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It was a normal day in the Forger residence. Anya was at school and Yor had mysteriously not come back from work the day before, which left Loid (also known as Twilight) alone for the time being. Since Yor was not around to do the house cleaning like she used to, Loid took it upon himself and began cleaning each of the rooms.

Having finished his own and Anya's rooms, all that was left was to do Yor's. Once inside, he saw a couple of boxes and a briefcase scattered on the floor. Knowing that these were Yor's belongings, and not wanting to be intrusive, he restrained himself from looking inside. At least until the last box, which had left a red stain on the floor after lifting it.

Loid didn't think much of it at first, but after a closer look, he knew for sure what he was looking at was a dry blood stain. Out of curiosity, flipping the box around, he saw the rest of the blood on the bottom, too much to be from a cut or any normal injury.

His years of experience kicked in, and his mind started recreating scenarios in which such an amount of blood could have got to the insides of a box  in his wife's room; Going from the most innocent: "Women do bleed at some point of the month", to worst case scenarios he would rather be wrong about.

The only thing he knew for sure, was that as an agent, he could not leave such a question unanswered, specially if this could in any way put at risk the mission at hand. He opened the box.

Inside, he found some pieces of cloth that had been once completely soaked in blood, now dry, and alongside them a couple of ice picks, also stained in dark red.

All presumption of innocence banished at that moment, by connecting the dots and the evidence at hand, Loid had pretty much figured out Yor's little secret.

What would he do now? Breaking the family now was not an option, and Yuri would definitely hang him for that. But staying with an assassin, whether she was aware that he knew or not, represented too much of a risk.

Before making his next move, he would need to extract more information, directly from the source. He then stored the boxes in the closet and finished cleaning the room.

Later in the afternoon, Yor finally came back and greeted him as usual. Loid acted completely normal, hiding his suspicion and asking where she had been. Yor tried coming up with an excuse about pulling an all-nighter at work. She was a bad liar, but under any other  circumstance, Loid would have trusted her word. Not anymore.

After some more small talk, he came to the conclusion that as much of a danger as she represented, Yor was still a very kind and reasonable woman, so the best way to handle this would be to let her know that he was aware of her secret and negotiate with her.

Loid: "I found something interesting you left here yesterday. Do you want to see it?"

Yor: "Sure, what did I leave?". Said keeping her usual smile.

Loid came back and unveiled the ice pick, and showed it to Yor as she stared with her soul leaving her body. At this moment, Loid knew she would pointlessly try to come up with an excuse, so he started saying.

Loid: "Before you say anything, I know what this means, and that's what I wanted to talk abou-"

His speech got cut short by Yor's heeled shoe flying towards his face at tremendous speed. He barely managed to dodge it, but the heel still managed to leave a cut on his cheek.

The assassin continued throwing kicks and punches at the spy, who could barely compete with the monster strength and speed of his wife. Even without a weapon, Twilight knew that she was more than capable of ending his life with her bare hands, so he had to do something quick.

He couldn't keep up for too long and finally fell to the floor. At last Yor had ceased her attack and with cold red eyes, she looked down on him with a glare that pierced his spirit, with a soft but threatening tone she said:

Yor: "I'm sorry, Loid. I wish you had never found out about this. But since you did, I'm afraid I cannot let you go". She then grabbed the Ice pick from the table. "Please allow me to take your life".

He had close to no options left, all he could do was play his "helpless husband" role and hope for the best. If she ever found out his true identity, there was no way on earth he could survive.


His plea was interrupted by Yor's shoe being gently placed on his chest, right before sending him flying across the living room with a mighty push. Laying on the floor, he tried to get up, but was quickly stopped by the same heeled shoe firmly planted on his chest, pinning him down completely.

Loid: "Listen Yor, I know you don't want to do this, and you don't have to".

Yor: "How could I trust you with something as important as this?" After she said this, she pressed down her foot on his chest, twisting it a little.

Loid felt the immense pain of his ribs on the verge of breaking, she could easily have shattered his rib cage right there and then had she wanted to.

Loid: "IF-if there is anything I can do for you to trust me, you have my word, I'll do it no matter what".

