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Today Version 1.0.0 is being released. After all the delays we’re finally at a place where we’re able to release the content we’ve been working on. Although this is a small piece of the story, it’s a bigger idea of what the game overall will have in store. With the exception of a couple major features related to combat and quests, the core systems are all in place and have been iterated upon over and over again to achieve what we have presentable in this build.

We welcome any feedback and have created a Trello dedicated to game bugs where we’ve been piling them in since Monday and closing as much as we can. Please check the Trello and feel free to provide feedback within Trello on cards or contact us to report more issues you may find. https://trello.com/b/6z07HoKz/build-test

To Authenticate yourself on Patreon/Subscribe Star, login via the launcher and open the game while logged in. To refresh your login status in-game relaunch the game via the launcher.

Download Launcher (Window/Mac/Linux)

  • Recommended to unlock Patreon Rewards instantly.
  • Configure custom launcher installation location and game installation folder.

Direct Download (Patrons Only) Windows, Mac, Linux

  • Redeeming rewards has to be done manually in-game and you will have to keep an eye on posts for game builds.

If you’re unable to Authenticate via the Launcher, the direct build contains a in-game console used for debugging accessed by F4. Type in ‘help’ for a list of commands however you’ll want to use the 'authenticate-[insert rank Name]' command and authenticate-setName to set a custom name. Ideally the Launcher should authenticate your game session just fine.

1.0.0 Changelog

+ Switched game to 2D
+ New In-Game Map to allow transitions to Planet, Federation Ship, and Level overview
+ Federation Ship Map Menu
+ Razorclaw Map Menu Icons
+ New Loading Screen
+ Memories
+ 4 adult scenes from the tech build included in Memories
+ 2 new non-adult scenes included
+ Razorclaw Village with 3 Levels
+ Day/Night system
+ New Level Management system to keep track of the 50+ planned game levels
+ New Data-Tool system for managing all different aspects of the game data
+ Meiri
+ Vanlen
+ Sek all angles
+ Keakrix all angles
+ Razorclaw Guards
+ Improvements to the Level and Skills
+ Hunger/Health system more or less finalized
+ Lust mechanic setup
+ Difficulties and other menus have been rewritten
+ Bandaged Clothing
+ Federation Outfit
+ K’s Federation Outfit
+ Cheetah Outfit
+ Sek’s Outfit
+ Minigame system
+ Cooking Minigame
+ Cooking art and FX
+ Cooking items and ingredients
+ System to generate brand new items in real-time based on existing items and applying changes to them (Ingredients having unique uses counts and cooked food having unique effects).
+ Added Flipped variation for non-symmetrical characters (Keakrix’s flipped hair on one side)
+ Character customization
+ Character recolorization
+ Custom user icons
+ General UI Improvements
+ Control improvements
+ More Companion options
+ Character Day/Night cycles
+ Dynamic Post-Processing saturation based on Time of Day
+ New Game State Controller to handle the game state and transitions
+ Audio reaplcements and improvements
+ Audio in new game mechanics/UI
+ Lootable containers
+ Custom Content Manager tool for game content
+ Torches based on Time of Day
+ New Beginnings Quest
+ Authentication Manager to manage reward checks and get authentication information from the Launcher
+ Overhauled scenes system to operate with Bolt, Unity’s Visual Scripting Language
+ Character spawner with custom configurations for speech
+ Character spawner can interact with Bolt events
+ Generic Character support currently used for guards.
+ Replaced old hand-made Actionables system with Bolt events
+ Overhauled Triton to work with Bolt and provide a better user-experience
+ Talking animation for females
+ Emotes system currently used to power Sek’s reading/anviling
+ Dragable items
+ Merchants UI updated
+ Overhauled Dialogue display and functionality
+ Dialogue Barks
+ Gatherable objects that give items after the user gathers for long enough on it
+ More things we’re probably forgetting. General Bugs, UI, Animation, Writing, and Game Feel updates.

Other Notes

- All tents and tent interiors are in the works.  
- Character quests with the Chieftain and Galdryn are not available in this release.
- Backgrounds and minor details are still being tweaked/being worked on.  
- Background 2D lighting/Day-Night Cycle is still being tweaked/worked on.
- Interactive items are still being worked on.  
- Guards and guards diversity/outfit diversity.   
- Lizardfolk diversity (Skin/Scale coloration, markings, hairstyles and outfits).  
- More characters and Backgrounds/Areas will be added soon/through next patches.



I cant figure out how to get to the chief

Lady Aelora Vaelius

When I load 1.0.0 its just a black load screen


Having issues downloading the game for mac, it just says it may not be available for this platform


Good launcher, but it would be nice if the default base directory for downloads and so on would be set to the one you specify during the Launchers installation. (generating subdirectories as it currently does)


I tried a new version and I don't understand why you started a new project. I know it's due to the update delay issue and the game quality, but if you continued to make the old version, it would have already been completed. I don't think there's any improvement in character quality, story, and update frequency. I'm sorry to say this, but I really like this game. Sorry to know that the developers are working hard, but this time I was very disappointed.


I think you're setting up a lot of things and I'm excited for these features to be available sometime in the future! Some Feedback from my playthrough: - If there should be any quests, please display them somewhere. I guess this time there were none, I was just confused if there are any or not - The stamina system feels very slow. I understand survival games can leverage such stats, but the area is very broad and I'm not sure if this is what you're going for - The entries to other areas are sometimes not clear (ran a lot into walls) and/or buggy. Got stuck once near the waterfalls. - Talking with characters feels unusual and not as smooth. Some enter an animation just to say one line, the older (0.8.) version handled the pure dialogues more fluidly in my opinion - Being able to loot everything seems a little odd to me, but could be fun Overall I feel like this prepared a lot of important mechanics, so I'm very excited to see more!


