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After return Ino from an S-Mission that took her 1 year she was surprising to find a lot of things changed when she wasn't in village, but the most surprising thing for her is that Sakura is no longer the head of the medical department, but she become the maid to her friend Hinata Hyuga.

Ino didn't believe it until she decided to see for herself so she headed to the Hyuga clan's residence.  When she arrived, she knocked on the door and she took a few moments until she heard the feet of someone running to open the door. When the door opened, it was the last thing she expected was her friend Sakura who opened, Sakura was dressed as a maid, welcoming her.

Sakura: Welcome Ino-sama Lady Hinata was waiting your presence please follow me

Ino: Hello Sakura how are you, look at you look like a true maid

Sakura: I am doing well Ino-sama but Sakura is not my name anymore you can call me by slave

Ino: Hahahahahaha I almost believed you no need to act like a slave we are friends.

Sakura: Sorry Ino-sama I am not acting as a slave I am a slave

Ino: well whatever I won't buy it I know you are joking so Hinata waiting me

Sakura: Yes Ino-sama, but before you enter can you wear these slippers.

Ino: sure I will take of boot right now

Sakura: Please Ino-sama let me do that to you.

Ino: naah no need I can do it by my self.

Sakura: please please please Ino-sama let me do it this is my job

Ino: fiiiiiiiiiine you always anoying, do it if you want just stop begging me, but I warn you, my feet smell very bad

Sakura: Thank you Ino-sama

*Sakura start taking of boots from Ino's feet and before she put them in the slippers she start kissing them*


Sakura: I did what Ino-sama


Sakura: this the commands

Ino: Commands?

Sakura: yes I need to kiss feet of every female Entering or leaving the residence and this includes maids and guests

Ino: you mean all even maids, what the hell happen to you in this year what they did to you where is Hinata I have a lot of thing with her I won't let her get away with it HINATAAAAA

* Ino threw slippers from her feet and ran to Hinata's room *

Hinata: Oh hello Ino


Hinata: please Ino calm down I will explain everything to you just give me a chance to explain please sit

Ino: go a head I want to know better for you your explaination be convincing, even though this is impossible

Hinata: well all of that happen few days after you left the village with Tsunade to do your mission, even me I don't know what happen exactly but Sakura lost her chakra we didn't know what happen to her and you know without her chakra she can't be a normal healer so how she can be the head of the medical departmentso Sakura found her self fired from her job, when she was trying to look to another job no one accepted her I think you know in this time without any chakra is hard to find a job chakra help you to do a lot of tasks in a short time even my maids have little chakras
so Sakura went to me she was hopeless she want to be my maid I wanted to accept her but it is forbidden all maids should be belonging to the clan only slaves can be from the outside of the clan she didn't accept in the begining but after she accept

Ino: don't lie to me I saw Sakura and I saw her byakugo mark there is no way that her chakra's gone

Hinata: please let me continue to be a slave here you have to go through a lot of training to show your worthy to be a slave to the hyuga I didn't know what happen exactly because these training took 6 month outside the village when she returned she become like how you see it and as you said her chakra come back again

Ino: then why you didn't release her to return to her life

Hinata: I tried but she didn't want I think in those 6 month of training she forget how her life was before I give her a lot of humiliating thing to do just to give up and returning to her life like kiss every females feet and a lot of thing I can proof that to you SLAAAVE  WHERE ARE YOU COME HERE

*less than 10 second Sakura enter the room she knelt front of Ino*

Sakura: what is my lady what do you want from me to do

Hinata: what were you doing

Sakura: I was cleaning Ino-sama boot I found them a little dirty so I cleaned them

Hinata: good girl now slave my feet hurt me so as usual I want you to use your little tongue to let them feels good

Sakura: with pleasure my lady it such an honor

Hinata: hahahahaha yes it is and after Ino want you to do the same for her feet she just return from her mission I want you to lick every inch of her feet

Ino: no need for that Saku-Slave my feet sweaty and smell very bad I told you that before

Hinata: You will enjoy it even more now that your feet are quite sweaty. It's an honor for her licking off the sweat right slave?

Sakura: yes of course it is

Hinata: HAHAHAHAHA I told you now just put your feet on her back and wait her when she done with she will start with yours

Sakura: yes Ino-sama please do it I want have the honor of licking your feet please please


Sakura(with a sad face): as you wish Ino-sama I really wanted to

Ino: Hinata you know I think all of that happen because of me

Hinata: what?

Ino: you said she lost her chakra after few days when I left the village I tried to take revenge on her

Hinata: to take revenge on her?

Ino: yes from the day she become the head of the medical department Sakura was teasing me and threatening that she would fire me and make me go back to selling flowers like my family. she wasn't the good person she used to make me clean her house and her office and cook to her like her maid so I put some flowers in her house If you stay close to these flowers a long time you loose you chakra for some time I thought she will notice them I didn't imagine all of that going to happens

Hinata: so that what happen it makes sense now for that when she gone outside the village away from your village her chakra return but it was too late

Ino: Is not with my jutsu I can return her memories again how her life was good before and seal those

Hinata: are you sure you want do that that?

Ino: what do you mean?

Hinata (with a smirk on her face): well do you know who is the head of the medical department right

Ino: No I don't know I just returned to the village in the morning and what does this have to do with our topic?

Hinata (with a smirk on her face): well I am glad to tell you it is you, we were waiting your return to annonce that you become the head of the medical department


Hinata (with a smirk on her face): well no need anymore also I am sure Sasuke-kun don't want to marry a slave now you don't have any rival the arena is all yours after all you are the strongest kunoichi in konoha but all of that will gone if you return Sakura to her previous state you have the choice now

Ino: Hinata I know you're trying to provoke me against Sakura you want from Sakura stay slave to let her away from Naruto that's clear and I want you to know...

*Ino stands up and kicks the defenseless Sakura strongly against her face. She sent Sakura flying across the room, for a few meters.*

Ino: you succeeded with it you right Sakura was always treat me like her maid maybe is my time to treat her like a slave when she was using me like her maid she didn't think that I am her friend so I won't either but from now on she will be my slave do you have any problem with it.

Hinata: just let her away from my Naruto

Ino: don't worry I will her life here look like a dream

*Ino smiles mischievously, she looks like the human version of the devil in Sakura’s eyes.*

Ino: Slave you still didn't finish your job with Hinata I still see some dirt between her toes

*Sakura returned to her position licking between Hinata’s astonishing beautiful toes and Ino sit again on the couch and in that moment Ino stretches her legs, crosses them and puts them on Sakura’s back. Sakura has to endure all the weight. while Hinata stomps with her right foot on Sakura’s head*

Hinata: I still think it’s hilarious that you was going to give freedom to her but you made the right choicenow she is your loyal slave and does anything you say without a second thought.

Ino: It’s simple you just opened my eyes on this little slave, isn't that right slave you want to worship me the rest of your life?

Hinata: yes go ahead, slave. Tell us how much you love your life. Tell us how much you enjoy being able to worship us. Tell us what a SLAVE you are for us. HAHAHAHAHAAHA

Right before Sakura is able to speak, Hinata slaps Sakura in her face with her right foot and spits in her face and spreads it all across her face with her foot.

Sakura: Thank you for everything you have done and will you do to me, lady Hinata lady Ino . You are the meaning of my life. You are the most beautiful women on the whole plant, your feet are the most enchanting thing that I ever layed my gaze on. Please I beg of you to let this pathetic excuse of a human being worship you, for the rest of her life. I desire nothing more than serving you. I will do anything and I will endure anything for you.



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