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We got a new artist!

Good news, we've found a new artist that can do cool artwork which will help Kuja out a lot.  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/953976034494140476/960188611758784592/MEDBAY.png This means stuff will hopefully come out even faster.  

Economics and Tiers

But now I'd like to talk a little bit about economics (It was a trap!),  we've been talking about patreon and our tiers/rules. There has been a  decent amount of confusion to roles, and this is an old issue. Time to  solve it. However we've also run into an issue, Patreon takes a fairly  sizeable cut of every $1 subscriber. We've been discussing the idea of  making the existing peon role defunct and make a new one at a slightly  higher amount.  As it stands, patreon is taking around 35% of every one dollar tier, and  it's just... painful. Since over 70% of our supporters are $1  supporters. This was a change some time last year, and now even patreon  recommends not making our lowest tier $1:  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/958032760868577300/960577880344100874/unknown.png So I'd like to know what everyone thinks about us increasing that  default tier amount. The smaller numbers of higher tier supporters  actually provide us more income than the vast majority of subs being $1  supporters. (By the way, we won't actually be 'removing' the role, people would still keep that role, it would just be unlisted so new supporters won't see it.) But before doing anything we would like to know what everyone thinks about us increasing that default tier amount.  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/958032760868577300/960571341772312606/unknown.png We also have considered rolling the old 'inactive bloodbound', i.e. a  supporter that has pledged a certain amount over their life time, into a  new 'Navkatarr' tier which would be then inaccessible to future  patrons. So there would only be active bloodbounds and our long-time  supporters as 'Navkatarr'.  We also definitely want to start bringing our higher tier supporters  more into decision making, and opening up Praetorian to people, and  inviting praetorians to a tester server where they can beta test builds  and give more direct feedback.  Please let me know what you guys think, and I'll be in the voice chat  for a while today doing various things, you can talk to me there with  your thoughts. We will host a poll soon on Patreon about this.  


Besides this, development is still going steady, we will release a new build next month on schedule. Thanks for your time.

We're currently in voice chat on discord, feel free to jump in and discuss.



What I really hate about Patreon is that it's a subscription model. I'd rather pay 20$ once for this project and have access to news for life then pay a fixed smaller amount every month. The only reason why I subscribed in the first place is the reasonable 1$ price. 2$ a month sounds reasonable too but above 3 every month with every subscription service being more expensive for no reason (I'm looking at you Netflix) is starting to become a bit much.


imo I'd keep the 1$ tier and just make another one also, with the 1$ you keep the people that generally don't earn much money (or have much to spend on Patreons) who won't go above that on such things. Not that 2,3 is large differences, but in a way it is for some. could be wrong though ~


I mean if more content comes out I'm willing to pay higher - $1 Subscription


The problem is, that many people wont pay more unless there is noticable progress and regular updates. After all this project already goes for years and this is the third version while the older two were discontinued. So we are practically again at the start. For me the 1$ is more of a way to be informed what is going on. But for the time many of us are subscribed even on this small level we already paid more than for an AAA game. I love to support you. But unless there is more updates, shared art and at least something to do I cannot afford to give you more as money are hard to go by and this is most likely going to take months or more likely years to finish. Please dont take this as a critique. I know you work as hard as you can and do your best. I just wanted to offer a point of view from us small donators.


oooo yay people input progress could look really good


Pretty much what has been said. Mostly pay $1 to be informed as this TYPE of project is of interest, I used to pay more but like others have said, this is the 3rd iteration. But to pay more than that per month, eh. Sorry. I'll just move on and check for dated or typed out updates on F95. Only way I see myself paying more is if the progress gets past where it was last in Version 1.

Jeff Watson

Rather have the 2d version back