick, who vigorously scooped the egg and sausage down his gullet, barely chewing his food as he cleaned the plate. Valencia’s slapping jaw echoed throughout the room while her fangs ripped through the bloodied flesh.

Alexi leaned over the counter, sipping his coffee while he waited for everyone to finish. “So, what did you think?”

“I think it’s safe to say we’ve always loved your cooking,” Frederick said, wiping his mouth with a nearby cloth.

“Yeah, you know just how I like it,” Valencia said, licking her fingers.

Alexi rubbed the back of his neck. “I appreciate it. But this will just be a bit different. You all are family, and being judged by random strangers will be . . . well, you know.”

“You’re the best at what you do, my friend,” Frederick said. “I’m sure the town will love everything you cook up.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Chief.”

The two men shared a smile before Frederick rose from the bar. “I’m going to go use the bathroom, get cleaned up, then get dressed. We’ll have Metzi run us through the checklist thirty minutes before we start the day.”

When Frederick turned and walked toward the front door, he could hear Metzi sliding across the floor behind him. He turned to see her looking up at him with a warm smile.

“Is there something you need?” he asked.

“No, I just assumed you needed my help,” Metzi said.

“Help with what?”

“You said you were going to get cleaned up. So, I assumed . . .”

“Oh no,” he said, chuckling. “I just meant I'm going to throw some water on my face. That sort of thing. You can help the others.”

“But, Master . . .”

Frederick winced at hearing those words. “I thought I said you don’t have to call me that.”

“I know,” Metzi said, lowering her head. “It’s just habit. I do really try not to, but it’s just ingrained into my existence. I was born to serve, and I am bound to you.”

“Not anymore. I destroyed the binding spell as soon as I realized that’s what happened to you.”

Valencia’s prying ears must have gotten the better of her, as she quickly interjected into Frederick and Metzi’s conversation. “What are you two going on about?”

“I called Frederick ‘Master’ again,” Metzi said, unmoving.

“So . . . what’s the problem?”

“I told you all that you no longer have to call me that,” Frederick said.

“Come over here,” Valencia said, waving him to the side. When he approached, Valencia leaned in to whisper. “We all know that you told us we didn’t have to, which we appreciated. When you realized we bound ourselves to you when we decided to join you to hunt the world eater, you were quick to dispel the binding. Even still, we all gave you a replacement nickname, except for Metzi. Do you know why?” Frederick shook his head. “Because that’s what she enjoys calling you. Just like Alexi calls you Chief, and I like calling you Papi, Metzi desires to call you her master.”

Frederick followed Valencia’s nod to see that Metzi was still in the same position, unmoving. “Shoggoth are eldritch beings that were born for servitude. They desire nothing more than to please those they love. I know it’s the opposite for someone like me, but for Metzi, allowing her to please you would make her happier than any attempt you would make at pleasing her. And you want her to be happy, don’t you?”

“Of course I do, more than anything.”

“Then let her call you Master, and let her give herself to you through any means necessary. It’s only going to make you both happier. I don’t know why it’s taken you this long to realize that. She’s been with us for months now.”

Frederick shrugged and smiled. He walked over to Metzi and bent down to grab her hands. The purple beauty looked up at him with her glowing, yellow eyes, waiting for him to speak.

“Metzi, would it make you happier if I allowed you to call me Master?”

“But you’ve constantly reminded me not to call you that. I do not wish to upset you.”

Frederick chuckled. “I think the problem is that we’re both givers. I just want you to be happy, and I know you want the same for me. If calling me Master will make you happy, then I have no problem with it.”

“Really?” she asked, pulling his hand up to her chest.

“Yeah, I just want you to know that I love you and see you as an equal.” Dozens of tentacles shot out of Metzi’s body and wrapped around Frederick’s neck, pulling him tight into her chest.

“Thank you, Master, you make me so happy.” Frederick let out air bubbles within Metzi’s slime body, sending her into a giggle fit of laughter. She gasped before letting him go, and Frederick greeted fresh air with a coughing fit. He took in a few deep breaths, trying to smile at his almost unfortunate demise. “I’m so sorry, Master. I let my excitement get the best of me.”

“It’s . . . no problem,” he said, clearing his throat. “Suffocating in your chest is probably the best end I can think of.” Metzi looked away and smiled. If it weren’t for her dark-purple skin, Frederick was certain she would be blushing. However, Valencia was quick to ruin their moment.

“Aww, why aren’t you that romantic with me, Papi?” Valencia asked.

“What are you talking about? You hate the romantic stuff. Every time I’ve made an effort, you get this disgusted look on your face.”

