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Hello there,

This is a small content update, hence the third version digit. The only new content present is a full CG animation with K and Cenvir having quality time, and a BJ variation with him, in which K can opt to take his spunk in her mouth (and deal with it later).

You may remember from previous posts that during my last trip, I've had several technical issues with my main Spine project where the side view characters are managed, so I've been forced to fall to that alternative way to give some content.

Therefore, this is the first CG animation I make. I don't know if you'll like it or not, so give me some feedback on it.

The scene triggers by K asking the Shaman if she could get pregnant by Lizards. Requirements for the question being available are having repeated regular sex with Cenvir, so asking the Shaman about if cumming inside is okay, gets mentioned.

Then 500 Lust is required for the scene variation being available from Cenvir end-content options.

Two events have been changed so the maximum Lust possible is now 500:

- Vanlen cum swallowing (from 499 to 500)
- Cenvir regular sex reluctant variation (from 475 to 500)

0.7.x saves are valid.


Change log
- Cenvir Regular Sex Agree event (with animated CG scene)
- Cenvir BJ Agree event

- Maximum Lust goes from 499 to 500 (this allows for triggering Regular Sex Agree event with Cenvir)
- Maximum Lust points from Vanlen swallowing event go from 499 to 500
- Maximum Lust points from Cenvir Regular Reluctant event go from 475 to 500



Awesome, thanks for the update, the new scene with C was worth the wait.


everytime i try to save it crashes


This is beautiful, thank you

clive silverson

how do i get the Vanlen swallowing event


lust at 500 its clearly stated above as well


Do anyone have a save file cause I lost mine?😐

clive silverson

X2penzx he just grinds her at the moment and im at 500


The animated CG is beautifully done and K is so sexy. I've been waiting forever to see her finally take it.


I'm very happy to know that the save files are compatible


Try to run it in Admin mode and make sure the game is located in a safe folder (not root, nor Program Files, etc)


Absolutely have to agree. Most definitely worth waiting for.


The CG animation is not bad, , rather, it is fantastic in every detail, maybe it's Cenvir that looks different, but not so much. However, will it be possible to choose the cowgirl or reverse cawgirl position (just curious, sorry)?

Manuel Garcia

Can we get more scenes like that?


how do i get the cenvir event


The new scene look very nice. The only thing i think is missing is that black margin like previous animations. Maybe more details on CG. Also Cenvir's eyes look weird, compared with normal.


Cg is fine just a bit more of detail would be good


Not a fan of the CG to be honest, not that it was bad, I just prefer the classic way the scenes develop.


I'm stuck with the fatorino I don't know how to go beyond it doesn't give me more points but the moves are always the same I can't reach raspberries and sek tell me about you still blocked everything else has been done but here I don't know how to go on


I'm stuck with the fatorino I don't know how to go further it doesn't give me more points but the moves are always the same I can't reach the raspberries and sek tell me that you still stuck everything else has been done but here I don't know how to go on