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Hi guys,

Direct to the point: I've had a motorbike accident yesterday.

I'm okay, even though I slammed a van on the back with the front of my (now deceased) bike and also my head. You should have seen the face of a bystander when I stood up on my own. He didn't believe his eyes. But I *had* a veeery good helmet, and that's probably the reason I'm writing to you guys now.

I don't have incapacitating injuries, although I've woken up with new pains and my left thumb seems to be dislocated? I don't know if that's the correct term.

Anyway, I took yesterday off and I'll continue working now. They put a cast on my right hand+forearm, because there could be a small fracture in one bone, but I have enough mobility to grab the mouse and type. This kind of work could even be considered as rest by many doctors, I'd bet. ^_^

So, I'm not at 100%, but still with you guys and plans are not changed for February release.




Gotta be careful around those cagers! Glad to hear you're alright.


Jesus christ, glad you're ok dude!


What a champ my dude


Damn! Glad you're ok!


Man got up like it's no big deal XD Glad to know you're alright!

Indiana Keks

First and before all its good that you are allright. Second, why the heck would you drive in this time of the year, or a you snow free? If theres no snow, sorry for assuming, if there is then dont play with you live please ;) Maybe take the day off just to be safe


I glad you are good and in right condition to have this sence of humor jaja


Get well soon


Take care of yourself first of all ;)


Please do not push yourself. I'd hate for the impatience of anonymous internet dwellers to compound your injuries.


Thank goodness your alright! Hope you get better soon and take it easy. I don't think anyone is going to fault you for taking care of yourself first either so take it easy!

Mr Stealth

Sheesh. That sounds like one heck of a experience. Hope you`ll recover quick.


Now THIS is a creator I can get behind. Surviving a crash and a day later- back to work. Damn... But still watch yourself.


good recovery :(

Toris Frendon

dude, take a couple of days off , i hope your recovery goes smooth i will pray :)


reminds me of my first motorbike accident only that it was a car I crashed into and flew over it instead of into it but yeah the rest was similar. Well shows that protectiv gear does it job

Shady Cyanide

Please get well, we don't need you hurting yourself further!


Glad you are ok, take it easy and be safe Vss

Chin Chilla

Use the money to buy more helmets.


i'm glad your alright! as a motorcycle rider myself i know the difference good riding gear can make.


Your poor Motorbike wont heal that easily .... I wish you both all the best and get well soon!


Glad your ok but take it easy a accident is still a accident hope you recover


Just in case you start feeling any pain in your spine in the next few days, go see a doctor. Trust me. I´m a rescue medic. Edit: In hindsight, that should be common sense...


Thank you all for your best wishes. :-)


Yup, they gave me at the hospital a list of 'red flags' I should be alert of. Thanks. ;-)


Nah, the weather was fine. It was me entering a dust cloud with no visibility, like a complete fool.


I invested more money in protective gear than the second hand motorbike I got itself. I even have an airbag vest... which didn't trigger because I wasn't projected over, lol.


No more bikes in a while, but sure I'll buy another similar one when I ride again.


for Christ's sake take a few days off. take a week off. we don't mind. you'll probably be much more productive afterword.


Hey, take a few days for yourself, whether or not you're severely hurt, you still need to rest, so take a couple days, chill out, catch up on your favourite TV show, play some games, whatever you do to relax and come back to us next week. No one is going to have an issue with that, and if they do they aren't worth your time. that probably sounds rude, but i'm a blunt person.


they are worth his time because they are paying him....your not very smart


im glad your ok though man try to be more careful


Hello LOK Team, I am a new $1 Peon and i dont have access to the newest version, do i have to wait the 2 weeks or do i need to be a $5 Patreon?


Glad you're ok!


No amount of money is worth someone's life or health, and if you think differently, I can't help but feel that you're (correct spelling btw) not a very nice person. Now yes, I am an arsehole, but I still have morals.