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Happy Tuesday everyone.  We’re going to keep things short and sweet today.  All supporters are now able to play build  If you haven’t already, you can download the launcher here.  Please use the #patron_build_errors_and_feedback channel or submit a ticket to the bug reports channel in our Discord for any issues that you find.

To those celebrating Thanksgiving, we hope you have an awesome time riding your gravy boats down mashed potato mountain and experience all your stuffing pleasures. And enjoy the day with your friends and family.  Until next time, Peace and Stay Strong.



hoping this update is an omen for good things in the future and more consistent additions, everything seems to look great and be running smooth, tbh the only thing I can think the game lacks is quests, clothing options, more customization for krystal (being a huge one) and combat. Implement those systems when you can and you have a very good baseline game to continue building off of.


My launcher is not working even after disabling the gatekeeper and checking off from anywhere