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Everyone agrees that the Fifth Hokage era was the most difficult, especially Tsunade Senju taking over the position of Hokage after the village of Sound and Sand attacked Konoha and the Pain attack that destroyed Konoha and all of this required very large expenditures to rebuild but Tsunade lost all of Konoha's treasury by gambling, which led her to borrow from other villages, but the other villages did not want help because Konoha had not yet paid the expenses of the previous loan that the Third Hokage took to rebuild Konoha after the Nine Tails attack, even the Sand Village, which has a good relationship with Konoha, could not help because she used all her money to rebuild her village after the Akatsuki attack on it. But one person suggested Tsunade help her under one condition to be her pet who do everything to her, it was Mei Terumī the Fifth Mizukage after much pressure and regret that she was causing the bankruptcy of the village that her grandfather built, she agreed, but Mei told Tsunade that she needed to test her to see if she deserves to pay all of that money to be her pet or not.
Mei: So Tsunade I give someone pathetic like you the chance to save her village from bankruptcy so make sure you will lick every inch of my feet by the way all that way from Kirigakure to here let my feet very sore and very sensitive so lick slowly
Tsunade: But Mei your feet smell very bad and all that sweat coming from them is disgusting
Mei: firstly I am not your friend to call me with my name I am your mistress and you just a pathetic slave next time when you want to call me you will call me with my mistress or my queen and secondly about my feet which you did not like them you will kiss and lick every inch of them, and you will dunk every drop of sweat come from them and when you do all of that you will thank me for letting to someone like you to touch my feet did you understand slave??
Tsunade: yes my mistress I understand
Mei: good that what I want to hear and now beg me to let you lick my divine feet and remember Konoha's fate  depends on this
Tsunade: My mistress please Have pity on my condition and fulfill this slave's dream of licking your feet
Mei: hahahahahahahahaha you’re so pathetic, how could someone like you to be a Hokage ok I give you the permission to start licking my feet
Tsunade started licking between her toes, she was so into what she was doing that nothing around her was important more to her village to tolerate as much as possible the taste and smell.
Shizune asked knocking on Hokage's room door: May I come in?
Mei: enter
Shizune and Sakura entered the office and Tsunade who was afraid of what would happen if her students knew what she was doing, so she quickly removed her tongue from between Mei's toes and pretended to be doing something else.
Mei: Well slave? Did I tell you to stop?
Sakura and Mei in the same time: Slave?
Tsunade face turned red, she was humiliated, and Mei was going to tell them the truth.
Mei: You slave I will count until 3 if you didn't continue to lick my feet, I will go to my village and let you here with all your debts
before Mei count Tsunade return to her position and put her tongue again between Mei toes
Mei: As you see your lady is my pet so that mean you are too my pets so why you don't got on all fours in the floor towards my boots to lick them from all the mud on them
Sakura and Shizune was afraid of what Mei can do, so they just do what she ordered them to do



Naruto7 Natsu

This is magnificent. Mei's smirk, Tsunade's facial expression, the background... Just everything, well done mate!