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The Launcher is recommended for launching LoK:Rebirth.

Launcher (Recommended) | Windows
Linux (Coming soon)
Guide to the Tech Demo (Spoilers attached)

Hello everyone! We’re excited to announce after nearly one year in development, the LoK:Rebirth Tech Demo for the remake. As many of you understand the game has been in the process of being remade over the course of the last year.

(Gizmo) I was recruited onto the project nearly exactly one year ago while I was interning at Electronic Arts as a software engineer. Since then I’ve progressed to being a senior in college and onto other jobs that I’ve since then quit to focus on just this game and build up an audience for our game and to work as the Development Lead for the team. I took over about 2 months ago and since then I have learned a lot about our workflow that we have been improving and getting onto writing. We are doing consistent weekly meetings to ensure we are on the same page and progressing. I know a year is a long time to have waited but as things move forward, we hope to win you over with a unique experience in a much quicker cycle.

The Future

Moving forward we are aiming on releasing 2 major patches to the Tech Demo that will include two animations along with updates to the current animations, dialogue animations, and bug fixes as we encounter them.

During this time most of the team will also be shifting to Milestone 2 and getting content started for the next Milestone. Personally I’ve found some things that can be improved with a couple systems but I don’t expect those changes to take long.

Here’s a sneak peak of what’s in plan for Milestone 2 (Version 1.0.0). We will release updates when possible, we won’t wait for everything to be in before releasing but this will be exclusively our aim.

- Launcher -- In-Progress

- Talents/Magic

- Character Customization

- Hunger System

- Combat

- Lust Mechanics

- Federation Ship -- In-Progress

- Razorclaw Village

- Minigames

- Extra (Dev Inspiration and other little things we come up with)

This will be the start of the game from the Federation Ship to the Razorclaw Village. By the end of this it’ll be the start of a real game.

Again, this is a tech demo there are likely still some issues. If you encounter anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we can help you sort anything out.

Feel free to ask me any questions on Discord as it’s my primary way of communicating with everyone,



Controller is minimally supported, we will be looking into controller support again in the near future.


- W - Left Stick Up

- A - Left Stick Left

- S - Left Stick Down

- D - Left Stick Right

- Left click

Dialogue Camera Movement

- Right Mouse and Drag - Right Analog Stick

- Mouse Scroll wheel - Left/Right triggers


- E - Y on Xbox Controller


- Ctrl - B on Xbox Controller


- Shift - Left Stick Down


- Left Click - Right Trigger


- Space - A on controller

Companion Selection

- Right Click - Left Trigger

Item Bar Preset

- T - Up Arrow on controller

Item Bar Select

- 1,2,3,4,5 - Left/Right/A on Controller

Interact with UI and level objects

- Left Click - A on controller

Menu (Default to Inventory)

- Tab - X on controller

Main Menu

- Esc - Menu on controller


+ Items (0-24)
+ Characters (0-3)
+ Sex scenes 1 and 4
+ Main Menu
+ Attributes
+ Levels 0-1
+ Debugging System
+ Leveling and XP system
+ Equipping and Unequipping
+ In-Game UI and Functionality
+ Tons of icons and UI art
+ Quest System
+ Interaction System
+ Regions System
+ Data Management System
+ Companion System
+ Dialogue System
+ Questing and events System
+ Logic Action System
+ A whole bunch of other things



Great job guys was looking forward to this one. I do have a question tho, do u guys plan to do monthly updates or is it undecided yet?


As we get a flow going I'd love to do monthly updates. Vlad has told me that this was attempted before though and how vicious of a cycle it becomes. We have a meeting tomorrow and I will bring it up once again. - Gizmo


The beginning of a Masterpiece I can't wait for next update :)


Well, to the demo you show. Have you team decided that the team's jungle adventure will be the main storyline of the new version?


So grateful for the hard work and progress you guys have made. Things take time but it truly is worth it. Cheers guys!


It's going to cross over to a number of different environments: Desert, Savannah Grassland, Tundra, Forest, Jungle, Volcanic, Frigid Desert, City ruins, and Federation Ship.


Its great keep it up


Great progress! The only thing that isn't looking so hot is those controller bindings ;p RT to attack and clicking in the left stick to sprint? That may work fine for a first-person game, but the new LoK has a more 2.5D brawler look to me :3


Look promising, but Please, make the (futur) minigames be optional.


Good point haha. The controller support is still in progress. I'll work on that as soon as possible. - Gizmo


Not a fan of the Minigames? Any feedback that you think might make them worth your while?


Are you unable to get the game running at all? Can you send us an email to lok.thetribe@gmail.com. We'll walk you through getting crash dumps and getting that fixed.


Good tech demo, I can see a lot of potential with this style over the previous version of the game! I only really had a few issues with character models not rendering and this thing where my third party member wouldn't accept commands after having him set to stationary. That being said I'm excited about the possibilities and can't wait to see where you guys go with the game👍


Only of the H-scenes had the character renders. The others just had the characters standing in place with only the dialogue going


This is correct, we're going to be doing two patches with the 2 missing animations in the upcoming month. Sorry it took so long :(


Йо! Шикарная работа! Сразу видно, что работа не стоит на месте и вы движетесь вперёд к своей цели! (Думаю, сразу понятно, для кого я на русском это пишу)


Is the original storyline going to be continued?

Jeff Watson

I must have the PG13 version, rub boobs, handjob, titjob washing the pot and dry hump with Vanlen. Can't rip clothes, can't lick Eri.