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Special day:

It had been some time since Boruto became his Mother's personal slave, and to be honest, he loved every second of it. Hinata had started as a relatively soft and gentle goddess, but as time passed, she gained more and more confidence, getting used to her new status and becoming progressively more demanding. 

Even so, she was still not at the level of absolute dominance and sadism that Sarada had displayed right from the get go. The feeling of being completely at the mercy of his mistress was something that Boruto missed, and still thought about from time to time. Luckily for him, it was that same day while running some errands for Hinata that he stumbled upon his original Mistress, Sarada Uchiha. 

As soon as he spotted her, he got closer, barely able to hold his excitement, and before either of them said a single word, abruptly threw himself at her feet to start licking her dusty sandals clean, giving her the shoe shining she had talked about last time they were together. 

Boruto: "It's been" *Lick * "a long time" *Lick * "Mistress" *Lick * "how have you been?" *Lick * "you look incredible as always" *Lick *. 

The sudden approach of her slave had taken Sarada by surprise, but she quickly grasped the situation and her expression changed to one of dominance and satisfaction. 

Sarada: "I see our time apart has not weakened your devotion towards me in the slightest". 

Boruto: "No Mistress" *Lick * "I'll always be at your service" *Lick *.

Sarada: "That's good to hear, because I actually need you for something". "As you know, the next chunin exams are near, and we need a 3 men team to participate. Even if you are just a stupid dog now, you are technically still part of team 7, so make sure to fill up your registry and be there on time". "I only need you to be there, you can lose immediately after we start for all I care, understood?". 

Boruto: "Of Course Mistress, I'll be there".

The day of the exams arrived and Boruto showed up as just another member of team 7, alongside Sarada and Mitsuki. He could have easily just dropped out in the first stage and gone home, but he was actually trying his best to stay in the competition for as long as possible. He took every chance to be Sarada's shield, decoy and steppingstone; anything to help her get to the next stage. He was probably not earning many points of his own but, that didn't matter; he had no interest in becoming a ninja anymore, his only goal was to support Sarada in every way possible to let her pass the exam with flying colors. 

Despite being out of shape because of his recent lack of training and constant chakra drainage, Boruto managed to get to the last stage of the exams, the 1vs 1 matchups. At this point his performance had little to no relevance, but he wanted to continue for the slim chance of  getting matched with Sarada later on, so that he could give her an easy win. 

His first opponent was Sumire Kakkei, a very kind and usually shy purple haired girl. They got on the arena and were about to begin their match, Boruto noticed that Sumire was staring at him with an intrigued look on her face; she didn't say anything, which was making him feel uneasy, so he asked: 

Boruto: "Are you alright? Is anything wrong?". 

Sumire: * taking a few seconds to reply, but finally doing so with another question * "Boruto, do you like feet?". 

Boruto: * shaken up and trying to play dumb * "Wha- what do you mean?"

Sumire: "The other day I saw you and Sarada together, and you were... Licking her shoes". "I thought I might have got it wrong, but you seemed so... Happy, like you were enjoying it". 

Boruto: "So you saw us... Ok, yeah. I - I like it, a lot. But please don't tell others, it is embarrassing".

Sumire's  frowning lips suddenly turned into a devilish grin. 

Sumire: "So you don't want me to talk? Why wouldn't I?". 

Boruto: "Are you trying to blackmail me? I can surrender the match if that's what you want".

Sumire: "Not at all. Besides, because of the new rules, if you surrendered, I would just be put against someone else".

Boruto: "Then, wha-?"

Sumire: "That day you were enjoying yourself, but Sarada seemed to be enjoying it just as much. I want to know how it feels, your tongue between my toes. So why don't you get down and start licking them right now?". 

Boruto couldn't believe this was the same Sumire he knew. This confidence and malice while talking down to him, he had only seen her like this during the Gozu tennou incident (Sumire's arc). Back then he thought it was just an act, but maybe there really was another side to her that he didn't know about. 

Boruto: "Now? Like... In front of every one?"

Boruto had broken the limits of what embarrassed him many times before, but being humiliated in front of such a huge crowd was still something he was afraid of.

Sumire: "That's right, do it right here and now. C'mon, I know you want to, or are mine not as good as Sarada's?". 

Sumire took a step forward, letting Boruto take a look at her foot. Her cute wiggling toes were sticking out of her shoes and her nails were painted a dark shade of red. He wanted to do it, he felt the urge to kiss those toes and get his tongue in between them, but he didn't have the courage.

Looking around, he saw the massive crowd watching them, waiting for the match to start; then, he met eyes with Sarada, who was outside the arena, very close to them. Seeing his conflicted expression as well as both of their body languages, she easily understood what was going on. With only her eyes and a subtle gesture with her head, she issued a command for him to go ahead and submit. 

Having received the command directly from her, he had no other choice. He slowly knelt down before Sumire and proceeded to lick the top of her toes. The cameras were all focussed on them, the crowd started going crazy in great uproar as the son of the Hokage performed such a humiliating act. 

Sumire: "Oh, this is just as good as I imagined. Let me take these off, they are getting in the way". -She moved her foot away from his mouth to remove her shoes, returning it shortly after to allow him to keep licking her now bare foot.- "Why don't you do the same and take your clothes off? I bet that would be even better". 

Boruto had flashbacks from the last time he had been forced to strip with Temari; the scars on his back may have healed, but the trauma would remain in him for life. Now he had to do it in front of pretty much the whole village. 

Boruto: "Sumire, please" *Lick * "I don't wanna do that" *Lick * "Anything but that". 

Sumire: "So you don't want to obey, uh?" - she performed the summoning jutsu of Nue, a lion like creature at her command- " If you don't do it, Nue will just have to rip them off your body; you are free to fight back if you want, but considering your performance today...".

Boruto understood, he wouldn't stand a chance, and Sumire would not budge. Reluctantly, began taking his clothes off until he was completely naked. The crowd could not get any noisier, the camera's stopped recording and the match was suspended. His life was officially over, He had exposed himself to the whole village in the worst way possible, and would have lots of explanations to give, specially to his father, who was one of the many spectators. 

Neither Sumire nor Sarada seemed to care though; so knowing there was nothing he could do about it, he chose to focus on the taste of foot sweat in his mouth, in an attempt to forget about the shame and worries that invaded his mind.



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