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Post of Full Resolution Art for $5 Patrons Here 


Main Character – Five skin colors and seven hair colors. Make your character and give him a name. Then get ready to wander a land filled with deviant women! Succubi, werewolves, vampires, cyclopes, gremlins, and more! These races inhabit this land and live their lives. Now it’s your turn to make your mark on this world!

Peasant Clothes – It’s better than being naked until you actually want to get naked!

Omnius – The goddess of deviants, she has created this world for her amusement but has grown bored. So she has created you, a “normal” human, to go and make things interesting. Don’t worry about the women tearing you apart, Omnius has given you a boon of familiarity so that these sexy ladies will have knowledge of males without ever interacting with one before meeting you. Don’t think about it too much, she’s a god she can do whatever she wants with just a thought!



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