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Annika paced the chamber floor while gnawing on her thumbnail. Dawn had blessed the skies, and Kraken had slipped out at some point after she had fallen into a fitful sleep.

Fin was sleeping for an uncharacteristically long time, but he had mentioned that being a result of his overuse of power during his witch’s match.

So the Lady Jenoure was left to her thoughts in the quiet of the morning, which of course equated to an increase in the likelihood that the poor cook would face an emotional explosion the moment he opened his eyes.

By the miraculous grace of the Goddess however, a soft rap at the door pulled Annika away from her spiralling thoughts.

Tightening the sash to her robe around her waist, the Viscountess steeled herself for the door, her mind a strange combination of foggy and alert.

Upon opening the door a crack, she found Clara standing, waiting in her usual black somber dress. Her face had become more expressive in more recent weeks, yet still somehow composed. However, the moment Annika laid eyes on her maid, she could see the worry in the woman’s eyes.

“The King and Queen have summoned you. They’ve asked that you arrive in secret,” Clara declared her voice a disconcerting mix of quiet and weak. As though her message bore a death sentence.

Annika nodded firmly, her spine straightening.

Without another word, she closed the door and dressed. A pair of brown pants, black tunic and black cloak disguising her feminine physique.

Fin didn’t stir during her preparation, and with an odd impulse she didn’t fully understand, Annika kissed his temple. He wouldn’t know she had done such a thing and yet… somehow it mattered.

Exiting the keep through the back staircases in the name of safety, and riding astride a horse, the Viscountess made her way towards the hidden hatch in the King’s woods that led to a passageway. The tunnel ran under the castle, then up beside the chimneys to exit into the major bed chambers- the second door up the ladder of course being the King and Queen’s chamber.

As Annika entered the room while pushing past the tapestry that blocked the panel of wood, she kept her hood drawn out of precaution.

“Thank you for joining us so quickly,” the King’s quiet voice greeted her as she stepped further into the room.

Dropping onto her knees, Annika bowed before the King before slowly standing and lowering her hood.

“My maid was unable to tell me what it was that made you seek my presence,” Annika explained while casting a quick appraisal of the monarchs before her.

The Queen sat fully dressed on the bed, her hand resting with a pained expression on the swell of her belly that… had it dropped lower? Annika was momentarily fixed on this shift before she regarded the King whose expression was unreadable.  

“Lady Jenoure, I trust you received my message from Royal Mage Lee?”

Annika nodded while rising slowly to her feet.

“I am sorry that the events have transpired this way; however, you understand in matters pertaining to the war, I cannot afford to cause any further rifts amongst the nobility. There is going to already be enough upheaval when Sir Harris sits in on the next council meeting and his intentions to inherit the Dukedom are announced.”

Annika made sure to remain expressionless as she bobbed her head.

“You will be required to stay away from the castle and most nobility for a year to allow this business with your brother to blow over.”

She nodded again. She was waiting… there had to be more. Otherwise, why was Clara so stressed? What had the summons from the King entailed exactly…?

“Do you have anything to say on behalf of your brother regarding his recent crimes?”  

Annika finally raised her gaze to the monarch who was watching her closely, she realized, because he wanted to know if she were at all worried about her family.

“My brother and I have never been close, and while I do not wish to be the hand to end his terror, the judgment your majesty decides upon I will not plead against,” she replied carefully, and watched as a flicker of relief passed through the man’s face.

“Regarding your marriage, it is presumed that you will no longer be the preferred marital option, however this matter will be broached following Lord Nam’s discovery that he will not receive the title of Duke. He and Lord Ryu may wish to confer on the matter further. Lord Miller has respectfully withdrawn his candidacy in light of recent events, and has already boarded a ship to return home to Troivack.”

“Forgot about him…” Annika muttered before she could stop herself.

The King blinked in surprise at the uncharacteristic outburst, and what appeared to be a hint of a smile passed over his face.

