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Hey all, 

Starting off this June, the first Friday of every month I'll be doing the monthly Q&A's. Feel free to add a comment below and I'll spend the day responding to any questions you all have. I hope you all had a good week!


Yitzhak Brill

What inspired you to commit to writing? Following off that, what were your main inspirations for writing The Aspect? What are your hobbies when not writing? How long do you plan on continuing "The Aspect", do you have a specific end in mind?


Do you have or have planned other series? Other pen names?


1. The inspiration came from a lot of different places. The first thing was that I needed to find a new hobby. Prior to writing I used to do cosplay. The time commitment for building entire suits of armor is staggering to say the least. When I "retired" from that hobby after winning several awards, I was looking for something new. I've always had a creative streak paired with a technical mind. My other primary hobby is video games among other things, but it doesn't really give me the opportunity to create, so I was looking for something to fit the bill. When I was looking for a new hobby, my buddy suggested I give nanowrimo a shot. 50k words in a single month. I calculated up the amount I would need to write and gave it a shot. I've done it two years in a row and succeeded both times. My experience from writing came from all the table top RPG games I have ran. All custom worlds in various systems. 2. A lot of the table top games I have run. I've played with the same group for years. I love fantasy and sci-fi, so a lot of inspiration comes from that. Specifically from books: Cebelius' Celestine Chronicles was my harem inspiration. It was the first series I read in harem and I loved the various characters and world he created. Outside of harem I would say a lot of fantasy graphic novels like Alex Flower's I roved out, Incase's Alfie saga, Saga, and a few others. 3. Gaming is my biggest one. I started playing Mass Effect Legendary edition because I am a HUGE mass effect fan. My wife and I love movies. We have a movie night in our home theater every week. I used to be really big into exercising but covid kind of curbed that. My plan is to jump back into that once things start opening up more. 4. The Aspect novel series will finish later this year. Yes, when I originally outlined the series I had major arcs that I wanted to complete. The entire series has focused on Tempest's self-discovery of who he is. I left a lot of threads open in book 1 because I wanted to stretch those across the entire series. Book 3 has revealed who and what he is. Book 4 will be him taking that revelation and using it to his benefit. Book 4 will also conclude the arc with Nysit. While the novel series will conclude at book 4, I'm hoping to keep the series alive through spin-offs. A Romp Across Iðna is my hope I can bring in a new audience into the series, while doing something no one else has done before. Fingers-crossed!


1. Yes, the next series will be Warhawk's Amnesty, a sci-fi space opera harem adventure. It will combine all the things I love about sci-fi and will be available on Patreon or Amazon Vella. If Amazon Vella does not do well, I'll release it on Kindle Unlimited. After that book is finished, my goal will be to finish Aspect book 4 and then pump out a bunch of books in new series to see what's well received. One series is a love letter to Overlord which is one of my favorite anime's. It will be about a general who is betrayed by his king and brought back to life by a goddess who doesn't like that the king considers himself to be a god. She gives the MC power to be her champion. He has to turn former enemies into allies and wage war on his former home. I also have an idea that is a modern paranormal fantasy series based on the SCP. That series would have different books from different characters all sharing the same weird ass world. I've got two book ideas for that one. 2. No, I do not have other pen names at this time. I write for fun and because I enjoy it. I make plenty of money to support my wife and I with my full-time job. So I have no plans to move full-time at this time. The bit of money I am making from my series gets reinvested into more art, audio, etc for you all.