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Hinata enslaving the Uchiha’s This story plays in the Brouto Timeline. Just about the time
                                                             when the Brouto anime began.
                                  Just with the little change that Hinata is the Rtn Hinata.

Sasuke was once again traveling through dimensions, looking for the otsutsuki, their secrets or  anything leading to them. One day he saw a lower rank otsutsuki, nigen, and followed him, without getting noticed. Nigen unknowingly lead Sasuke to one of their old scroll storages. His duty was to just muck out the  scrolls and transport them to another more secure storage. Nigen was doing this for the past few  days, so he was nearly finished and only a few scrolls were left. Nigen was neither very strong or  intelligent. Sasuke put him under a Genjutsu easily. Sasuke took the last 3 remains scrolls and  vanished. Nigen, being in the Genjutsu, thought that he finished his job of mucking out the scrolls  and transported himself back home. 2 of the 3 scrolls Sasuke took with himself were useless, but the other one seemed quite interesting.  He couldn't read anything, but there was the Hyuuga sign on the scroll.  He went straight to the Hyuuga heiress, Princess Hinata, hoping she could read it and help him. Sasuke didn't had the time to tell Naruto and went to his home, where Hinata would be. Hinata in fact didn't know anything about the scroll, but was able to read it with her Byakugan. The scroll puts one under a very strong Genjutsu, which can't be stopped by anyone but the user.  While being under this jutsu the target becomes the slave of the user and obeys her every order with  joy. To activate it a member of the Hyuuga clan has to perform the hand signs: Boar, Monkey,  Serpent, Tiger in front of the person she wants to put the jutsu on.  Hinata always wanted to show that the Hyuuga clan is the most superior clan of all and what could  be better than enslaving the last member of the Uchiha clan and Shadow Hokage, Sasuke Uchiha.  And she also hates Sakura and wants to humiliate her in the hardest way by stealing her husband, and  show her how much better she is than her. So Hinata activated her Byakugan and read the scroll, but couldn't hide her grin. Because of all the  evil things that came into her mind. Then she quickly performed the hand signs without giving Sasuke  any chance to react to that. With one look into his eyes she knew that Sasuke was her obedient little puppy.

Hinata: "So Sasuke why are you here?"
Sasuke: "To serve you Mistress Hinata?"
Hinata: "Then why are you still standing on your feet?"
Sasuke immediately drops to his knees and bows his head before Hinata.
Sasuke: "I am sorry Mistress! I beg for your forgiveness!"
Hinata pets his head and says: "That's just how I like it, Dog. Now go in worship your mistress feet..."

Some time passes and Sasuke serves Hinata day in and day out. Hinata makes him do every kind of  humiliating thing, to test him, and the jutsu's limit. Sasuke obeys every order as good as he can and  does everything Hinata say. Hinata also make him tell his wife and daughter that he is out on a mission for 2 months, while  actually being in the village the whole time and serving his mistress. She just did that for the fun that  he would gladly choose his mistress over his family every time.  Hinata's final test was to humiliate Sasuke in front of his wife and daughter. And to even make Sasuke  forces his daughter to serve his mistress as well. Sasuke comes home after a long time, just to fulfill his mistress task. Sarada is overjoyed and hugs  her father. But he instantly transports them to the Uzumaki's house to his mistress. Hinata is already  awaiting them. Sasuke rips his clothes apart so that he is naked, as he should be, and bows down to  his mistress. Sarada doesn't understand what is happening and is just stunned.

Hinata: "Go on strip your daughter and make her kneel before her mistress."
Sasuke: " I am sorry Mistress... I will do just as you say."
Sarada: "Dad?!? What is going on?! Please stop... please...."  Sarada tries to defend her self and keep her clothes on, but Sasuke easily overpowers her and strips  her naked. Hinata chuckles and laughs hysterically, and in between saying things like: "Come on faster faster!,Just look at her Hahahahahah, She is sooo frightened and so on."
Sasuke stripped her and  made her bow down before Hinata  
Hinata: "Very well, Dog. Your daughter is just as pathetic as her mother HAHAHAHAHAAHAH just look  at her... What a flat garbage body... such an ugly face and in addition to that so weak.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now go on tell her how stupid she is and make her serve me!"
Sarada is already red to her ears... Her father seems like he is freaked out, she is stripped naked and  bowing to the most beautiful woman in Konoha.
Sasuke: "Sarada you are just as useless as your stupid mother. I am ashamed that somebody like you  is my daughter. You are nothing, nothing but trash. You aren't even worthy of being in the presence  of Mistress Hinata. Now make yourself useful and do just as your almighty mistress tells you."
Sarada can't believe her eyes and ears... Was this father? Did her father just said all that to her... Just  what the fuck is happening... Before even realizing what is happening, Hinata slaps Sarada really hard across her face.
Hinata: "Bow down and kiss my feet BITCH!"  Sarada was never this scared and frightened. So anxious she couldn't move a centimeter. She told  her body to move and kiss her mistress feet, but she just couldn't move.  Hinata is enjoying this sight sooo much. It is even more fun than humiliating Sasuke she thinks to  herself. Now she pushes her even more to the edge...
Hinata: "What's the matter - start moving you little Bitch!" She kicked her to the face. Sarada flew  across the room. Hinata then orders
Sasuke: "Get this Bitch, daughter of yours to my feet and MAKE her bow and lick  my feet, Dog!".
Sasuke: "As you wish my Mistress. I don't care who it is, I will always obey you and do everything say.  Even if it is my own Daughter or my Wife. You are far superior to them in every aspect."
Hinata pets Sasuke on the head then spits in his mouth and says: "Very well Dog. Now get the Bitch  over here and let's teach her some manners...
In the background there is Hanabi standing next to Sakura, who fell down to her knees as she  witnessed the whole scene from the beginning



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