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After really diving into what Patreon is doing with their sales tax implementation, I will do what I can to minimize the chances of anyone’s pledges being taxed (within reason) but I can’t completely guarantee that it won’t happen. So here are some things:

-The taxes are small and shouldn’t be more than 5-10 cents per dollar of a pledge.

-They won’t be implemented until July so you have nothing to worry about this month.

-No need to remove your pledge because of the tax because if you get charged more than you want next month, just remove your pledge and send me a note asking for a refund next month and I will do that immediately.

If I could cover all the taxes on my end I would do so in a heartbeat and Patreon isn’t doing that good of a job making this easy for creators. We know that times are hard and paying more is not something people want. But if possible, just give it a month and see how you feel about it. Refunds are easy to give out for those that really don’t like it. But as always, your support is appreciated and really does help us in creating more content for you.



Hi, love your Titans game)