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Hi there,

0.6d version is available for the masses in the public downloads folder.


Note: 0.7 should be ready for beta testing tomorrow.

0.6 change log

- Mechanic: K can take a bath at the waterfront now (once per day). Wash the pot once to unlock.
- Content: Two new events (first and repeating variation) for two NPCs, while bathing in the waterfront.
- Content: New Eri scene (pot wash fail). First and repeating variations.
- Graphics: Ripped outfits added to Status Screen.
- Graphics: Night sky for Nursery.
- Engine: Run toggle state is now stored in savegames.
- Engine: Animation Culling toggle (default: Enabled). Can be disabled in the Options Screen for troubleshooting purposes.
- Minor: Updated 'how to run' tip (when exiting K's room) with 'hold button to move'.

- Engine: NPCs preloading re-enabled (slightly longer game startup).
- Engine: Most NPC state machines migrated to templates (way better asset management).

- Innacurate fade out/in after flagship room shower.
- The Ship and the Holocomputer won't scream 'Merry Christmas' anymore (LOL).
- Incorrect 'Zoom activated before time' warning during Gatekeeper intro scene.
- Intro scene in the guard's tent not progressing to the Chieftain's audience.
- Several objects (firepit/torches/etc) shown like at night time, if loading a Day 1 savegame.
- First pot dragging skipped to Galdryn directly (not intended).
- Not being able to end the day with Meiri, after having cleaned the pot that day.
- After you get to choose between Eri and Vanlen tasks, you could go to Eri and work for her first thing in the morning without going to Meiri first (not intended).
- NPCs "waking up" when entering their location.
- Nursery babies stop crying after loading from night to day.
- Getting stuck talking with Meiri in the morning, when using the pitcher to skip the previous day.

Known issues (new):
- Chieftain Jakuul doesn't move during the Intro.
- K briefly flashes at the start of some animations.



6 month 1 scenc


For someone reason after I didn't get the branches one time I am not gaining respect anymore from doing tasks. It's very annoying because I am at 199 respect. It's pretty boring to keep having to pick up those sticks besides doing other things. Is this a bug?


it's not a bug i think it is wanted like the other caps like lust


how many times bathing before the event


Tried the 32 & 64bit but game wont load for me.Any fixes?


Aww I guess it's not out today. Was looking forward to new stuff 😃


I've been trying to run this game since i've seen it earlier this year and the game crashes every single time i launch it. I've even installed the 32bit versions. If anyone has any suggestions on how to launch without crashing, please let me know.


you first need to see your specs. the creator even say that he trying to keep updating and optimizing the game for it won't use so much resources causing benchmark minimum being kinda high.

Bradley Porter

so how do you get submission past 175


Fail the tanning job


My attributes are 199/475/185. And I can not do anything else, is this the maximum so far?


I know that you are always thankful for your efforts and suffer from it. However, why do I always have to play a new game without saving what I've saved every time the version is updated? I am so uncomfortable that I am paying you abroad.


I'm the first I don't like needing to reset save data, but I either do that or the game engine would be stuck in a state that will compromise development speed in the future. You need to understand this is a game made from scratch, so I don't have the advantages of Renpy and RPGMaker when it comes to variable management. Those are closed systems that make much easier to manage save data. Unity, on the other hand, is completely open and flexible and that puts you in charge of keeping everything under control, which is not always straightforward. That said, I always try to make old games compatible. In fact, 0.6 games were compatible with 0.5.x (which this post is about). It's 0.7 which has required starting over due to extensive changes in the quest system...


does 0.7 have more scenes ? kind of at a stand still


It has one with multiple options at the waterfall, but you need to ask Keakrix about the Xyrin to have chances of it happening.

Draco Pendragon

Im stucked at 199 respect, is that a Bug or just the actual end?


i forgot the keakrix and golak's location. where are they?