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Today we sit down and talk to the experts on CONSENT from the NCSF themselves. They're working with the government to not only change HOW consent works but how kink could change when it comes to ramifications and consensual sexy times.

More times:

Consent Counts - https://ncsfreedom.org/key-programs-2/consent-counts/Consent Infographics  - https://ncsfreedom.org/2download-consent-signs/How to get involved joining NCSF - https://ncsfreedom.org/get-involved/


Consent could be changing LEGALLY...

Consent Counts - https://ncsfreedom.org/key-programs-2/consent-counts/ Consent Infographics - https://ncsfreedom.org/2download-consent-signs/ How to get involved joining NCSF - https://ncsfreedom.org/get-involved/


Terry Brown

My ex established my safe word as “Crikey!” The full version was “crikey I don’t like that one bit!” As used by Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter on South Park. I used it once because I was starting to feel some tingling and numbness from the ropes. He laughed as he loosened them, which is why he chose that word. The unexpected humor totally changed the mood of the scene.

Xander Odell

Thank you so much for this episode.