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Goddess Realm has been cancelled.

The main artist has stepped down from the project and while I don’t want to throw them under the bus I want to make it perfectly clear that I have done everything I could to keep them on the project. If you want a refund then send me a private message and I will do that for this month. However, please read the points below to see what we’ll do this month. I am very sorry for what has happened and I hope you give us a chance to figure things out. At the very least wait until the end of the month before asking for a refund.

What does this mean for Goddess Realm? Why is it cancelled? Why not get another artist?

There are multiple months of art that would need to be redone in order to continue with the project. The game isn’t completely dead as the code will always be there and it’s mostly about the art. So I would like to revive it and continue where we left off. But I don’t want to spend months to get back to where we are now. As for continuing with another artist, I have a problem with art that looks different from even the same artist. I have to start over with a new artist.

What does this mean for Sexyverse Games? Will there be another project?

We will start a new project. When we had trouble with Patreon, I wanted to move fan games off of the website and do only original games on here. I may have to go back on that and start up a fan game. Two options are a sequel for Infinity Crisis or something involving 3D Blender animation. Infinity Crisis had some problems that I learned from and I would stay away from any characters I feel would get me in trouble with Patreon again. I know of the suggestions to get around Patreon’s rules but I have dealt with them in the past and I simply don’t trust them.

A Blender game would involve me learning the software and animating with it. This is the extreme route because I would shut down the Patreon temporarily until I was satisfied and start up again. This is the last thing I want to do but if it comes down to it then that is what I will do. It’d take maybe a month or two but that’s just hopeful thinking. Why go this route? Because I’d completely be in control of the content. Nothing’s worse than having your passion halted by an unreliable partner. Sometimes life gets in the way, sometimes quality drops drastically, sometimes the artist just disappears.

What does this mean for the patrons?

If you want a refund then I will do that for you, no problem. Just send me a private message and I’ll make it happen. But at the very least give me a week. Even better give me until the end of the month. I am in the process of removing all mentions of Goddess Realm and will make it as obvious as possible that the game is cancelled. I will look into what else I can do.

How do I feel about all of this?

Like my heart was ripped out and a black hole put in its place. But I can’t dwell on that and I have to move forward.


Walter Butler

You see, this is exactly why creators like Redamz and DerelictHelmsman insist on working alone. Relying on other people easily kills projects, like what happened with Breeding Season.


But in some cases, not everyone programer know how work in graphics, especially if is drawn...


Sucks to here that dude. Hopefully the art still stays here right? Im at least glad that you're able to see the light in the tunnel.