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[Kuja] Hey there. It seems a lot of people are unaware of all this, so I felt like sharing it:

I know that it looks like the development have slowed down on the past 3-4 months and I was already aware long before that, that some, if not most of you would think like that. The thing is, the development has INDEED slowed down. But not like you think. What was really happening was: Role Transition. And it's actually for the game's greater good. But what is Role Transition? Well, after more than a year, Abelius will have his hands free once again and I'll be in charge of animation, finally being able to animate the models the way I truly want.

The ones that followed me on the latest ArtStreams' already know that, but I currently have all character models fully redrawn in the RSP(Real-Sided-Pose) Boned, Meshed and with all their base animations done. Here is some more info that I didn't shared that much:

1- But why did you lost time remaking the models entirely both in MS and in Spine?

-Well, I'm animating now, so having a Spine file in which I can have a better control of is only natural. That will help me in countless ways.

2- But why RSP's?

-I heard past complaints about the default pose and actually agreed with those complaints but that's not all. RSP allows me to use the same pose to create different ones (Ones showing the back, ones showing the front, so on), a thing the game is lacking right now.

I'm a really nitpicking person myself, and I'm never happy when I know I can always do better or improve something. What I'm doing right now

(besides the failed stream 2-3hours ago that made my pc freeze) is to improve the whole "Expression" system, visually speaking.

1- And what is that?

-I basically talk about the lizardfolks right now. They are not expressive enough. They are too static. I want to change it. "Why isn't

that girl stirring the stew/soup?" and "Why doesn't he look angry when he says that?" no more, but in time.

Most of people who appears on the ArtStreams already know all that since I answered similar questions like that before, so sorry for not creating this kind of post sooner on Patreon. And sorry for not updating Trello like I should. I ended up spending the last 3-3.5 months learning Spine(the animation tool we use). I learned how to mesh, bone and rig so that this transition could happen and contrary to my very own belief, I actually did it faster than I thought I would (which makes me really happy), but I still need way more practice and to learn some more stuff to keep me moving foward (like the neck technical issues I'm having right now[sorry for making you guys spend an hour looking at neck fixes!]).

All in all, I have worked on all the models on the past few weeks. I even created the Wolfgirl model and I'm just waiting til I fix what needs to be fixed so I can start working on the Wolfguys. I even created an event to introduce the wolfgirl (Although it needs lot of fixes in writing because it's kinda bland atm lol). All the previous races already have the basic animations already remade in the RSP (walking, idle, talking), but once again the file itself will need Abelius' revision and I will need his help with some other fixes. Oh, I even created 3 additional faces for the lizardguys and they actually look quite different from each other.

1- But what about Krys?

-Well, the wolfgirl model is basically her re-skin, which means they'll share the same proportions with slightly different parts.

2- Does that mean Krys is getting an update?

-Hell yeah and most people have witnessed her new look already on the streams.


All in all² I need to be more communicative and actually tell on Patreon and Discord when I'm going to stream. We reached a development curve in which made things go slower, yeah, but for a good cause. I don't do promises, but things will eventually get faster and look better at some point during 2019 (as soon as I master Spine). That is just the way it'll go.

Thank you very much for all your support and patience and know that I really appreciate all your concerns, hints and expectations.

If you want to get a faster response, please, feel free to @me at discord at the LOK Channel. Thanks again o/

P.S.: I'm sure I forgot to mention stuff like the new Guard's tent and the Floriferous Grove, but that's for later. :)


Shingi Kame

so i missed some of the streams sadly and was wondering...is there any way to see the updated krys?...really wanna see her now haha


I won't watch the streams anymore, I wanna be surprised or outraged (?) haha

Andrey Golovin

Approximate release date of the new version?


I hope the passion you have too completing this game and making it better by every-sec,minutes,hours you spend is BIG! Best of luck.


Thanks for you hard and good work! Keep it up. I personally prefer to wait a bit more if the quality gets better thanks to that!


Check out your recent support! If you can't continue to push the story, don't talk about optimization.


Agreed I'd love to see some pics for those of us who missed the streams

Indiana Keks

Glad to hear all that. Hopefully we will see a bit of faster progress! As for the time being, i will start to continue my support after seeing more frequent updates.


The tempo was and is worrying considering not much was done regarding main storyline so far. I have already thought about withdrawing the pledge and pledging back if the game development speeds up.


I just wish the game's pacing wasn't so agonizingly slow. It's been awhile since I've seen an h-game dance around the bush this long to get to any actual sex scenes.

Mao Tsclusul

i beg to differ about this slow pacing till we can see some humpa humpa action. this makes for a good build up instead of just a binary women as depicted in lots of h stuff. Right now i'm more interested in the main story, when can we talk to the chief and explore the outskirts, can we get her being a huntress, what about the other clans...