I have to say that despite being a little rough around the edges on the technical site, this is a pretty impressive and high quality stuff. Good job and keep it up soldier


Game is pretty much unplayable for me. I keep getting stuck at certain places (for example at some hole/burrow at the far left of the map) and at the right of the female house. Also I cant seem to consume food and when I create a new game over an existing game (only when I haven't closed the tribe launcher) then even though the story restarts, I still have all items from the previous save file. Also I can't seem to progress anywhere. I have just been walking left and right all time and only managed to find Seth and Keakrix and whenever i try to find more I just get stuck somewhere and then I have to start all over again.

Alex Vang

Talked to sek. Entertaining story but the screen locks after the dialog.


I'll admit my question is a bit on the nose but here it is: Are we lewding this fox yet?

Alex Smoak

Easy still drains the hunger meter and I can not find the Chiefs hut and can only go to 3 maps (area transitions not including huts). I love the concept though and you make good work. Just saying what is happening on my end


So, i played 0.8.0 about a year ago, its why I'm here. I really enjoyed the game, and I really wanted to see it completed. When I found out that development had stopped on 0.8.0 and the game was being restarted, I had mixed feelings. I was excited to see where you took it, but I was disappointed that the game I'd started, and enjoyed, was being discontinued. BUT! I figured you had your reasons, and waited. What you've just released is a neat but in my opinion, minor, upgrade. The new game is in the same engine as the old one as far as I can tell, the UI is different, slightly, and it feels a little more crisp. but the intro from the old game, explaing where Krystal came from and why she was on the planet is gone? Any explanation as to why she's a fox in a village of lizards, gone, and what you've released has even less content than the tech demo that you released a little while ago. I don't mean to be negative, as I really do enjoy your work, but I'm just feeling a bit let down. I remain hopeful that this new start is just the tip of the ice berg, and now content and bug fix updates can come quickly. The game is pretty large considering the amount of playable content we've got, so I expect that this means there are a lot of assets in there that just havent been released to us yet.


Congratulations! <3


I cant even find galdryn


Honestly this feels like a step down from 0.8 in pretty much every way possible, expecially the character designs. Like, sure, this version is more mechanically diverse, but should it really be? Let's not kid ourselves, this is a hentai game first and foremost, it's the entire reason the original game is so beloved. There were a ton of sex scenes in the original and all that mattered were your choices. I dont think a single person played the original and thought that what it needed was a combat system or a hunger system, they just wanted more content, a better story, better visuals, and that's exactly what 0.8 was, it was shaping up to be everything it should be as a remake. If finished, 0.8 could've been one of the most sucessful adult games ever, and I honestly cant understand why it needed to be scraped in favor of this current project. I understand it is still very early in development, but I'm worried that the game is losing track of what made me fall in love with it in the first place


Cant find the chieftain in the beginning. Have gone left and right and met Keakrix and Sek. What am i missing?


I liked that the character can move up and down, rather than just left/right. Had problems, same as the ones mentioned in above comments. I tried to eat, but that didn’t stop her from being hungry...there wasn’t really much playability available, but so far everything looks pretty good. Just a little glitchy..also had to turn graphics/resolution way down to keep it from lagging


I beleve should be more simple like 0.8 version. Its a porn game after all


Idk if its my computer or the game but game shuts my computer down if I try to play it but the past builds worked fine


Yeah, but didn't they re-do almost the entire game?


I understand what you are doing here, I think. Abelius and kuja had made a remarkable erotic game. Building the sexual tension, shaping a real story driven game full of fantasy. But the game was instable, very difficult to evolve technicaly. That's why you change the technical core of the game. I guess what we have here is a realistic step to push the game further and for now you have my support. But don t miss the point, you are creating an erotic game....and I support an erotic game. Erotic don t mean numb and direct. Erotic thing are not direct as the 0.8 version greatly showed. But erotic as little to do with puzzle, leveling and combat...those as mental stuff, partly ruining the fantasy and emotionnal stuff i care about.


Not in yet, but he's our next priority. We'll get him and the pot quests in soon enough.


You would be shocked how many complaints we got about the gameplay of the old version. Regardless the sex content will come, and with far more variety than was ever planned or possible before, you merely have to be patient.


Not in yet, he's on our priority list for the next build.


We're aware of the bugs and are pushing to get everything tracked and fixed! This is a very early release so it'll take a while to polish everything to more acceptable levels.


The emotional stuff you care about will return. Kuja still works on this game, and so do I (I'm the writer for most of the old content).


We restarted the project due to some internal drama a while back. We had to make everything from scratch and decided we'd make it better. So it's just a matter of time for us to catch back up.


This may be messed up to some, but any chance we may get a scene of our darling K having to take over looking after the hatchlings and having to breastfeed them? Could have some scenes of that. The mechanic of that could raise her lust levels. Just a thought.


is there a way to stop the auto forward text?


Im just curious what was wrong with the old look of K and the Lizards? Much respect for ur work ofc! and im sure all will enjoy this Game, im just curious i liked the old look very much .


played it the only issues i had was the interact and crouch buttons for controller also opened the menu at the same time other than that looks good so far


So but its still unplayable right? i mean i cant go to the chieftain, and when i go to right side of the map where sek is i cant go back. i will wait for future updates