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I will be honest, this has been a rough few months since we started Goddess Realm. I want to personally thank everyone that has contributed to our projects. It really does help us keep things going. A lot of patrons have come and gone but even sticking around and pledging $1 just for the updates and news means a lot. Unbiased opinion, I think it’s better than entirely removing your pledge, just so you still get updates and can easily change your pledge amount whenever you want.

-Not too long ago I added milestones to go along with the extra tiers for pledges. It shows how much we need each month to meet certain goals. Patreon doesn’t cover all the costs that go into paying the programmer and artists. Here’s hoping that changes soon.

-The next build is big. A ridiculous amount of writing and coding has gone into this version. I’ve stated that the focus of this month was going to be story and that’s what we’ve added a lot of. There are now companion quests to start things out. These will be ongoing storylines for each of the starting five girls. You don’t even need them in your party to start them.

-There will be missing art for the romance scenes with three of the girls. Saran and Hexma will have theirs in this build but the other three will have to wait until the next build. You can still do the quests for the other girls but you’ll get a black screen as a placeholder for now.

-We’re implementing the “Wait” function which ties into the day and night cycle. It’s very basic and has little impact on the story aside from not being able to go to certain places depending on if it’s day or night. We’ll add more to it as time goes on.

-“Ask her if you can help” is another new feature. It’ll be attached to all women and if you see the option is available you can select it to get a new quest or dialogue. This will allow you to progress a character’s storyline at your leisure as well.

-The main story gets a bit of a bump, there’s plenty more to go through on that. Previous build had more for Dorena’s side and to balance that we have more for Fug’s side. Hopefully many of you have saves for both sides to see what each has to offer.

-Next build will be putting in more dialogue and topics for every character and insert more story. We’re also going to be updating the looks for the main character, Dorena, and Fug so they’re more consistent with the other characters. We’re going to also get more done on the various systems that aren’t part of the game just yet and bolster the ones that are already in there. More items, more activities, more things to do.

-We’re going to be putting out three-month-old builds as public builds. This is to give more content for those still mulling over joining. Ideally we’ll get more support so we can have more art made and create content to make the updates larger so even getting access to a public build won’t be nearly as much as those pledging $10. After a while I think stopping the release of public builds will be necessary. Maybe with a fully fleshed out system and Lustia entirely complete for the demo while patrons have multiple other towns and even more activities to enjoy.


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