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Just going over some stuff as we are working on the final builds of Infinity Crisis. I hope many of you stick around and see where we go next!

-Infinity Crisis will get its final build in late July or early August. After restructuring the plot and doing some mandated cleaning we’re back on track.

-We’re in the final stretch and I’m happy to announce that it’s going to be nonstop sex very soon! We’re going all out on the DC and Marvel universe and everybody (that we can be allowed to have) will be there! How much sex can you take?

-We’re going to be also working on filling out the dialogue and fixing various things. I’ve got a list of changes that I want to make.

-We’re going to start planning for the next project known as Goddess Realm. More information as we move forward. Expect some art to be posted in addition to the art for Infinity Crisis. This allows us to put out builds every month and a smoother transition from one project to the next.


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