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On the youtubes we've sat down with Dan Savage to discuss this topic, but now we sit down and really deep dive into what being kink discordant means and question if we've been in a relationship like that.

Shoutout to patron Stolen Dragoon for the lovely idea for this deep dive.



Greg GDstPete

I'm. new supporter here, 5/2021.... I work alot and LUV having this podcasts on while I'm prepping for dinner, doing house chores etc.... I'm only listened to may 4. I'd apprecite that you get to the heart of the topic sooner. Tks.... now. do a short repeat of discordant and include 1) yes if one has a strong kink that the other is not into, this IS discordant.... 2) ADDRESS how might the cple approach one's view that kink is 'evil'... or it may become addictive (YEA....) and my thinking is couch this in that if the guys still really LOVE each other, allowing one to have 'out side sex' IS ok when it's disclosed AND premitted. No cheating..... and they do this becuase then the really Kinky one returns VERY happy and more grateful that he had this experience. It's kinda like, one guy love golf (we'll skip inuendos of hitting balls...) and the other loves tennis; then this is ok. Afterall, IF I was told I had to enjoy the same beers/wines and books I enjoyed when I was 30 (I'm now 68).... that's not fair..... I hope to hear more deeper insights, references to 'sexperts' even sexologogists (who don't live in LA cuz there ARE good sexologists even int parts of the mid-west.... and this may help you guys sell to a broader listener base.... NO.W.... Is Recon he BEST online 'dating' site.? Keep the quality UP. ! Greg in St Pete, FL. :)