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Hi there,

Just a small heads up for everyone.

Those engine revamps I coded a couple months ago have been a great help to streamline new content: the amount of unfamiliar bugs is nowhere the same as in previous installments.

So, if all goes well, the first release candidate of version 0.4 will be distributed to Bloodbounds this Saturday 21st.

Then I'd spend some days adding cosmetic features, while the new content gets its stress test, before its official release for Warriors.

Thank you!



so next month for peon ?

Wrenly Bewick

Wow! I'm so glad to hear that all that effort revamping the code paid off! Development could skyrocket


Do we still get it sent to us by email if we gave $10 during June?


Yes, either June and July pledges will count as valid for 0.4, as promised.


Two weeks after Warrior release, so yes, in August.


I’m curious what kind of cosmetic features or it’s a surprise