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This will be a podcast episode, but it's not going live till the end of the month. 

I hope we have consent to discuss today's topic with you! And today's topic is just that, how consent in the legal framework of things could be changing coming soon. Legally, kink wise and how we protect and use consent could change, and it's all starting with today's guests from the NCSF or National Coalition of Sexual Freedoms. Come talk about EPP or Explicit Prior Permission and lets get kinky! 

Consent Counts - https://ncsfreedom.org/key-programs-2/consent-counts/

Consent Infographics  - https://ncsfreedom.org/2download-consent-signs/

How to get involved joining NCSF - https://ncsfreedom.org/get-involved/


Consent could be changing LEGALLY...

I hope we have consent to discuss today's topic with you! And today's topic is just that, how consent in the legal framework of things could be changing coming soon. Legally, kink wise and how we protect and use consent could change, and it's all starting with today's guests from the NCSF or National Coalition of Sexual Freedoms. Come talk about EPP or Explicit Prior Permission and lets get kinky! Consent Counts - https://ncsfreedom.org/key-programs-2/consent-counts/ Consent Infographics - https://ncsfreedom.org/2download-consent-signs/ How to get involved joining NCSF - https://ncsfreedom.org/get-involved/