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Hi there,

That was a little scary, I must admit...

When ALL your damn income comes from a sole source and a random Patreon staff suspends it without a 100% valid reason, you don't only get angry, you also get shocked and weak at the knees.

And I say "without a 100% valid reason" because just not long ago we took all the steps we deemed necessary for them not dropping the ax on us... well, it seems we weren't paranoid enough. It seems that a boob, even if its nipple is covered by a patch, is still something terrible for the masses to watch without getting an aneurism... :-P

Anyway, we've removed the whole description and the banner image. Just in case, you know. And as you see we're back online.

I guess I don't need to say what our main focus will be after we launch 0.4, right...?

And thank you for sticking with us! :-D



My heart was in my throat there for a minute. Thanks guys so much for the updates. It’s greatly appreciated and means a lot to many of us I’m sure.


it gets worse and worse internet with mature content :(


Just be careful with what you write. Some of the Patreon staff don't like certain phrasings either, I hear. Just keep your Patreon so sanitized that a preschooler could surf it without the parents getting a heart attack, and you should, in theory, be safe from the triggerhappy staff here. Mind you, in theory. ;-P


this platform is becoming more and more stifling... He wasn't as formal when he wasn't popular and without client at first...

Julian Hartmann

Gosh this is getting anoying. Can't they just make/add an designated adults only part to the site? I'm down with a valid age check just to stop this. But yeah, probably they can't otherwise, they'd do, since more money flowing to creators means more money for them and who'd stay away from that?


Could you just post a paypal account number for donation to LOK so that we can directly transfare the money to you?


That really scary!


The darkest timeline when the internet suddenly becomes boob shy.


I am still confused why the patron staff are keeping a close eye in this project while there are other adult games in patron and everytime i check on them they don't make any changes on their front page or they seen to be fine the only key difference between Lok team and other adult game projects i saw is that Lok doesn't have in its line description "Lok team is creating Lok rebirth vs AB game team is creating game AB game adult game" but that's is the only thing i have in mind otherwise i recommend to double check with other adult game developers.


Well, lucky you, I'm still have removed content o.o. Even as I had mature level of intro video - it's possible was enougth for them to remove my page.Oh well, I did delete that intro, so hope that soon my page will live again as well.


Long live lokr! We support you always

Mr Stealth

Sheesh. What is happening to the staff? Have they reset to the 1600`s or what?


Not much options today. This is the only reason why our game studio is not creating NSFW content. <a href="http://www.openlettertopatreon.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.openlettertopatreon.com/</a> Also Steam (Valve) "promises" to allow all type content which won't violate a local country laws. So we gonna wait and prepare...


Patreon had to go downhill in someway eventually right?


SJPatreon strikes once again -.- Any chance of bring back the description , i did enjoy it


someone really need to make a site to specifically support adult creators, but no one has the balls to do it, nor does it seem many are even trying to support the idea, sad really.


the issue is paypal, most people use it and there simply arent enough people that can or are willing to switch to a different service. however paypal has been going on a crusade against adult content, so starting a site strictly for adult content won't have paypal. some people have been trying to use alternative income sources like physical merch or things like BuyMeACoffee however patreon is just so much more profitable and easier to use.


Don't worry. Almost everyone in the gaming adult industry got hit. Myself included. Luckily the issue was solved in under 24 hours.


Glad you guys are still here^^ I mean, i am sure there would be alternatives to this, but it would take months for all patrons to find the page in question and migrate over, and thats just way too much uncertainty there. In all honesty, idk why Patreon is getting this crazy. Americans seem to have a serious issue with Puritan ideals atm. Well not just the US, but them especially. And Patreon just seems to play along. In all seriouness, if a 18 NSFW warning on your Patreon page isnt enough and the actual fact that 100% of your previews are behind patronage, then idk. If kids still get to see that stuff they should make the parents responsible, cause they are the ones that give them their paypall and credit cards and dont even bother to keep an eye on what they are looking at online. Anyway, best wishes.


Honestly I think it has never been about "the kids" since the simple act of being on the internet makes it pretty easy for them to encounter something 18+ in the first place. It has been a bit of a worrying trend that no matter what your age they are pushing puritanical values again. Nanny state is dictating that full adults are no longer capable of seeing anything remotely sexual. It is just another form of control they are instituting as they have been encroaching on our freedom of choice more and more over the years.


Yeah, apparently even particularly revealing *swimwear* isn't allowed anymore. They're literally suspending creators over things that are not only 100% legal, but things that don't even bother people in REAL LIFE


true but when you guys relese 0.4 try Focusing on working on 0.4.5 or 0.5 also when will 0.4 come out


i can understand what you are saying, because we all are waiting for it. however, don't you know, if patreon don't allow them to publish LOK, there will be no chance for releasing 0.4 or later. it's really clear that to cope with patreon's domination is the most important thing they need to deal with.


Perfect background pic btw! Will you make Rebirth of Star Trek as well in future? ;s


"Jonny Jonny, that young maiden is showing her ankles!" Jonny: "GASP! THAT SHAMELESS FLOOZY!" If it gets that far, I'm done.