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Hinata Hyuga had always been a proud and strong woman. As the wife of the Hokage, she had always been respected and admired by her peers. However, her life took a drastic turn when her husband Naruto died in battle, leaving her alone and vulnerable.

Sakura Haruno, a close friend of Naruto and the next in line for the position of Hokage, saw an opportunity to take advantage of Hinata's vulnerability. She used her power as the Hokage to strip Hinata of all of her titles and property, leaving her with nothing.

"You are nothing but a lowly widow, Hinata," Sakura would sneer. "You should be grateful for the opportunity to serve me, even if it's under my command as the Hokage."

Hinata tried to fight back, but Sakura was too powerful. She was left with no choice but to accept her new position as Sakura's maid.

Sakura treated Hinata with disdain, often yelling at her and ordering her around. Hinata was humiliated and felt like she had lost all of her dignity. She would often be forced to clean Sakura's dirty feet, which were always smelly and covered in dirt.

"Lick between my toes, Hinata," Sakura would command, as Hinata tried to hold back her disgust. "Make sure you get every last bit of dirt."

Hinata hated doing this, but she didn't dare defy Sakura. She knew that if she did, she would lose her job and her children would suffer. So she would obediently lick between Sakura's toes, trying not to gag as she did so.

But Sakura's cruelty didn't stop there. She took it a step further by sending both of Hinata's children away from the village, knowing that it would cause Hinata even more pain and suffering. Hinata was devastated, but she couldn't do anything to stop Sakura.

Hinata tried to find solace in her job as Sakura's maid, but it was a constant reminder of her loss and her suffering. She couldn't escape the constant humiliation and abuse from Sakura.

"I'm sorry, Sakura-sama," Hinata would say, bowing her head in submission. "I will do anything you command me as the Hokage."

Sakura was pleased with Hinata's submission and would often use it to her advantage. She would often make Hinata do humiliating tasks, like cleaning her toilets or washing her underwear. Hinata would suffer in silence, knowing that she had no other choice.

Hinata's life had become a never-ending cycle of pain and suffering at the hands of Sakura. She had lost everything - her husband, her children, her dignity, and her home. And there was nothing she could do to change it.

As she cleaned Sakura's feet every day, she would think about her children and how she missed them. She would cry herself to sleep at night, wishing for a way out of this hellish life. But there was no escape, and she was trapped in this life of servitude forever.
