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Kurenai: “Nice work Hinata your skills have been improving rapidly lately..”

Hinata: “Thank you, Kurenai sensei.”

Tsunade: “There you two are, I’ve been looking all over for you.”

Kurenai: “Lord 5th? What can we do you for?”

Tsunade: “I’ve been looking for a good opponent for Sakura.”

Sakura: “Yeah, but unfortunately all we could find is you.”

Tsunade: “Now Sakura don’t be rude in any case I think this would be a good opportunity to test out Sakura’s skills and who knows I’m sure Hinata might learn something from it too.”

Kurenai: “You both seem pretty confident that Sakura will win.”

Sakura: “Of course I’ll win, I’ve been trained the 5th hokage all the meek, weak, frail Hinata’s been doing is training with a random nobody jonin.”

Tsunade: “Sakura, that’s quite enough!...... But she’s not wrong I mean no offense but the chances of Hinata coming on top in this encounter are slim...in fact that’s put a little wager on it if Sakura wins you both have to do what we say for a day if Hinata wins then we both have to do what you say for a day...no you know what an entire year. In fact, just so either one of use try’s to weasel out of it, I’ll get an official contract for all four of us to sign how’s that sound?”

Kurenai: “Oh, so you're that confident, huh? Fine challenge accepted!”

Hinata: “Kurenai sensei, are you sure?”

Sakura: “HAHAHAHA oh man! See what did I tell ya?! Even she knows she stands no chance, tell ya what Hinata since I’m feeling generous today I’ll even let you throw the first punch go on.”

Kurenai: “You can do this Hinata your much stronger than you give yourself credit for, besides just remember of all the terrible things she’s done to Naruto.”

Hinata: “Ok, Kurenai sensei, I’ll do my best!”

All four of them sign the contract

Sakura: “Hey, look at you acting all confident this is going to be a piece of cak-OOF!”

Sakura letting Hinata strike first was her second mistake her first was challenging her in the first place Sakura had overwhelming raw strength compared to Hinata however Hinata combat speed for outclasses hers Hinata was able to dodge all of Sakura’s attacks and thanks to her gentle fist made quick work of Sakura with relative ease.

Kurenai: “And that finishes it....wow with how high and mighty you guys were acting, I was expecting it to last longer than that talk about deceiving.”

Sakura “Ugh! Argh! Cough cough”

Hinata: “Who’s weak and frail now, huh?”

Tsunade: “Come on Sakura, I thought you have more in you than that!!!  Geez it seems we’ll have to work on your training more pick yourself up we’re going back I’ll heal you at the hokage mansion”

Kurenai: “And where do you think your going, slave?”

Tsunade: “Excuse me!?”

Kurenai: “Did you forget the bet YOU came up with that fast? If you lost you have to do what we say for a year, and I’ve decided your going to act as our slaves for the next year”

Tsunade: “oh.........right....umm can we just forget about that”

Kurenai: “You signed a contract, remember?”

Tsunade: “...crap.”

Kurenai: “Hinata after all that fighting surely your feet must be tired, why don’t you let Sakura clean them for you?”

Hinata: “I’m not so sure if that’s a good idea.”

Kurenai: “It will be fine, trust me. Hey slave! You heard the deal what are doing still on the ground get over her and start worshiping Hinata’s feet!”

Sakura:  “l-lady Tsunade?”

Tsunade: “Don’t look at me, it’s because of your incompetence that we’re in this mess we don’t have a choice, just do what she says.”

Kurenai: “You hear her, hurry up!!”

Sakura: “Y-yes mistress.”

Hinata: “Wow, this feels pretty good, it is better if I had something to sit on.”

Kurenai: I can help with that. HEY, SLAVE NUMBER 2!! Get over here and act as a seat for my student!!”

Tsunade : “Y-yes, mistress.”

Hinata: “Ahh much better, hey slave number 1 don’t forget between the toes!”

Sakura: “I’m sorry, mistress, please forgive me.”

Kurenai: “There ya go Hinata now you're getting into it, but this isn’t enough for how high and mighty they were acting, we have to think of something even more humiliating.”

Tsunade “(What could be more humiliating than this?! The hokage and her student acting as a foot cleaner and human seat for one of the villagers? I’ve had to do some degrading things for losing bets, but this is the worst, I think I made a mistake when I agreed to train Sakura she’s more trouble than she’s worth.)”

Kurenai :“Hey, don’t space out on us slave number 2 because your ok be cleaning my feet next.”

Tsunade : “Y-yes, mistress.  (This was definitely a mistake.)”



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