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Years ago, during the chunnin exams; Temari and Tenten had their very first encounter, which ended in a shamefully quick defeat for the latter, who couldn't even land a single attack on her opponent before being beaten and tossed away like garbage.

What most people don't know, is that that same day, after everyone had been dismissed for the day, Tenten confronted Temari and furiously demanded a rematch. Claiming that this time, she would make sure to kick her ass.

Temari laughed at the proposition, but accepted regardless. Tenten put her all in that battle, but sadly, it ended pretty much the same way the last one did. Tenten laid with her chest on the ground, her clothes all torn apart and barely able to move.

This time, her defeat had been even more humiliating and Temari, smirking while looking at her helpless foe before her, knew that she could make it even more so. 

Taking a step forward, she raised her foot to slam it down on Tenten's head, who let out a loud scream. Temari rejoiced on the poor girl's suffering, so she began grinding the sole of her shoe against her cheek just so she could keep hearing her whine.


Temari: "uh? Didn't you say you would kick my ass? This is what you get for overestimating your mediocre skills".

She continued doing it, until that side of Tenten's face was all red and covered with filth, and every few seconds she would apply a little more strength just for fun.

Tenten: * with her voice cracking and teary eyes * "Please Temari, stop. I beg you, I'll do whatever you want, but please stop this".

Temari: * stopping for a second* "Anything I say, uh?"

She planted firmly the foot that was already on Tenten's head and let all her weight on it, much for Tenten's misfortune. Now standing on her head, Temari moved the sole of her other foot to Tenten's mouth and said.

Temari: "Turns out you are not only a terrible ninja, but also an awful mat to clean my soles on. So perhaps it would be better to use your tongue to take out all the mud that is stuck on them". * Pressing her sole against Tenten's lips* " C'mon, lick it clean, and I might release you".

Tenten was completely powerless, she didn't have any strength left and the pain of her head being crushed under Temari's foot was making her desperate. She just wanted this torment to end, so she gave in and began licking the sole in front of her.

Temari laughed loudly as she mocked the girl licking her shoes for even dreaming of having a chance against her.

When Temari was satisfied with the cleanness of her shoe, she stepped down from Tenten's head, who let out a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, shortly after, the shoe she had just finished cleaning, was the one to be placed on her head, and once again Temari was standing with one foot, letting her whole weight fall on Tenten.

Temari: "You did a good job with this one. Now do the other one, since you could not clean it properly before".

Completely full of despair and dread, Tenten got right back to using her tongue to remove the dirt from the sole. Once finished, Temari stepped down, for real this time, from her.

Temari: "Let this be a reminder, never try to oppose me again. See you later, LOSER!".

Temari left, leaving Tenten on the ground, crying and with a disgusting taste in her mouth.

The years passed, and a lot of things happened to both women. They both became jonnin Of their respective villages and Temari married Shikamaru, one of the most important people in the village, prompting her to move to Konoha, where she was highly regarded by her skill and entrusted with many important missions.

Tenten in the other hand, had really not had any luck in love, remaining single up until this day, and even though she was a jonnin, she was barely ever given any missions. She opened a weapons store to earn some income, but it wasn't precisely a success either.

What bothered Tenten the most, was that living in the same village as Temari meant they would frequently stumble upon each other. From that day when they were kids, Tenten had developed a profound fear towards Temari, becoming very docile and submissive to her.

Temari was fully aware of this, and took full advantage of it. Having Tenten run errands for her and taking every chance to abuse her and bully her in general, just for the fun of it.

One day, as Tenten was sitting in her store, waiting for the time to close of another day without customers, she looked at the shelves where the sage of the six path's weapons were displayed. Reminiscing the old times when she wielded the Bashōsen Fan. She could only use it a few times before exhausting all of her chakra, but she felt that with that fan she could defeat any enemy she faced. Her daydream stopped abruptly with an idea popping up in her head.

She closed early and went right to Temari and Shikamaru's house. Temari was the one to open the door, but before she could ask what her intentions were, Tenten challenged her to battle that very night, in the same stadium the exams were held.

If Tenten won, not only would she free herself from the torment she had been inflicted, but she would also have a chance to get back at Temari from those years at her mercy.

