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Edit: Released for Peons


Edit: Released for Hunters


Edit: change log added


Edit: Updated to 0.5b and rest of platforms released (Mac, Linux, Win32)

- Fixes several wardrobe malfunctions in Cenvir scenes.
- Added an additional fail-safe to make sure she actually changes her outfit

There are still known cosmetic bugs, but they're not so noticeable as her magically putting her clothes again after undressing... ^_^

About the guide, I'll work on it next.


Well, so the unending beta testing stage of 0.5 has been finally done and I can present to you a decent build after eight days and SIX beta versions! xD

With my fingers tightly crossed, I should add.

Because even with so many dedicated Bloodbounds, to which I want to send my thanks for their sacrifice at finding all those bugs, their numbers are still far from the rest of you people, so I don't discard the chance that you'll find more game-breaking issues.

However, I promise I'll fix them asap if that's the case.

So, here you go. I can't offer you a change log and/or a guide at this moment, because it's pretty late here. If all goes well with this build, I'll spend time with those in the next days.

The key info for impatient guys could be summed by this though...:

- Vanlen content focused (both fail and success).

- Chances of 0.5 saves carrying over to future version are very likely. It doesn't happen from 0.4 to 0.5, though. You need to start over.

- To make the grind easier you can cheat the stats by speaking two times with the Holocomputer at the ship. This is the civilized way of doing so (read: do not boost stats with Cheat Engine / SaveEditorOnline).

- You can skip/reset a day with the pitcher at the female tent. Use this to fix save games with issues, or to focus on one task (as failing to please the Chieftain doesn't have any consequences... yet).

And I'm probably forgetting to say something... but I'm so sleepy...

Enjoy and tell me if it explodes on you. ^_^

0.5 change log


- Vanlen task: upon reaching 100 Respect, K will start working tanning hides for Vanlen, the "smith" of the tribe. There are 2 Lust-based events for succeeding and 3 Submission-based events for failing.

0.5.1 will complete this chain with lewder variations of the previous scenes and one more event in the success outcome.

- Nesi event: after several night chats Nesi offer K to try something. Repeatable event.

- Eri event: K will need her approval for something, and she'll want some kind of compensation for her "act of kindness". Non repeatable.

- Keakrix and Golak: new characters arrive after some chats with Nesi. Both of them are just at their introduction stages, though Keakrix will have more dialogue added in 0.5.1.

- 1st stage ripped bodysuit: after some encouragement from Nesi, K will be able to cut her suit to a more sensible length to stand the temperature and humidity (hint: you need to talk with Keakrix and have shown your panties to Cenvir for enabling the option)


- Day/Night cycle: the night is now a day stage and you can walk around the map. Nesi is now the character you need to talk to to advance to the next day and/or interact with her.

You can also skip a whole day (from day 2 onward) by using the pitcher in the female tent.

- Wardrobe system: the basis for a very flexible outfitting system has been laid out. We've just started with a ripped variation of the initial bodysuit, but now it's possible to implement any number of additional outfits.

- Flexible tasks: not too noticeable at the current stage, but the internal quest system has been changed so you can pick any number of tasks and they're counted towards the end of the day. This will allow players to focus on tasks they actually want to see more.

LOK Rebirth v0.5b [Win64]
LOK Rebirth v0.5b [Win32]
LOK Rebirth v0.5b [Mac]
LOK Rebirth v0.5b [Linux]


(No title)


Manuel Garcia

Oh sweet! Happy birthday to me! (Literally. Its my birthday) So awesome that you managed to release this! Hopefully 0.5.1 can still be released before your month long trip. If not, it'll be worth the wait till it is :)


Damn, windows only for now. guess I have to wait alittle more


Mann.. I was really hoping for the mac file to be uploaded :(


unfortunately MY PC had to be moved to a larger room to do VR, not much privacy there lol, so I have to rely on this mac laptop for erotic stuff haha.


Is the deepthroat in this and if so which root?


Is the rest of the vanlen events in this?


Can you get the purple stat higher than 210? because I cant find a way.


I believe that’ll come with 0.51 supposedly this week. Not too sure why they didn’t just release them together.


I cant make her rip her clothes. I believe all stats are maxed but it still is unavailable


Is it broken? I have 199 respect, 500 lust and 400 submissiveness and it still is blocked


Where is keakrix?


Need some help . How to rip the body suit , even though I have the stats maxed out , spoken to nesi to the point where the option clothes comes . Even I've spoken to keakrix, still nothing .I've followed all the methods in the comments and the release notes 😣😣


You need...: - 200 Lust - Having shown Cenvir your panties - Talked with Keakrix once I forgot to mention Keakrix in the change log, now that I'm seeing it, but you got that right. I think you must be missing Cenvir's event.


Thanks man . So cenvir events starts after talking to keakrix . It's like I go to cenvir tent all the time .🙂 , and forgot to add even my lust , respect and submission is maxed out . On the side note for future updates , the game takes time to load , randomly when a scene changes like entering a tent it goes blank but the sound is there . When you do a day end , krystal is frozen for a second or two and last one loading and saving the game takes a while atleast 5 second min . Bytheway this game has a lot of potential , I'm a big fan of the game, keep up the good work ☺. I have the original game in my phone.


I can see only a black screen after I tab out and then tab in.


only to me the game gets bugged at day 10 and it does not make me "work" anymore


I explain myself better after I speak with meiri the scermata remains so <a href="https://i.gyazo.com/8de631552e4712f2812e1997a56177e7.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.gyazo.com/8de631552e4712f2812e1997a56177e7.jpg</a>


not to mention that I can not even the kkantir tent


anyone else not able to trigger the eri event


I cant download this anymore for the win64 :(