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Queer activism is at the forefront of discussions with trans rights being targetted, sex education being eradicated and queer lives being attacked, so today's guest Race Bannon is sure to be a great convo. With Daddy out of town Race joins us to talk activism, how the queer community has changed and what comes next for raising awareness but also how the internet might change.


Tentacle Activism w/Race Bannon



For dinner parties, how many people these days have a formal dining room or a room in their house that would work well for an at home, yet formal leather event? Maybe I am thinking on too small and intimate a scale and people would rent a hall for these. It could be a nice time to have a DP *snickers* with 12 or so people where the subs take it in turns to serve. Ok, I have a question for later - what were these formal DPs like back in the day. Who hosted them? Who was invited? Where were they held? What kind of food? What else happened besides the meal?


I wonder if there is someone around (still alive) who remembers any sexual changes that might have happened when antibiotics become readily available for treating STIs like syphilis, the clap, etc. Probably not or very few. If antibiotics became standard in the 40s? Or 50s after the war? Someone who was sexually active through that time would be in their 90s now in should think. Thanks, Amp, for providing media that makes me want to join in and ask questions. I’m not even done with the podcast yet

Terry Brown

I was a student when our college student organization changed its name from GSOK (Gay Services Of Kansas) to GLSOK (Gay and Lesbian Services Of Kansas).