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Hey there folks, Vlad here with another update of what's been going on. So as some of you may have heard, Abelius and LoK have gone their separate ways. We wish him all the luck in whatever he chooses to do (I believe he's going to be doing a Bowsette project), check him out if you like, he does good work.

The next thing I'm imagining you're wondering is "Why did that happen?", and without going into too many details, Abelius simply wanted to do other projects, it's not easy being an employee in a project you started, and I'm not blaming him for anything.

In related news, we have a couple of new animators that will be aiding Archie in the animation aspect of LoK:R. Oughta has also been a **massive** help to Archie in animation, and I highly recommend you check out his work, as he is a golden god of hand-drawn animation.

As for how the demo is going, we're making excellent strides. Progress is much faster, rigs are being made quicker, and we're finally back on track with finishing it relatively soon. Compound is also now being payed for his excellent environmental work. I'm not going to lie, we had very poor progress in animations for a while, and those that were disappointed at our progress had every right to be. However we are picking up pace now, and we are even working on the first sex scene for the demo.

For more information on our progress, visit our trello: https://trello.com/b/91ffWvUn/lok-rebirth

And/or join our discord where you can speak to devs like me: https://discord.gg/33eu8Rg

We thank you from the bottom of our heart for your continued support.



Excellent. As soon as that spicy meatball of a sex scene is ready just throw it out there to us. We'll take anything at this point, especially with the new model looking as good as it does.


If you want to join in, I'm at https://www.patreon.com/Abelius

Sir Rage

well RIP Abelius i wish him good luck on his path whereever it will lead him