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Hey Patrons!
As a special podcast episode, what q's or topics do you want us to dive into? This could include special "Aftercare" (extended podcast topics at the end of the pod) that the podcast tier patrons get every week.


Subconscious Leaks

Talk about the myth of spontaneous butt sex in tv and movies. For example. Brokeback mountain. 2 guys In the mountains with no bathroom/shower eating nothing but bake beans for weeks have spontaneous butt sex. Never could happen!!

Eldbjørg Panser

How to talk to kids about kink, when it’s become apparent they have them. My 6 yo nephiew clearly have a foot fetish and his mom is a bit affraid how people at his school will react when the natural curiosity play starts. There will not be any kink shaming at home, and we, his family will totally support him. But he’s growing up in a really small village and the parents are affraid of other peoples ignorance and judgment. How to teach a small kid that his interest is totally fine, but keep it private without shaming him!?


Mr Kristofer has been vocal about how a live-in slave would be exhausting, which is fair and reasonable. As someone who spent a decade in a TPE M/s relationship, I'd love to hear your thoughts on long-term power exchange of the everyday variant, rather than the session/scene kind. I'd also like to know how the style and expectations of power dynamic relationships changed since the 80s and 90s?

Zachary 'Pup GIR' Ledbetter

Is the after care bonus only available in the video? Is it not available in the audio only version? I listen to the podcast while I'm at work, and the audio version is easier for me and I re-upped in hopes of listening to the after care, but was sad not to find after care in the audio version :/


Ok, the Dom/catfish episode has reminded me of a topic Kris offhandedly mentioned a while back. I can’t remember where or why. The topic is handling your partner’s breakups/loss in a poly relationship where you might not have had a relationship with that person. Or maybe you also had a strong relationship with that person as well. I know this obviously depends a lot on the people involved and the configuration of poly you are in. Because of these factors, I’m having a hard time formulating a general question. So what have your experiences with this been like? What did you find helpful from your remaining partner(s) or what was irritating as fuck? If you feel comfortable talking about this, of course.