“I’m not talking about that lovey-dovey stuff. Why don’t you tell me you want to die in my breasts or with me sitting on your face?”

“For the love of gods, TACT, Valencia!” Alexi shouted from the kitchen, eliciting a roar of laughter from the group. Valencia raised her eyebrows in quick succession as Frederick smiled and turned to the door. He held it open for Metzi to follow, knowing full well her intent to bathe him.

“Wait here for me, I’ll be back shortly,” Frederick said, pointing to the bench that sat under their floor-to-ceiling window. The smell of the damp grass hit his nose first as he walked out into the brush nearby the tavern. The surrounding pine trees acted as guides to the front of their building. Frederick walked to the edge of the hill that their home sat on. It gave a serene view of the town below.

Hallow’s Creek was a decently sized village of a few thousand people on the outskirts of the Veracian Empire. Even with the fading nightlight, the city shone like a golden coin, with the moon’s touch across the golden thatched rooftops. Lights flickered through random windows as the early risers prepared for their day ahead.

The town was perfect for their group. It was far enough away from the empire center where no one would recognize them. The population was small enough that it didn't draw the attention of thieves or bandits. However, they built their tavern along a main road, allowing them to sustain themselves with the town’s inhabitants and travelers riding through.

After relieving himself on a nearby bush, Frederick turned and walked to the front door. When he approached, Metzi stood from the bench. He held up his arms out to his side and smiled.

“I’m ready when you are.” Frederick watched as Metzi shuffled over next to him, pressing herself onto his body. Her shape curled around every inch of him, starting with the top and working her way down. Her skin was sultry, making him feel as though he were being wiped down with a warm towel. However, in a matter he did not understand, when she performed her cleanings, it never left him feeling damp.

Goosebumps covered Frederick’s body as Metzi reached his waist and slowly made her way to his groin. He expected what was about to happen and thought he had prepared himself. But as soon as she caressed the underside of his shaft, his whole body shook. He felt her pause and twist her body upward.

“Would you like me to help relieve a bit of stress?” Metzi purred. “I can feel how tense you are.”

Frederick turned his head to the horizon, seeing a faint-orange tint twist into the edge of the fading night sky. “I would, but it would need to be quick. Dawn is almost upon us.” A wicked smile curled unnaturally across her face as she twisted her arm into the shape of a tentacle. “No, no, no, not that fast. We’ve discussed this. That’s not going to happen.” Her smile twisted into a pout before she retreated down to his groin and got to work.

Her movements weren’t fast, but they were methodical. The way she twisted her form around his hard cock built into a sensation unlike any other. She sucked, stroked, and coddled, putting him into a euphoric bliss. His legs gave way, and he leaned his body backward, feeling Metzi’s form shift and support his weight as if he were resting back in a chair. Frederick loved her body, always amazed at her ability to sense his needs and transform to please him.

He looked down at the purple blob that wrapped around his lower body, only seeing her form bob up and down. His mind imagined full lips wrapped around a ribbed opening with a tongue that caressed his tip all in one motion. His groin was being kneaded softly with dozens of little kisses. Metzi’s slime was thick but smooth, putting a smile on his face as he recognized the signal of his lover’s pleasure.

His smile quickly faded as his muscles tightened. The constant assault across every part of his lower body was bringing him to his edge. He could feel the buildup, like little bolts of electricity jumping from the ends of his hair. He knew Metzi could sense it too, her pace quickening.

“Fuck, Metzi,” Frederick moaned. “You’re way too good at this.”

“It’s not just for you,” she said slyly. “I need to taste you.”

Those words were all he needed to hear. Frederick let out a guttural moan as he released himself into Metzi. A burst of endorphins flooded throughout his body, clearing his mind of any worry or concern. He leaned up to see Metzi’s smiling face resting on the bottom of his stomach.

“Thank you,” he said, bending down to kiss her. “I really needed that.”

“I could tell,” she said, raising them both to their feet. “I’m always here for you should you need anything.” Frederick grabbed Metzi’s hand, kissing it, and the two moseyed into the tavern.

After getting dressed in his buttoned shirt and vest, Frederick returned to the open table area of The Crossroads Tavern. Alexi, Metzi, and Valencia were all standing around a table, looking down at some parchment that Metzi was going through. Their heads turned, hearing him when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Don’t stop on my account,” he said, approaching the table. “Everything looking good?”

“Alexi took care of the back of the house this morning,” Metzi said. “Valencia and I took care of the front of the house, doing one final cleaning and setting up all the tables.”

“What about the rooms?”

“Iraina and I took care of those last night.”

