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Hey guys,

This is a 'public announcement' to warn you that we won't be able to release a new update next April.

I've encountered a big obstacle which is that Spine is not exporting animations in my laptop. This is kind of "funny" because my main worry with using it on my trip was that Unity worked properly (which it does), but not Spine not being able to export anything.

That means I can't even adjust old animations to adapt to slightly changed events, like the very much desired Cenvir's c*m in mouth and "creamy" happy endings...

I'd need to use strictly identical animations already used with Vanlen for the first case and, frankly speaking, I don't think they'd work well with Cenvir's personality at all.

And well, that's the tip of the iceberg, really...

My trip to the Phils started out quite shakily, emotionally speaking. I know I shouldn't air this kind of personal things here in this public media outlet, but yeah, it sucked so royally... I got really depressed and couldn't do anything right and much less at the same performance I did back home.

And I was on a tight schedule already, considering I spent a week to get ready for the trip, so yeah, now with this latest issue of not being able to export animations... I don't have any other option than being honest and tell you people in advance.

At least, now that we changed release dates to the start of every month, instead of the end, we feel more or less at ease at knowing you can choose to suspend your pledges for April and return when you feel like it.

That said, and please don't think this is a desperate attempt at not losing patrons, we are not stopping work on other aspects of the project. My plans are to write the dialogues of the scenes I can't implement yet due to the exporting issue, and I'll also fill up the Wiki with current information, which has been neglected for too much time.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure Kuja will continue working his ass off, as he always does, as my technical issues doesn't affect him.

So, in short, 0.8 gets delayed for the time being. I hope to get it ready for May, but keep in mind I'll still have the aforementioned problem during April because my trip actually ends in May, so if it releases that time, its new content will be based on old animations.

At any rate, I'll inform you people of new developments so you could make informed decisions about your support.

Thank you, people.



hey man just wanna say that you still will get my pledge this month I mean its normal for delays to appears sometimes, right? anyways this comment is probably redundant but you guys keep up the good work!! also hope you feel better mate!


Don't worry man - if you are doing your best, we can't properly ask for more! Keep up with the good work! (^°^)b

Icarus Media

You kept people informed, explained why and even offered the chance to pause the pledge for a month. When people are invested in you, it's a good thing tonot only give good news but also the bad as well. In the long term that stands you in good stead and shows professionalism. Some pledgers will immediately leave, that's fine it does happen. Likewise some creators bury their heads in the sand until the problems get worse. Just as there are good and bad devs, there can be good and bad patrons but in this case i think that people will stick by you.

Indiana Keks

You allready thinking of Cenvirs hapiness makes me happy, so win win even without release. Please keep in mind that your poll (which i disliked honestly) allready gave you the feedback that delayed releases are not a great problem for the majority; your attempts to do it monthly are greatly appreciatet, dont kill yourself if its not work every month.... leave something for raging people! Joke aside, make the best out of your trip


Have a nice trip.


First of all have a nice trip and come back healthy! TBH I prefer waiting a few more days for proper Cevnir scenes over rushed scenes just to deliver asap.


Agreed I would rather wait than a rushed update and have a nice trip.


It's all good man, don't stress yourself out :)


Hey a quality build with some good honest effort behind it always beats a rushed project kicked out the door to soon(like every single 'live service' game when they launch). I'm willing to bet most of us are happy to wait, and saying that, you'll still have my support for that month!


No worries. There are bound to be issues here and there. I'll be pledging regardless.


Well, It is a little disappointment, but like you said, both of you are doing your best and don't stop working ( dialogues, wiki, may be more content? ;D ) Don't worry, you have explained it well, keep this good job up !


More Waiting, Harder Dicks, More Krystal after a bit of clicks. Love your work, do what you can and do not overstress yourself. Will support you whatever. Because this has to live. The better you feel, the better i get to feel seeing krystal shagging everyone.


i would 100% prefer you take the time rather than rush a release


Too me it sounds the program can be reinstalled and it should solve this matter (delete every file of the program and then make clean install). If not, you would have to give the laptop to trustworthy service. Or at the worst case you may try resetting Windows to default settings. Thanks for letting us now. I'll suspend my support till the next update, because It sounds there would be 2 month delay at least. Then I'd have to add 2 weeks to waiting period. I hope you will figure out what's wrong with exporting. Good luck!


If you cannot add more scene this month, maybe you could take some time to create some polls. Everyone has their own opinion on everything and everyone love the give it. It could also give you a good idea of the expectation over your game.


As many have said before take care properly, good work takes time so dont worry. Also It's ok to vent once in a while so cheer up.


I don't really care about waiting perhaps because my pledge is not that big. Get well, man. That's the most important thing.


Hey, everyone gets bad moments, so don't worry about it. Also, works of art take time so... We don't mind waiting a bit ;)


It's okay! We completely understand!


I'm disappointed, to be honest. I keep supporting you, but I'm getting tired. Don't forget that a lot of people are looking forward to it with interest.

Indiana Keks

I feel you (no homo pro homo) but actually, there was a poll which showed that we are the minority. Most patrons are ok with releases from 2-3 months. But they are still trying to keep everyone as happy as possible, so what im trying to say is youre not alone, but they do their best


You're fine, depression is a monster that isn't nice to try and work through while under duress. Do what you feel like you can do and focus on making sure that you're okay. Be Safe!


No worries on the issues. As far as depression- try focusing on your hobbies more. Take it from a guy, dealing with depression since 7-years-old


It's ok get your healing time and you can eating some hot food!


i have a question about one choise i can`t select rip suit , how to enable this selection?