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Now let's be clear, we're all a little awkward, but I would like to think the two of us, Amp and Mr Kristofer, have some pretty wild and fascinating stories.
Porn stars, onlyfans, even youtube does lead us down a very interesting rabbit hole of awkwardness. So I hope our mistakes can be your... entertainment? 


Our Most Akward Sex Stories


Terry Brown

Once I was having sexy time with a guy and my cocker spaniel (not a euphemism) started licking the guys butt hole. Apparently it felt amazing but we made the dog stop because it wasn’t appropriate.

Terry Brown

I list country music in my limits now. I don’t listen to country music in general but my parents did. I was with a guy who had it playing in the background and a song came on that made me think of my mom. Definitely distracted from the moment.