“He was not an exceptionally ambitious man.” The monarch’s good humored expression faltered once more as he shifted his stance ever so slightly. “I am sorry Lady Jenoure, that you will not be able to aid the Queen when she gives birth.”

Annika froze, and regarded her friend’s pale expression again.

“Have the pains already started?” She asked while feeling her throat constrict.

“A touch; however, Mrs. Ashowan is trying to suppress the birth with her abilities. The babe has dropped, so it won’t be long now...” The Queen’s face was strained with worry, and Annika’s heart ached. The King stared at his wife with open anxiety and love.

“Perhaps ask the council in an emergency meeting today if they will draw issue with my presence during the birth? Surely they will see that it is a womanly matter- and of course politics are not discussed during such a time.” The pleading note in the Viscountess’ voice softened the King’s face considerably.

“I will put the question to them; however, I will admit it doesn’t look likely… the fact that we now have thousands of Troivackian soldiers being held as prisoners across the Kingdom is wearing on many of us.”

Annika’s lips pursed.

“If I may make a suggestion, sire?”

Norman gestured for her to continue.

“Ask every merchant in Sorlia to surrender their vessels and set the Troivackian soldiers afloat across the Obelia Sea. Make sure their proximity to the oncoming enemy vessels is as far and difficult to get to as possible.”

The King stroked his beard thoughtfully.

“Transporting them will be difficult, especially with many of them already attempting to stage a coup and escape. However, it may also serve to confuse their efforts. The only other issue I might see is the merchants complaining about loss of funds.”

Annika quieted for a moment before speaking again. “Offer them a substantial tax reduction for the next two years as thanks. It would financially even out their ledgers, and for some they would even be in a better position as they won’t face the risk of losing any cargo or ships.”

Norman sighed while shaking his head. “A good idea. However, wars are expensive. We will need to find ways to-”

The Queen suddenly grunted and hunched over her middle, making both the Viscountess and King rush to her side immediately.

“Doing alright, my dear one?” Norman gently clasped her hand, while his eyes searched her face.

“It does not feel right… perhaps summon Mrs. Ashowan.” Letting out a long shaking breath the Queen closed her eyes. Sweat was beginning to bead on her forehead, and Annika felt her pulse triple in speed.

“I’ll… I’ll leave immediately then to evade notice.” The Viscountess felt her own stomach grow uneasy with distress as she realized that there was a chance that this was the last time she might see her friend.

“I will go send for her. Viscountess Jenoure, say your farewells. I am sorry to say that all I am willing to risk for you is a few moments.” The King’s soft voice brought Annika’s gaze to his, and as she stared into his hazel eyes, she could see the understanding there.

Once again, the Lady was reminded why she remained loyal to a fault to the King of Daxaria.

“Thank you.” Annika’s voice came out a whisper while the Queen gave her husband a strained yet loving glance, nodding ever so slightly.

Norman hurried from the room, and immediately Annika grasped Ainsley’s hands in her own.

“You are not allowed to leave me, do you understand?” the Viscountess demanded, tears immediately rising to her dark eyes.

“Oh, st-stop with the theatrics. That cook is making you overly emotional.” Ainsley tried to laugh but winced instead.

Hastily raising her hand, Annika brushed the Queen’s brow lovingly as she would her own sister.

“It was either my emotions or my figure that would become soft when it came to him.”

This time the Queen did manage to give a breathy laugh.

“Was it your suggestion that my brother’s conviction made me unacceptable for a political marriage?” Annika asked, while staring intently at her friend’s face. She had been wondering which of the nobles would have suggested her absence from court, but had a hunch...

“Well…” Ainsley took a deep shuddering breath as an unforeseen pain seized her body. “If it isn’t a guarantee that I’ll be around to keep you tame-”

“Don’t you dare say such things.” The Lady’s voice croaked.

She couldn’t lose Ainsley… not like this.

“My friend, I’m in the best hands- your cook’s mother’s in fact, but… if the Goddess wants me I don’t think any magic in this world will save me.”

