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Hi there people,

I wanted to comment on two non-game related changes. These are actually more Patreon/project related.

First, we're hiding our earnings from now on.

I know this could be seen as lack of transparency on our part, but we have several reasons at being discreet. It's not just one motivation at play here and we certainly don't expect an influx of money because you don't know how much we're making.

In fact, you can easily estimate how well we're doing by multiplying our number of patrons by $5. It has stayed like that for years in our case, except for some months that we've earned less than that per patron.

And the second decision is to move our monthly release date to be near the start of the month.

I believe this will be more straightforward and fair, because I usually spend one week fixing problems and if I release at the end of the month it could happen that Warriors would need to be charged twice for downloading bug-fixed versions when the month ends.

If you're die-hard fans, supporting us with the same pledge amount every month, this change won't mean much to you. But if you prefer to pledge only when new things come up, you'll be happier with this approach.

Also, this makes even more sense when you think about February which only has 28 days, and the things that happened to me this month, lol...

So, this means we'll release 0.7 at the start of March. More or less a week before I leave for my Filipino adventure. ^_^

As always, thank you guys.



So the first change i don't understand hiding earnings you didn't really explain why you want to hide it the second change makes sense.


Yeah, they shouldn't leave the first part a mystery. I can think of several bad or shady reasons to hide earnings so I hope they explain what they mean by several reasons.


There is no reason why the earnings should be hidden. Please, explain your reasoning in details. I prefer transperency in that matter..

Nixon Daniel Sanchez Cascante

There are many people who are pulling the hatred towards lok because the project generates $ 9k a month, I think it is a bit silly to hate a project just because it is going well and they have a lot of support


Mmm, okay. You want more explanations... Let me ask you a question... do you happily publish your personal earnings on a public website for the eight billion people in the World to see...? Well, that's exactly what we were doing. It's like if you go to a computer shop and say to the owner "I'm interested in buying a laptop from you, but first I need to know how much this business makes". I don't know about you guys, but IMHO that information should stay between IRS and me. Another reason...: let's imagine a country where the GDP per capita is about $3000 and the national sport is gossiping. Well... that country exists and it's the Philippines. You see where I'm going...? If I end up relocating there I certainly don't want to live like a secret agent, hiding an integral part of my life because of that number sitting on a corner for everybody to see. Oh, and Kuja lives in Brazil. A word to the wise is enough, as they say...


Hello, about earnings, I don't see problem to hide it. First you needed to show it to show how far it was to reach goals. Now you earn what you need. And if it's more, hey it's only showing how much this game is popular. And with time we know how you're doing : I have no doubt it's another motivation for you to continue to offer us more for this project. And about release dates, it's more fair for sure for "casual" patreons. Then, see 0.7 to march ;p


I agree, it's not a big deal to hide earnings. It's not like Abelius is secretly funding the deep state with his cash or smuggling drugs.


that would be fine if it wasn't for the fact we funding this project. i don't really care about you hiding the amount you're making off this project but saying privacy reason is why make 0 sense. people want to know where their money is going and how much money a project they are funding is getting. again i dont personally care, but if people do complain then i can see why they would complain


Do what you have to do. I can honestly say I haven’t looked at the earnings since first passing by the page and it’s not like the amount of money you make off a game is a selling point of said game. I’ll be here quietly chucking money at you either way.


do what you gotta do its not that big of a deal to me you can hide it i just wanted an explanation so thank you


Thank you for actually giving a reason and not just do it without a heads-up. You'll be surprised how often the latter happens. Anyways, nothing really changes for me since I'm a hunter, so... counting the days...


Hi, working on the suit ripping, is there any way in game to walk around naked yet?