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We’re releasing the next patch of animations to the tech demo! We’d like to confirm that we’re going to be redoing the game view in Milestone 2 to fix the odd ‘flat’ 3D look to make it look better and feel more natural, I was working on mini-games that we have planned, however it is still not ready unfortunately and will be put in Milestone 2 after the new view is setup.

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Download Directly (Not Recommended - No launcher, and no credits screen)
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Patch 2 (next patch) will include,

  • New companion interaction (Prototype: https://streamable.com/4n8wft)
  • Side Front and Side Back angles to the characters
  • Fixes to Keakrix
  • Scenes 2 and 3
  • More bug fixes? Perhaps? Most Likely...

Thanks to the feedback from the community we were able to find bugs and fix them and we’re even able to highlight their particular contribution by name. We go through all the feedback given to us in the channels and it is very helpful in making a better experience for you.

The change log for the Tech Demo is,

  • Sex scene 4 and 1 completed with full effects.
  • Released to Linux, Mac, and Windows.
  • Lock attribute confirm button unless all points are met.
  • Added Terms and Conditions to the game.
  • Back button for the play settings menu.
  • The map smoothly jitters instead of instantly jitter.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash if the player was destroyed.
  • Feedback from the community,
    • Titus G (Compton Alex)
      • Volume and effects are within the same slider.
      • Female/Male voice slider.
    • Boyzilla
      • Zoom keyboard controls.
    • Doc
      • Characters fall through terrain.
      • Hilltop.
        • Level should not be loading.
    • Vulapa
      • Jar Dupe Glitch.
        • Pick up the jar then fall off map.
    • Honuel
      • Invisible Wall.
        • People are annoyed by the invisible wall, we should use natural ways of locking them in.
      • Rock bridge sound loop.
        • Step in the pressure plate while the sound of Rock Bridge cues, then fall into the void immediately.
      • Slow Stamina Recover Time.
      • Companion Can’t Follow Well.
    • Druideftw
      • Clicking on a menu option twice makes the menu option have the same outline as when you would hover over the option with your mouse, but it won't disappear when leaving the option with your mouse, only when clicking on a different one.
      • Clicking Escape or tab leads to strange behavior (Dampening sound and randomly jumping menu options).
      • After declining the quit option you need to click another menu option or quit twice before being able to be asked again if you want to close the game.
      • Really nitpicky; In the graphics settings. At the upper options with the text and the box you can tick(Full-screen, V-Sync), you can click between the text and the box while at the lower three options you cannot.
      • The name of the save file only gets shown once you open the save file. There is also a strange thing when you start a new game and exit it, it doesn't show up anymore in the save game menu as it isn't saved when you first start it, but the name of the new save game that never got saved is now the name of an old saved game.
    • Mad_Shell
      • beginning a new game in the same slot as a previously saved game: it seems that some of the progress is kept, since Appius first welcomes Krys with "Aaah, the exotic beauty returns" (edit: it happens even when the game was not saved, just playing in a slot is enough for it to happen).
      • Better Companion Interaction.
      • Typo in map name, Uzukai instead of Urzukai.
      • When the "run mode" is activated (running icone top right of the screen), the stamina does not regenerate, even when not moving.
    • Hearthrow
      • Low resolution has issues with icons being low res.
    • 'Best' Mum
      • Got a bug in the character overview screen, results in items disappearing from existence:
      • 0. Remove some clothes from a character (probably not necessary, but all the clothes in the demo start equipped!)
      • 1. Select another character who has clothes on.
      • 2. Click on a clothes slot with something already in it.
      • 3. Select another item in that slot - item that was previously in that slot no longer exists!
    • Raiden
      • Clipping Chest.
    • Lev
      • Companion doesn’t disappear on death? Maybe?
      • Level issues.
    • Otoshimara
      • Companion Manager is bugged.
        • Currently it looks like you can't move Sek when you take control of him, and if you add and remove him from the party a few times it freaks out the party page.
    • Toaster Enthusiast
      • If you fall off the map as Krystal, and then reload the game, you won't be able to move as that character anymore, not even by staring a whole new save.
    • Mesh
      • Map cheat issues.
      • Also I was able to complitely softlock the game by spamming things (proffesional describtion right here) in the menu while in a dailogue (first sex scene to be exact), only keyboard imputs work, mouse imputs do not respond and I can't interact with anything.



https://i.imgur.com/wmTKlfV.png Is this...intentional? I don't think the foliage is quite what I'm trying to see when characters are talking :P Zooming doesn't fix it.


https://i.imgur.com/bUQd0av.png I also got her stuck walking down the slope as far as possible. She can't come back to me no matter how hard she tries.


Hey is there any way to link my patreon access to the launcher without using "internet explorer"? my Explorer is broken, basically.


I'm getting this error Error: spawn K:\stuff\done\krystal/LauncherData/The Tribe Launcher.exe ENOENT


i'm getting something similar Error: spawn C:\Users\gordo\Downloads\Launcher/LauncherData/The Tribe Launcher.exe ENOENT


Ya im getting a Error too.


Getting the same "ENOENT" error that others are reporting, just FYI


Hello Jawn, no, we're unnable to display a web browser directly in the engine and Patreon requires a browser for login requests. Try changing your default browser, https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95417, or downloading the patreon builds directly.


To those getting the EONET errors, please clear out the Updater folder except for your Updater.exe and try launching again, it should be resolved after it redownloads the files


is there a way to save progress in current build


After the quest is complete it will save the game. We will have pre-determined points where the game saves.


Unfortunately, the Direct Download is probably the only way I can play this. Since the Launcher doesn't work on my computer.


The direct download didn't work, I tried the Launcher again. And it seemed like it would work this time. Only to for it stop working, when the window closed, before the game was done loading, once the launcher was done unpacking. Please, I'm just about ready to throw in the towel. Is there anything I can do, so I can play the game?