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Sakura had always been curious about her family's Kekkei Genkai, but she never believed it was real until she stumbled upon a forbidden scroll hidden deep in the library's private section. The scroll detailed how the women of the Haruno clan had the ability to steal jutsus and Kekkei Genkai from anyone who smelled their feet. Sakura couldn't believe what she was reading, but she couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue and excitement that had taken hold of her.

She knew that she needed to test this out, but she also knew that it would be difficult to find someone who would agree to smell her feet. Sakura racked her brain for a solution, and finally came up with an idea. She quickly left the library and set out to find Hinata, someone she knew was kind and a bit naive. She figured that she could trick her into letting her steal her jutsu.

After searching for an hour, Sakura finally spotted Hinata sitting on a bench in the street. She approached her with a smile, trying to act as normal as possible. In her mind, she knew that if she told Hinata the truth about the Kekkei Genkai, she would never agree to let Sakura steal her jutsu. So, Sakura came up with a plan to trick her.

Pretending that her feet were hurting her, Sakura sat down next to Hinata and put her foot on Hinata's lap. "Can you please take off my boots for me?" Sakura asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

Hinata looked at Sakura with a mix of confusion and annoyance. "I'm not your maid, Sakura," she said, trying to push Sakura's foot off her lap. "Why can't you take off your own boots?"

Sakura feigned hurt and put on her best pout. "You think my boots are dirty? That's so mean, Hinata!"

Hinata immediately apologized, feeling guilty for offending Sakura. "I'm sorry, Sakura. I didn't mean it like that. I'll take off your boots for you."

Sakura grinned triumphantly as Hinata reluctantly reached for her boots. As she pulled them off, the smell of sweat and dirt hit Hinata's nose, and she wrinkled it in disgust. Sakura noticed the look on Hinata's face and asked, "How do my feet smell?"

Hinata didn't want to offend Sakura again, so she lied and said, "They smell nice."

Sakura laughed, knowing that Hinata was lying. "Prove it," she said, pushing her foot closer to Hinata's face. "Sniff my feet."

Hinata recoiled in disgust. "I can't do that, Sakura! That's so gross!"

Sakura with a smirk on her face. "You said my feet smells good, so prove it"

Hinata found her self in a hopless situation, "but feet are feet, I don't want to sniff them "

Sakura was relentless, however. "Come on, Hinata. It's just a little sniff. What's the harm in that?"

Hinata reluctantly leaned forward and took a sniff, only to be hit with a wave of unpleasant odors. Her eyes watered and she gagged. "It smells so good, Sakura! Now enough please!"

Sakura could see the disgust in Hinata's eyes, but she didn't let it show on her face. Instead, she continued to smile and act innocent. "I'm glad you like it," she said, trying to sound sincere.

Sakura then extended her foot towards Hinata. "Come on, Hinata. You said you liked it, why don't you kiss my foot?"

Hinata's eyes widened in shock. "What?! No, I can't do that, Sakura!"

Sakura shrugged nonchalantly. "It's just a little kiss. What's the harm in that?"

Hinata reluctantly leaned forward and pressed her lips to Sakura's foot. Sakura couldn't help but smirk as she felt Hinata's lips on her foot. The sensation was exhilarating, and she could see the discomfort on Hinata's face.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Sakura asked with a grin.

Hinata shook her head, still in shock.

Sakura then extended her other foot towards Hinata. "Now, massage my feet."

Hinata hesitated for a moment, but then began to massage Sakura's feet. Sakura closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation, letting out a small sigh of pleasure. Hinata, who was still in shock, massage Sakura's feet with a gentle touch, but with a little bit of roughness that made Sakura's toes curl.

"That feels good, Hinata," Sakura said with a smile. "Now, taste my feet."

Hinata's eyes widened in shock and disgust. "What?! No, I can't do that, Sakura!"

Sakura shrugged nonchalantly. "It's just a little taste. And you like the smell, so you will like the taste too, What's the harm in that?"

Hinata reluctantly leaned forward and licked Sakura's foot. Sakura couldn't help but smirk as she felt Hinata's tongue on her foot. The sensation was exhilarating, and she could see the discomfort on Hinata's face. The taste of Sakura's foot was a mix of saltiness and dirtiness that made Hinata's mouth water for more.

Sakura, finally got Hinata's jutsu and byakugan, stood up and dusted off her pants. "Thanks, Hinata," she said, with a smirk on her face. "I needed those jutsu for my own personal use."

Hinata was filled with rage and betrayal when she saw Sakura have the byakugan. "You tricked me, Sakura! You used me to steal my abilities! And the byakugan How could you do that?"

Sakura shrugged nonchalantly. "It's just the way things are, Hinata. I needed those abilities, and you were the only one who could give them to me. Don't take it personally."

In the end, Hinata was left feeling weak and humiliated, while Sakura had gained a new sense of power.



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