“To hell with that! You tell that block-headed deity wench that she is going to leave you well enough alone, or I’m going to come to the forest of the afterlife and burn it down.” Tears had begun spilling down Annika’s cheeks, as she gripped more tightly to the Queen’s hands.

Ainsley’s smile turned sad as she reached out and gently brushed her thumb against the wet streaks on her best friend’s face.

“Listen to me, I don’t have long to explain before you must go. I need you to protect Norman and Eric should the worst happen. No matter what, do not let him rely on advisors to run the kingdom. I don’t trust any of those senile idiots to do half the job he will.”

Annika said nothing as her vision grew blurier and blurier.

“Finally, I want you to get that redheaded witch ennobled and make him one smashing success amongst the courtiers. If there’s anyone who can make a peasant into a wealthy noble through conniving plots it’s you.”

A small sob wracked Annika’s body as she embraced Ainsley tightly, not wanting to let go.

“Promise me you’ll do these things,” the Queen whispered, her own eyes beginning to mist as she fought off another wave of pain.

“I promise. You promise me this isn’t goodbye,” the Viscountess insisted frantically as she pulled away again. “You’ve been the best friend I’ve ever had.”

Ainsley gave her hand another squeeze.

“You have been my closest friend and confidant, and I love you like family. Now, please… go.”

Annika opened her mouth to insist that her friend wasn’t allowed to die, but the sound of footfalls nearing the door had her wrenching herself away, and diving for the passageway.

With one final look over her shoulder at Ainsley’s smiling face, Annika closed the panel, and fled the castle.

As if on cue, the castle door flew open and Head of Housekeeping Ruby entered along with lines of maids carrying towels and a change of clothes. “Mrs. Ashowan has been summoned, your majesty. The babe is coming?”

Ainsley’s opened her mouth to reply but found her voice stolen by yet another wave of agony. After it had passed, she looked up and could see the worried glances the staff were sharing.

“It would seem that way.”

Slowly returning to the bed, Ainsley couldn’t help but note a deep sense that something was different.

For one the child was going to be born even earlier than Mrs. Ashowan seemed to believe, but there was something else that she couldn’t put her finger on. Something that made her wish that she had spent another hour with Eric the previous night when she had read bedtime stories to his eager ears. One more moment where she could tell him how much she loved him as she held him in her arms. One more moment kissing her husband’s smiling lips.

Then, another jolt of pain seared through her being that stole any thoughts she could spare.


Annika burst into her bedchamber to find that Fin had already risen and left for the day, and somehow this made the ache in her chest all the worse.

Clara stepped quietly behind her mistress, removing the cloak from her shoulders. “The messenger mentioned that the Queen had urged him to hurry with his missive… is everything alright at the castle?”

Annika wanted to scream.

She wanted to do something instead of waiting idly for word to come. She had never been powerless before. Never been in a situation she couldn’t think or battle her way out of. Yet, there was absolutely nothing she could do. She couldn’t even be in the room…

All because her friend had wanted to try and help Annika and Fin be together somehow before she…

Turning towards the fireplace mantel, the Viscountess grabbed a candlestick, and proceeded to hurl it blindly. She then proceeded to throw, break, and stomp on various items in the room without a word, deaf to Clara’s concerned calls behind her. The ringing in her ears grew worse and worse, and she realized at some point that she was screaming wordlessly.
The thought turning over and over in her mind relentlessly:

‘My friend is dying… and I can’t do a thing to stop it.’

Strong hands suddenly gripped Annika’s shoulders, forcing her to be still.

The smell of baked bread and coffee worked its way through her haze of grief, and then the quiet yet soothing voice of Fin as he pulled her into his chest broke into her senses.

The rest of her walls broke then, and the Lady succumbed to sobs as her knees gave out. She would’ve fallen in a heap on the ground were Fin not holding her.

Carefully he picked Annika up, carried her over to the bed, and laid her down gently.

“What’s happened?” he asked worriedly as she continued to cry.

Her reply didn’t make complete sense, but after a few moments of careful questioning the message that did make itself clear was;

“Your mother better be the best healer in the godsdamn kingdom.”


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