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In response to whenever we get critiques or push back for comedy being a part of our education, today we reflect on if we, as sex educators, are sex positive. From making sure we are respectful to still approaching a topic with an educated or educated guess, it's not always easy to get past your own experiences sometimes, but what do you think makes someone sex positive?


Are We Sex Positive?

In response to whenever we get critiques or push back for comedy being a part of our education, today we reflect on if we, as sex educators, are sex positive. From making sure we are respectful to still approaching a topic with an educated or educated guess, it's not always easy to get past your own experiences sometimes, but what do you think makes someone sex positive?



I find the two of you extremely sex positive. Y'all have helped me become way more sex positive just by doing your thing and spreading the knowledge in a fun and digestible way! The way you present topics through respectful comedy makes me want to try them all! Thank you both ❤ #NotCanceled


In response to the gooning episode, Mr Kristopher did come across as dismissive and uninterested simply because he could never see himself having the time to do it himself, which felt rather sex negative about the topic. It might not have been his intention, but that's how it came across to me. But in general you two do a good job with sex positivity.


And I think Daddy hears that loud and clear, he's always learning too. We all should learn and grow.


I don't consider it realistic to be "sex positive" about every aspect of sexuality. There's a difference in being destructively negative and showing disinterest in a topic - even in public on a sex education podcast. There are always pros and cons on every kink, showing disinterest and explaining the disinterest is as valid as showing interest and explaining the interest. I can point out several fetishes where almost no one is going to be "sex positive" about for good reason.