Frederick frowned and looked around the group. “Speaking of . . . where is she?” The trio shot glances at each other before looking back at him. He let out a sigh. “No one got her up, did they?”

“It wasn’t on the list, so I didn’t do it,” Valencia said, tonguing a piece of the morning’s breakfast out of her fangs.

“It shouldn’t need to be on the list,” Frederick said, shaking his head. “You know how she gets.”

“That sounds like a her problem and not a me problem.”

Before the other two could speak up, Frederick raised his hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll go get her. Make sure everything else is taken care of. We should be getting the morning crowd any minute now.”

Frederick jogged into the kitchen area, grabbing a deer antler mug and filling it from a nearby bucket of water. With the cup in hand, he sprinted up the stairs and down the hallway. Even shouldering the door open wasn’t enough to get the winged fluff ball out of her slumber. It was why he brought the water. A wicked smile crept across his face as he hovered over her.

Iraina shot up from the bed, screaming as the water poured on her face. “Help, help, I can’t swim!”

Frederick couldn’t contain his laughter, clutching his stomach as he looked at the squinted eyes and wet, matted hair that looked up at him. “It’s about time you woke up. The breakfast rush is about to start without you.”

Iraina pushed herself off of the bed, using her wings as thrust to stand next to him. “Oh, I am so sorry! I must have overslept!”

“Well, that’s one of the good things about living where you work, you don’t have to go far. Hurry up and put on your uniform. We can’t open up without our hostess.”

Iraina smiled and quickly put on the puffy, black dress; white apron; and bonnet. Her uniform matched the others in color and function, but she added an underdress that caused the bottom half to flare out before stopping at her knees. Her ensemble matched the colors of her skin and hair exactly, making it difficult to determine what was part of her and what wasn’t.

“I’m ready,” Iraina said, not managing to get the last word out before yawning.

“All right, let’s go meet the others.”

The two made their way back down the hall and down the stairs, where the other three were waiting for them. Iraina went around, giving each of them a hug before joining Frederick on the side. The way his crew looked at him with glistening eyes and wide smiles filled his heart with fervor, reassuring him that they had made the right decision to open their tavern.

“Does everyone have their amulets of illusory images on?” Frederick asked.

His four companions held up their necklaces before Valencia scoffed. “I fucking hate these things. Everyone should be privileged to look upon my natural form.”

“I know, I know, I don’t like wearing them anymore than you do, but we all agreed that it was in our best interest to keep a low profile after what happened at the emperor’s court.”

Valencia slammed her fist into the table. “That fucking bastard betrayed us! After everything we did for the empire, after killing the world eater, he wanted to kill you just because you have a part of its soul in you?!”

“Now’s not the time to hold on to the past. You’ve got to let it go.”

“He killed us! I’m never going to let it go.”

Frederick’s tone raised to match Valencia’s. “And what did I do?! I ventured into the void, met Metzi, and used all of our resources to bring. you. back! I asked you all if you wanted revenge. Gods, I know I wanted it! But when it came down to making a decision, we made it together. We knew the casualties would have been too great. We’d be leaving behind a legacy of fear and terror, not of the good we’re known for. No matter what the emperor’s propaganda says, the people know the truth, that we saved this world, and they love us for it.”

Frederick pulled down his vest and let out a sigh. “Now, are you ready to be the best damn tavern in Hallow’s Creek, or do you want to go kill an emperor?”

“Fuck, you get me so hot when you get angry,” Valencia growled, the fire in her eyes flaring. “I could eat you up right now.”

“Tact . . . Valencia,” Alexi moaned. The group shared a laugh as everyone came together. “We’re with you, Chief.”

“Always and forever,” Metzi added.

Frederick smiled and walked over to the front door. He twisted the handle, pulling it far enough open for the rest to see. With a turn of his wrist, he flipped the wood sign over from Closed to Open.

“And with that . . . we’re officially open for business.”



Let me know what you guys think! Please keep in mind this is the pre-edited version. However, if things do not make sense or you want to give your feedback, please feel free to do so.


This could become a very interesting story. I presume it will be some kind of "slice of life" story after their adventures? It reminds me a bit to the beginning of the "Seven Deadly Sins" anime. Aaand i like slime characters in stories. Far too less authors use these! The last one i read about (in a harem series) was in Logan Jacob's "Monster Girl Base" series.


I'm glad you picked up on that. It's heavily influenced by that series. This is kind of slice of life. The second and third chapters have a bit of action in them. A lot of people have told me that I should write a slice of life series because of how well I write my characters. This is me dipping my toes in to see how you all like it. If it's something you all enjoy, I may use this as a jumping going to draft a full novel in the future.