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Hi there,

The previous poll results have been very clear, but I'm not entirely convinced about dropping the ax on Cenvir dialogues...

The thing is, we're pretty deep into them already. So, for the sake of consistency, I'll keep the same structure.

What I'll do, as a compromise, is to use the new approach with other characters, yet to be introduced.

Your comments got me thinking though. I assumed you guys were bored to death of that 'rinse and repeat' structure of her having always the option to say 'No, I'm a cute virginal space princess!' at the last second.

So, I don't know if you guys have voted 'yes' because you're indeed annoyed of that, or you're just trying to help me.

Therefore, let me run a second poll to measure your feelings about it. This won't change anything, so you can answer what you like. I'm just curious.

At any rate, I think you guys will need to see what I had planned for the new dialogue structure to actually decide if you like it or not. When I introduce it, I'll run a poll again to find out your opinions.

Cenvir's (and other characters for that matter) ever increasing sexual probing at K, and her having always the option to give him the axe at the very last moment...



Can we have a mid way option ?


I'm stuck between the first two options. But if I had to pick one it be the first one. But is it possible to make it that if Krystal has low lust she can say "no" and if she has high lust she just do it?


shorter dialogues maybe ?


So when is .4 release?


Would it be possible for there to be an option to enable/disable the last minute virtue options?


Just make it less grindy


Thats a thing but it might end up increasing the work load instead of the desired reduced work load


none of these options are how i feel, guess i will vote the first one since its the only one not shitting on it...

Nightmarish Visions

The issue I have here is not that krystal must have the option to say no, I just like the way that every so often cenvir will greet you and ask if you wish to do x as a way of progressing, even if krystal always said yes, i think its important to make it seem that he is taking the initiative and guiding her, rather than the other way you outlined that makes it seem like she is the one choosing to go further down the rabbithole. For me the attractive part of the old system is other characters pressuring you to do something outside krystal's comfort zone and her inevitably giving in.


Is there a way to only give her the option to say no until X amount of lust, and after that she likes dick too much to pass up?


It's not that she is some virgin space princess. It's that some native bush man is asking these things. I don't care how slutty you are, you will be reluctant at first. Also the main appeal of this is the corruption.


1 and 2 at the same time.


Why not have dialog for K based on the amount of lust? Like be prude when she is prude, and a lustful when late game or something like that? I don’t know how hard that would be to implement.


But the player should still have full control and the option to say no if they do please. Just for immersion.


I feel bad for the devs, because the community wants to keep it the old way but are willing for change when it comes to game development


your doing an amazing job and the artwork and animation is coming out great i can't wait to see more of it (p.s. I can't wait to see K pregnant artwork and if possible birth lol) (P.P.S no rush your doin awesome)


I voted to drop it on the last one because if its really spagetti coding it up/slowing it down, you might as well before it gets bad.


Hmm. I am conflicted, but maybe the problem is you having to describe it? Ideally, we are here to playtest, so an actual example to play and compare both alternatives would help clarify things. But sometimes less is more. Especially when repetition is involved. Rather than repetitive grinding, it would benefit from an alternative method of progressing through and unlocking each stage; once unlocked, it just ends up in some sort of list of options anyway, right?


"Then you need an alternate method of doing stuff." Nice Idea btw, but really post an IDEA of something alternative if you do know one^^ Maybe add a mechanic that unlocks stuff after one way of playing the game (f. ex.: Always played innocent -> adds something benefical for ANOTHER playthrough that cuts a bit away with grinding // always played naughty -> same effect or whatever) That way the dialogue wont be ignored as much (happens after endless grinding ^^)... but this mechanic would best be added if/after the game gets one(or more) ending(s). If that made sense to the reader (YOU! :D)


The option to say no is a must. Obligatory sex indicates either rape or deep nymphomania. Those in marriage or a long term relationship already did or at least wished to turn sex down, the solidity of such option is also a meter for the healthiness and maturity of the relationship. RPG must give you options, even if those go against the intended narrative


Probably no one cares what i have to say but… I do enjoy how the Dev team is handling the game, the story and the dialogues are interesting &fun and it creates intrigue… so to be honest just keep doing what you do, because you are doing it fine \(*.*)/


In my opinion dialogue is a key part of a game but can also be put aside (not very developed (not as detailed)) as the game is being developed and can be revisited to suit the developer's "vision"/ how the developer likes the dialogue for the long run later in development before the final version version is released, but since the game is most likely very far from being finished, maybe every 2 - 3 updates their can be a dialogue rework update to keep everything flowing in a timely manner.


I think the proposed solution sounds great. I think most of the people playing the game like the progression of lust and corruption, but it was pretty jarring to get to a certain point and then have Krystal get mad at Cenvir or the pot guy for asking for something else. Being able to pick the possible dialogue is great because being able to say no is important, and I like the idea of new scenes always being something she's reluctantly ok with, especially as her lust level grows.


I think this is an important aspect of the game and should definitely stay that way. Despite all, I think it would be good to cut something to speed up the updates.


Is it known yet when 0.4 might release yet? or is that just something i will see when it's here? i really looking forward to it


I thought that RPG games are based on dialogues, what is wrong with those people claim that RPG don't need dialogues?


LOK team has a development board on their forum. You'll have to google search but it shows what needs to be done on their side up to the next release.