Surprisingly, Temari refused, saying that she didn't feel like fighting if there was nothing in it for her. Tenten was desperate to finally have this rematch, but she knew she had to put something else in the table in order to convince her. Since didn't have a lot of money to offer, she made the proposal:

Tenten: "If you win, I'll give you my store, and everything in it. Is that good enough?".

Temari felt like that was good enough a prize to participate and  finally agreed. The night fell and the two women were face to face inside the empty stadium.

Temari: "Just don't cry too much when I beat you up as always".

Tenten: "Don't be so sure about that".

The fight began and the two launched all of their attacks without holding back. Temari quickly gained the upper hand, but Tenten took out a scroll and summoned the Bashōsen fan. She used it to launch a barrage of very powerful wind slashes at her. However, Temari was good enough to dodge every one of them as she rode her giant fan, closer to her opponent.

Tenten could feel the fan taking its toll on her chakra, she wanted to continue, but didn't have the strength to. With great speed, Temari snatched the fan from Tenten's hand, and being as renowned a wind style user as she was, masterfully used it to create a giant wind tornado that took Tenten flying with incredible force. Lifting her in the air as she recieved multiple wind slashes from all directions.

When the tornado finally dissipated, Tenten hit the ground from a great height. Once again, her clothes had been completely torn apart, she laid face down on the floor with both arms forward with barely any strength left.

Temari: "Well, well. Looks like I win, AGAIN".

Said as she approached Tenten stepping on her hands with both heels crushing her fingers. Tenten let out a weak "Ouch" as she let the fact that she had once again lost sink in.

Temari started twisting her heels on Tenten's fingers in order to cause her even more pain.

Temari: "Does it hurt? Well, I have some dirt and toe jam in between my toes, maybe if you get your tongue in there and lick it out for me, I will consider releasing you".

Temari's stand was not that sturdy, Tenten could have probably freed herself struggling a little, but she didn't have the will to anymore. She had once again been defeated, consolidating her subrevience to Temari for the rest of her life. Not only that, but she had also lost her store, her only source of income, and as if it wasn't bad enough, her apartment was right above the store, and could only be accessed through it. In short, she had lost everything.

With her spirit broken, she leaned forward and began gently sticking her tongue in between Temari's toes and swallowing what she took out. In an attempt to be released and at least ease her physical pain a little.

Temari: * with a huge smirk on her face* "That's right, just like that. You are doing a great job".

Tenten couldn't hold herself and broke into tears as she continued licking.

Tenten: "Temari please, could I at least have my apartment back? I have nowhere else to go, I beg you".

Temari: "Ugh, your tears are falling all over my toes, you better lick those too.  As for your apartment, sorry, but no. You should have thought about it before you made such a reckless and honestly stupid bet, the result was obvious from the beginning".

Tenten kept crying, now with more intensity.

Temari: "But maybe we can do something else, If you have no other place to go, why don't you become my pet and come live with us?"

Tenten: " Your... Pet?".

Temari: "It won't be for free, of course, you just have to do the housework and run some errands for me. A little like what you already do, only 24/7 from now on. Oh, and I love how your tongue feels on my feet, so I'll probably also have you licking my feet whenever I feel like. What do you say?".

Every aspect of this deal sounded terrible, but it wasn't as if she had any other option. Besides, Tenten was so broken at this point, that all it would take would be for Temari to command that she became her pet for her to comply. So, with great grief and sorrow, she said:

Tenten: "Yes, I will become your pet Temari".

Temari: "Ha Ha, awesome. Now, Shikamaru and Shikadai are pretty much the whole day out, so we'll have a lot of time to spend together. But, when they arrive, I want you to go hide in the closet, since that is where you will live from now on. And I don't want to hear you make any sound while you are in there, understood?".

Tenten: "Yes... all clear".

Temari: "Good. But don't worry, if you get bored in there, you'll have plenty of my shoes to clean with that filthy mouth of yours. Now finish already so we can head home".

Tenten: "Yes Temari".

Temari: "It is 'MISTRESS TEMARI' for you now, Pet!".

Tenten: "Y-yes Mistress Temari".




Amazing job with the art and story. Fits perfectly to the characters👌🏻

Naruto7 Natsu

Really good story, enjoyed it a lot!