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The sun was shining bright in the village of Konoha, and the birds were chirping. The streets were bustling with the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily business. In the midst of it all, three kunoichi - Hanabi, Sakura, and Ino were assigned to an S-rank mission. Hanabi, the youngest member of the Hyuga clan, was chosen as the leader of the team. The Hokage had ordered Hanabi to lead this team, The mission was to infiltrate a secret organization and gather crucial information that could be used to save the village.

Hanabi (in a commanding tone): "Alright, listen up, team. We're approaching our mission, and we need to work together to complete it. We're stronger together than we are individually. Understood?"

Ino (with a smirk): "Don't worry, Hanabi. We know what we're doing."

Sakura (nodding in agreement): "Yeah, we can take on anyone who comes our way."

As they were walking, the girls suddenly came across a group of bandits. They were outnumbered, but Hanabi knew that they could still take them down.

Hanabi (firmly): "Alright, team. This is what we've trained for. Let's take them down."

However, the girls were having a hard time working together. They kept stepping on each other's toes, and their attacks were not coordinated.

Hanabi (frustrated): "What's going on, team? We can't keep fighting like this. We need to work together if we want to succeed."

Sakura (defensive): "I know what I'm doing, Hanabi. You don't have to tell me how to fight.I don't need someone younger than me to tell me how to fight!"

Ino (rolling her eyes): "Yeah, and I don't need you bossing me around either."

Hanabi (angrily): "You may be stronger than me individually, but I am the leader of this team! You will follow my orders and work together, or we will fail this mission!"

Before they could protest further, Hanabi took off her shoes and commanded them to kneel and crawl to her feet.

Hanabi (domineeringly): "You want to act like animals? Then I'll treat you like them. Get down on your knees and start licking my feet!"

Ino (protesting): "What?! Hanabi, this is ridiculous. We're not going to-"

But before she could finish her sentence, Hanabi slapped her across the face. Ino winced in pain, but Hanabi continued.

Hanabi (coldly): "You are shinobi, and in the shinobi world, you must follow the orders of your leader. Even if you don't like it. And right now, my orders are for you to crawl to my feet and lick them clean."

Sakura (hesitantly): "Hanabi, we understand that you're the leader, but-"

Once again, Hanabi cut her off with a hard slap to the face.

Hanabi (harshly): "No 'buts.' You will do as I say, or you will be punished. Do I make myself clear, slave1?"

Sakura winced at the new name that Hanabi had given her. She had never been so humiliated in her life. But as a shinobi, she knew that she had to follow orders. She lowered herself to the ground and began to lick Hanabi's feet.

Ino (whimpering): "This is so disgusting...I can't believe we're doing this."

But she too obeyed Hanabi's orders and started to lick her feet as well. As the girls continued to worship Hanabi's feet, they couldn't help but notice how sweaty and smelly they were.

Ino (disgusted): "Ugh, Hanabi. Your feet stink."

Hanabi (smirking): "Good. That means you'll have to work harder to get them clean. Keep licking."

Sakura (muttering): "I can't believe we're doing this. We're supposed to be the elite shinobi of Konoha, and here we are, licking someone's feet."

Hanabi (smiling cruelly): "That's right, Slave1. And as long as you obey my orders, you will continue to do so. Now, kiss my toes."

The girls complied, feeling utterly humiliated and degraded. As they continued to worship Hanabi's feet, they couldn't help but wonder what other commands their leader had in store for them.

Ino (voice trembling): "H-Hanabi, please...can't we stop now? We've done enough."

Hanabi (coldly): "No, Ino. We're not stopping until I say so. And right now, I want you to start sucking my toes."

The girls couldn't believe what they were hearing, but they didn't dare to disobey. They continued to lick and kiss Hanabi's feet, trying to ignore the humiliation they felt. As they worked, they could hear Hanabi's laughter ringing in their ears.

Hanabi (laughing): "Look at you all. The elite shinobi of Konoha, reduced to licking my feet. You're all so pathetic."

Ino (sobbing): "I can't do this anymore, Hanabi. Please, just let us continue our mission we will follow your plans Hanabi-sama."

But Hanabi was relentless. She continued to push the girls, ordering them to do even more degrading things.

Hanabi (smirking): "Not until I'm satisfied, Ino. And I won't be satisfied until you all have learned to obey me without question."

The girls knew that they had no choice but to continue. They were at the mercy of their leader, and she was enjoying every moment of their humiliation. As they continued to worship Hanabi's feet, they couldn't help but wonder how much further she would push them. And if they would ever be able to complete their mission.



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