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Kurotsuchi: "I'm glad you finally realized your mistake and agreed to the peace treaty".

Naruto: "It was the least- " Lick * -I could do".

Kurotsuchi: "Now, before you sign, How about we go over the terms of the treaty once more?"


1- "The leaf village will hand over all research and prototypes of scientific ninja tools to the stone village, and report every new advancement directly to the Tsuchikage". 

2-"Half of the military budget the leaf village receives from the land of fire will be directly redirected to the stone village as tribute". 

3- "The Tsuchikage can choose which mission the leaf can take from clients and which must be delegated to the stone".

4- "The Tsuchikage must be informed of the village's barrier passcode, and it cannot be changed without her authorization". 

5- "Any mandate the Hokage makes must first be approved by the Tsuchikage. But, she can decree any mandate at any time, and they must be enacted immediately and without question".

"And lastly"

6- "The Hokage and the Tsuchikage will hold weekly meetings..." 

"Just like the one we are having right now"

                              "... in order to discuss subjects of importance".

"Any objections?".

Naruto: "No objections at all, Mistress Tsuchikage".

Kurotsuchi: "Excellent, then sign already, so we can continue with our 'meeting'. And don't forget the insoles of my shoes, they need a little refreshment before I leave". 
