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Hey there guys,

These couple of days have been weird and stressful...

I won't lie to you: I didn't work on the game because I've been searching for a solution to the worrying decline rates we creators have been experiencing the past months.

I mean, we're talking about four times the number of usual declines... which is not extremely problematic in itself, but what it terrifies me is that the trend maintains over time. Losing around a 4-8% patrons each month?? Gods no...

So, after some serious research (my head's spinning...) about almost every possibility available to us, taking into account our own personal situations for both Kuja and me, I've decided to keep it simple and open an alternative donation site:


Now, it's NOT intended to replace Patreon. Please do not switch to that site to make your pledges if they're currently working here!

That site is... awfully simple. It doesn't have a tenth of Patreon's features to manage users. So if you go there to support us, you need to know some things...:

1.- Each "coffee" is 1$

So if you want to donate $10 (warrior level), you'll actually need to write "10" in the coffees box.

I know it's obvious, but just in case. ^_^

2.- You can use both PayPal and cards

Regardless of its simple design, it has the same payment facilities as Patreon. It's a secure site also.

3.- It's a ONE-TIME donation only.

This means that if you donate a given amount, it won't be charged again next month. So, if you need to resource to that site again in the future (because Patreon still doesn't work for you next month), you'll need to return there and make another donation.

We may enable subscriptions at a later time, but we can't do that now... for reasons.

4.- You absolutely need to write down your Patreon and Discord usernames.

Use that "Your message of support" textbox for that purpose. Then select "Private" so other users visiting the page can't see your info (if you mind that).

This is critical for me to manually assign you the appropriate role in Discord and add you to mailing lists here.


I don't think I need to elaborate on the reason for this. Please, keep it clean!

So, this is the solution we have for the time being.

There are other alternatives that we're not prepared to take on, like adding e-Commerce capabilities to our own server. Tbh, it's tempting, but a world of pain to manage (both at the technical and fiscal fronts) if, at the end, only ten people retries their pledges using our backup site.

Let's see how this develops and we may switch to a more professional method.

Thank you for supporting us, and a second one if you go the extra mile to retry your pledge over there. ^_^




roger that chef


Nice, hope it helps

Indiana Keks

I dont want to be a bad talker, but i cant say that these posts about money encourage me. May be its just my imagination, but if posts of money and versions you put out are becoming equally (or at least it feels like that) and it gets to the point where nothing is done like you stated from your side, then i am in need of a good reason to invest my earned money.

Indiana Keks

That being said, i didnt know i couldnt press enter :p The good reason for me is the quality work you did until now and that you have chosen the right character i guess ^^ The art and animation is impressive, and im sure with your new help on text it gets even better. But i felt the need to complain a little, even when i have the most understanding about financial worries, had them myself. Just wanted to point out that there is also the chance of getting new or existing ones higher patreons with a product and progress. Im still looking forward to this great project and will help as good as i can. And btw, im deeply sorry for my below average english


That sucks. If you're anything like me, stress about money is a big emotional drain, which I can only imagine makes sitting down and working feel a lot tougher. As someone who makes games because I, like you, want to create, I bet it hurts to be forced to worry instead of working on the game. Just know that you have supporters like me, and we know that you're in this for the right reasons. Keep up the good work :)