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  • eorDMRRQrv.mp4



Hello everyone! It’s me Gizmo again, here to show you some of the things we’ve been working on. I hit some roadblocks with the way we set up our data system. I was trying to be sly and use Google Sheets (Google Drive’s Excel System) as our data storage. I didn’t quite think it through, I was expecting only to read from here, never to write but as I look more at our developer tools, writing to our data system will need to be added at some point, so I decided to use a temporary system I hacked together that would be used in-engine and move it out again once I work on editor tools again. I’ve spent far too long on these tools and will be prioritizing getting the demo out these next few weeks.

In this post I’d like to go over the Interaction system, and Inventory built in the game.

The Interaction system can be seen in the video posted, it’ll allow us to set up items, blocks, dialogue, and doors rather quickly. These objects will move you around and play any interaction sequences as you use them. The block interactions led to some pretty cool map designs and is a game changer for platforming.

The Inventory was built up this last week and as you can see it’ll show some important information. It’ll show your attack and defense levels which will be affected by the armor and weapons you have equipped. You can filter items as well according to their category, food, potions, specials, armor, and misc. Misc will be used for quest items and keys and other random things you find along the game. Clicking on an armor slot will further filter to armor for that particular slot. This also stores your stats and in the video, you can take a look at how the stats will influence the game.

I’d like to apologize for the long development process, we’ve hit snags along the way, but I’d like to let you all know that we’re fine tuning mechanics and will have a basic demo out soon, where you'll be able experience the game first hand. As the game reaches a more complete state I’m going to begin doing streams where I’ll show you how the code works and we’ll implement new features and Easter Eggs as rewards for those who attend.

Thanks and don't forget to see the attached video below!



That's cool stuff


I have a lot of hope Make us dream


Although i'm impressed with the progress, i'm also kinda worried a lot, or basicly everything, from the old game is gone or made into something else. Compare... the old game vs LoK VG style game.. i liked the progression / gradual storyline of the 0.8 version to be honest. The RPG vs the "action / puzzle" type it now seems to become is a little ... worrisome..


I personally like this new take on the game, from what I learned on the old game they programmed themselves into a wall which made it difficult to add more content into. But from what I'm seeing this new version is 0.8 plus more added features. Dialogue and progression will still be similar from what I've heard in discord. I'm just curious to see how the new game will feel on the demo. That'll be the deciding factor for me


This is definitely cool! But aren't you afraid of losing part of your audience because you have changed your focus to some extent? From pure platforming to RPG component? (sorry in advance for my English)!!!


Your english is way better than the one of some native speakers ;) The devs said that they always planned to make the game like the upcoming version, but due to difficulties in coding and other problems, it couldn't be done.


I still hope the main focus for this project is gonna be porn, I think thats what everyone wants and that is what the OG Lok games were about


Just don't forget to ask the question why we play the game. I play the game to jerk off, and not just because of the sex itself. I like corruption of the mind and the "no escaping" thing (then "I can escape, but I don't want to anymore"). For me, the deviation of that can be a huge turn off and I'll have no motivation or pleasure in doing it, because that's not why I'm playing the game, but I also have in mind that maybe the game would be too much of the same thing (sex, sex, sex, sex....), and maybe you create a deviation with a good context and story. Complex is not always better, but I trust you guys, because so far you've build a masterpiece!


Holy shit you guys! Did you see that you can drag a box? Sign me up for a higher patreon donation! Box dragging is why is supported this project from day one!


Oh look! Someone who doesn't understand that you can make a porn game which is also fun to play! And so intelligent: he knows what the game will look like even before the technical demo is released!


I'm not fond of the idea of the game's direction being focused more on the "game" and less on the porn, but I have to admit, you're doing pretty neat stuff here. The process is slow now, but I'm sure the work you're doing now will speed things up a lot in the future. As long as the game is fun to play, and the dick-to-puss action is good looking, I'll be sure my dollar was well spent.


will there be any kind of voice acting or something like that?


As a gamer I like it so far. A lot of people will complain about the game being less porn and more game, but I honestly think that's better. I love the characters planned and the more mobility-able area. I'm gonna get a lot of hate, but screw the vG and all the previous versions. We're looking at the best LOK game being developed


The thing is, the game itself will not going to decreasing in the amount of the adult content, it will be even bigger than was planned before. It just that, unlike the previous version where abel focused on creating the adult content first and the game's structure and mechanics later, now it is reversed. They first create the game's system, that would not require too many maintenance in the future and than they going to start making adult content and implement that into the game.