Yor: "Is that so?" Said still with a fearsome and sharp look in her eyes. " Then how about you..." Her expression turned completely different all of a sudden, she blushed a little and a glimpse of shyness escaped her eyes. "How about you become my slave?".

"HUU-HH?!?" thought Twilight, remaining Stoic on the exterior. "What do you mean?" Was all he said.

Yor: "Well~", still blushing and avoiding eye contact, "If you became my slave, that would mean you would do everything I told you. If you devote your life to me, then I think I could trust you to keep the secret".

In truth, Yor had learned about Dom/sub relationships not too long ago from one of Loid's Psychology books. Specifically, a chapter that talked about sexual deviation. Ever since, she had imagined what breaking a man's will into total submission would be like, and of course, Loid had been a candidate.

Twilight knew he had no alternative, in order to avoid any further escalation of the situation, he would have to quite literally "bend the knee" and comply with the bizarre condition.

Loid: "It is a deal, then. If it is what you want, I'll be your slave".

Yor: "Really!?" Her expression changed once more, this time to one of relief and happiness, more resembling of Yor's usual self. She then removed her foot from his chest. "I'm so glad I won't have to kill you now. As for my first command, what should it be...?". "I know! Take your shirt off!".

Loid: "My- shirt?"

Yor: "You heard me, slave". The death glare suddenly made its return. "Take your shirt off and get on your knees".

Loid: "R-Right". Said as he let out a nervous sweat drop right before doing as he was told.

The only objective of this was for Yor's own pleasure. She had always considered Loid to be an attractive man, so seeing him like this right before her made her smile in a way that her emotions were in full display.

Yor: "Stay right where you are, I'll bring something". She rushed to her room and came back shortly after, holding nothing else than a dog collar with a leash attached to it. "Put it on". She said.

Loid: (in his mind) "What is this? Was she already planning on this all along?. Never mind that Twilight, you just have to play along for as long as she wants, until operation Strix is complete".

Once the collar was around his neck, Yor held the end of the leash and pulled it over to the couch.

Yor: "Follow me, In all fours". She was really enjoying her new role as a Mistress. She sat down on the couch and idly crossed her legs before issuing her next command. "Take off my shoes, I want a nice foot massage after all this time I've spent in those shoes".

Yor had read that a common practice in Dom/sub relationships has for the Dome to use their feet to humiliate and torture their subs, and she was looking forward to the experience.

After taking the first shoe off, Loid took a blow of the foot aroma right to the face, it was disgusting, and she had clearly been sweating inside them. Taking of the next one was more of the same and finally, he began massaging her feet.

The felling of the hot, moist soles on his hand was not as unlikable as the smell could make it seem, but the touch of her soft soles as he rubbed them was actually quite pleasant. Loid gave them a thorough massage, from the heels to the balls, applying the perfect pressure on the arches, sticking his fingers in between the toes and playing a little with them. If you could avoid breathing in the smell, it was really nothing out of the ordinary.

Yor, on the other hand, was enjoying the experience as she never thought she would. She had never had close contact with a man in this way, but Loid's skillful hands were doing such a good job on her sensitive feet that she was having the time of her life.

She had closed her eyes in delight, but opened one of them to see the look in her slave's face as he pampered her. However, once she saw that his expression was not one of humiliation, but rather one of mild inconvenience, she knew she had to take the next step.

Yor: "That's enough of a massage. Now, you may have seen how sweaty my feet are, and they just don't seem to stop transpiring, so why don't you lick them clean until the sweat stops coming out?".

Loid: (In his mind) "WHA- ?"

          (out loud) "Sure, It'll be my pleasure".

He stuck his tongue out and began licking the sweat out of her toes. The sensation on his hands was one thing, but actually tasting it was a completely different deal. The taste was so nasty that he almost gagged. He had his tongue cover the whole surface of the foot, but slowly and in clear discomfort. Worst of all, with his nose so close to the source, it was impossible to ignore the repulsive smell he had been avoiding.

Now this was the look on his face Yor was looking for. A couple more of this and she could truly crush his spirit to begin molding him into a perfect and completely submissive slave that would think only about her and her needs.



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