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It's almost that time of the year where we celebrate pride, though this year is starting off early with The Dodgers versus the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence! As we enter pride, it's fascinating what organizations and republicans try to steer and control what pride even looks like. Join us as we discuss Pride, Corporations, and especially this week's guest Sister Roma of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.


The Sisters Vs the Dodgers



I'm queer and live in FL. It's terrifying down here. It's hard to even protest because of the "anti-riot" laws that have been put in place.


Unfortunately it's not just Florida. Just about all the red states passed some form of open season laws on protesters in the past couple of years, some more dangerous (as in encouraging violence against protesters) than others. I'm hoping Pride marches are trouble free next month, but I'm not going to be surprised to hear of attacks on them, especially in rural small towns like the one I live near. It's already happening in sporadic fashion against retailers like Target. We may very well see which companies are firmly behind human rights next month and who's worried about their bottom lines more.