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Hey guys,

I give up!

I've been trying to be patient and wait for the almost two minutes Unity takes to even start the game in debug mode every time I need to test something, but I can't keep looking at a screen while the laptop is blocked for any other task due to 99% CPU use. This is clearly not a machine capable of managing this workload.

Therefore, for the remainder of the month, I'll be focusing on planning and story-boarding new events and writing the Wiki as fully as possible. It's something that also needs to be done, actually.

I hope you don't get mad over paying for our secondary tasks work time. ;-)

And 0.5.1 will be released as a public version when I return, after some days of intensive work.

Thanks for reading.



So too get it straight, we will be paying for 2 months till the next release?


any used desktop pc or something you can buy? Usually these have more power and are cheaper than laptops. Sure you can't work on the go then but are you really doing that that much or are you working at the same place most of the time? There might be an additional monitor in it too which helps a lot for development. If you need to work on the go there is still the old laptop available ... Just my opinion but I understand that a better pc helps.


I understand you mean 0.6? Well, yes and no. 'No', because we're not 'selling' anything over here. Patreon is for supporting people that at some point in their lives take the risk of making their hobbies a full-time job, leaving their regular (and safer) ones behind. 'No' also, because you can terminate your pledge at any moment or reduce it to a lower level. Many people do this and I understand them even if it's bad for us. 'Yes', because we need that time. Since we started I've been trying to release monthly, and it's been impossible. Maybe not in the future, but certainly not in the past and present. This is not the kind of game to make some renders, write a pretty story and that's it. You wouldn't believe the amount of testing involved in those animated sequences. I know you and many other people must be mad and thinking that I'm scratching my balls here. And I can empathize with you but honestly, I can't do anything about it and it wouldn't help my performance one bit to stress myself over even a 90% of patrons being mad. My motto is "do what you can everyday and all will be fine". However, if my philosophy is not fine for you, I can offer you a refund. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying GTFO or anything. You've been a patron for quite a while and I sincerely thank you. It's just my way of making some kind of peace between us. At any rate, I remind everybody that this is a free game and you're only "paying" for the privilege of getting the latest version earlier, without waiting for a pirate site to publish it. You can get this game for free, but I don't think I need to explain what's the difference between getting a game made by a huge company compared to one made by two losers like us, right...? Cheers.


I'm in Thailand right now and I'll be in Vietnam in one week. Then back to Spain. xD It would be wasted money to buy anything I can't take back with me. Anyway, if I decide to relocate permanently I'll see if I can get my hands on a better laptop or take my desktop components with me.


10,000 USD a month and you can't afford a decent laptop?


Not sure if it’s a viable option, but could you possibly remotely do it through Kuja’s computer, or a good samaritan’s Computer? Just throwing out ideas.


Last I heard Patreon hadn't fixed the "I'm going to subscribe the month something I want comes out then quit till another thing comes out" problem. Also remember that it takes money based on donation size, penalizing the creator more for small donations and displays the before Patreon fees amount donated and not the after we take our share donation amount. So yeah it says 9925 a month but that could easily be a lot closer to 7K a month than 10K a month after Patreon's cut. Which is more of a 80K a year salary. Sounds like a lot but depending on where you live it's not necessarily a huge income in the US. Mind you it is enough to save up for a bit and buy a better computer but don't believe the number patreon shows you is the exact amount the person is getting in hand every month. Not sure if this is viable for you but you could look into using Azure Virtual machine from Microsoft to run what you're doing but it does charge a moderate amount. Trade off being you can use it from any computer anywhere at the power level of whatever computer you're effectively renting.


Hey man - in my honest opinion, don't fret too much over this. The logistics behind continuing full development while being in a whole other country can easily make you go mad. You tried with your existing laptop and it clearly isn't up to snuff: just focus on whatever you need to do over there and do things that don't involve such heavy workloads on your laptop as you suggested e.g. Storyboards. Last thing we'd want is you to feel pressured to do something unreasonable, get frustrated with the debug mode times, lose sleep over it, and then arrive back in a worse state than which you left. Best to just take it easy, do some less resource-heavy tasks such as storyboards, scripts, choice flows and ideas and come back fresh-eye'd and bushy-tailed!


I'll gladly wait for such a quality product, don't worry about it., Just keep doing you and I'll keep supporting.


Quality = Time. Be cool, man.

Aromatic Hyena

or you could just get a solid state drive, if its file loading and program starting youre having issues with, you can get the best computer on the block, but as long as it uses that sharty hard disk drive its not going to be any faster, better cpu might a help too, just . . . solid state my dude


Hey so in how many time the 0.5.1 version will be finish ?


It has an SSD already. It's just too much to handle.


Well having a general story written down for a base is very important, no complaints here


where can i find a walkthrough $?


The Wiki should help in that regard, when I finish it.