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[Abelius]: Hi there people,

This will probably be the last status update until v0.2 pre-release beta.

While I’m doing everything in my power to release around the month’s end, one little “problem” is that tomorrow marks the start of our Spanish Holy Week, which I think is somewhat equivalent to Easter Week in the US (?).

Anyway, as many of you veterans know, I’m supposed to be a good parent and take my daughters on her holidays to my mother’s house at the beach. As always, I’ll take my computer (with its two screens) with me to continue working over there, but I already know by experience that I won’t be as productive as I am here. Nevertheless, v0.2 remaining tasks are not “exotic” enough to cause me serious problems.

These past weeks I’ve been putting together the progress scenes chain with Cenvir, which is the main content focus of this update, and also a one-time event that it’s the first one in which you’ll see a male actually walking. That alone forced me to implement new mechanics that will be streamlined in future versions, so it’s kind of an investment.

Some more lore dialogues and another one-time event remain. They’re based on already done animations so only writing and scripting on my part is needed for those.

The only technical issue I need to address is a recurrent one: layers sorting being royally fucked up every time I add new elements to the models. Spine runtimes need to be seriously enhanced in that matter… and I’m gonna need to talk with the Unity guy at Esoteric Software about this. We can’t continue losing time with that problem. Nevertheless, I’m not going to delve deeper into that until v0.2 is released.

So, to answer the million dollar question…: not by any stretch of the imagination v0.2 will be released after the first week of April. That’s a promise.

Thing is, it should have been earlier but these holidays will disrupt my newly increased focus of these past weeks in the co-working office. It can’t be helped.

Ah, in addition to this I’m planning on running a poll about what you’d want to see in v0.3. I told you I have a road map and all, but I’d like to check on you and see if we’re on the same page. I’m kind of curious and you should have some saying at setting priorities, within reason.

Something to keep you entertained, I guess. There are already a good number of suggestions at the Discord server. If you come up with something, comment it bellow so it can be an option in that upcoming poll (open polls for when, Patreon...??).

Just bear in mind that my top priority from now on will be to reduce waiting periods between updates, even if that means reducing content, so we’re talking about manageable chunks, not things like “Make a mini game in the tavern that involves Krys being gang-banged if she doesn’t serve tables on time!”

That will be a full update when the time comes. ^_^

Anyway, thanks for reading me and supporting our sorry asses.



Good to know 0.2 is coming soon! De donde sois? I take it by "holy week" you're talking about Semana Santa. Idk where to do the poll thing, but one suggestion for 0.3 would be to finish the even line for the rude lady that keeps asking you to wash the pot (I can't remember her name right now). The option to "pleasure her" isn't available right now. Continuing that branch of the story would be nice. Another thing I would like to see is more of the story before you crash land on the planet. That would be very nice. One small thing I would love is the ability to walk using your WASD keys. I know LoK games were always mouse-based, but I myself am a keyboard sort of guy.


Be very careful about release dates. If you can manage it, I'm looking forward to it!


For the love of Satan, no minigames at this point, I beg of you! Gangbang will be great though, but I hope to see more of stat-dependent story branching at first place. And slavery route at some point, yeah. Anyway, Good luck and keep us updated!

Special One

Please don't overdream and complicate things! We don't want a great gameplay mechanism, just a fun sex game! That's all


The slavery route will be a bit further down the road (see the community posts). But yea, I can't wait for that either. Also hoping for some more interaction the male that was threatening to put you in your place even if it's more dialog.


Sad. You promised 0.2 in midle of march, and that's out of the window. I hope when released, the patch to be woth the while, because there was a lot of new income by new patreons, and content less.


You honestly cant expect accurate deadlines from a fairly new team working on their first game. Not to mention the fact there is only TWO people working on this game. If you are not happy with the fact that 2 people are working their asses off in the attempt to get this game out. Please go away.


Not to mention they have their own lives to worry about, so sometimes that may get in the way?


If you want a more comprehensive way of knowing when 0.2 is coming out, I honestly suggest checking out the trello board sometime. It will save us both the trouble


I don't like to bring up other Patreon developers on other people's pages for professional reasons, but I feel the Insexity team has a great model that you could emulate, and I'd like to name drop them if you're unfamiliar with their game so that you could look at it for yourself, but yeah. The Insexity team has an awesome update path they do. They release the update at the end of the month. Sometimes it's a big change and sometimes the content changed was so minute from my view that it wasn't really worth the effort of downloading the update. But I feel like the way they do it is a great example for you to follow. They focus on closing one event at a time every month; and in doing that, every month the game gets a little closer to being finished. LOL, I just realized I misspelled the name I name dropped. Insexsity is the correct spelling.


Take your time we can wait your family is way more important than getting this done in time I think I can speak for all of us and say that doing it right is better than rushing through it so please focus on your family rather than forcing yourself to work when you have a break.


[Abelius]: I'm familiar with Insexsity, even played it. And I agree: it's a great game. That project is one of the fastest growing in Patreon, being the main reason that they spent a whole year developing it in the shadows to have a good content before releasing, and its "update/month" model is also something that patrons always appreciate. In short, indeed I want to follow that model. I can't fix the fact that we launched our Patreon too early (we didn't expect so much interest in the first place), but I can certainly try to reduce the time needed to see "something" new. That said, we humbly think our game requires more development time than Insexsity. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a VERY entertaining game and that's a key point in this "business". But when I played it I spotted a lot of "tricks" they do to maintain things simpler. ;-) Anyway, I'm a fan of them in the way of how clearly saw what the people want so yes, we'll try to take a good example of those guys.


They'll learn either the easy way or the hard way that repeatedly missing release dates pisses off their customers. (I'm not saying they have missed them, I'm saying they probably will.) You can tell people to stay patient all you like, if you can't deliver on-time, you'll disappoint customers, regardless of the reasons. I think it's better to say 'it's ready when it's ready' than to give a release date. Obviously I'm no expert in the field, just giving some friendly anecdotal advice. I've seen a project drag on and on for about four years with constant promises 'it's almost done, it's almost done' and nothing to show for it, and a little more of my faith in the patreon stripped away. I think this Project will be different though.

Wolfy panda

I can’t wait the excitement is building! Can’t wait to see if we get any doggy or impregnate scenes


I'd really like to see some bondage at one point Id really like to see Krystal tied up and gagged why being violated


I hope for next updates you will be able to deliver new content update faster than once per 4 months. If update was large after several months to make up for waiting, I wouldn't mind. On the other hand I would mind if update contained only 1 new job or scene.


in the new update v0.2 will there be more job and more sex sceans??


Is there any futa in the game?


ok im doing $25 a month. ;)


You can edit your posts btw. Yeah, we all have our own lives to worry about, but usually the jobs we have don't care. You go to work and produce results, or you're fired. Unless you're like...a union worker at a government job.


Make sure of passing by the server if you didn't already, and I'll add you the adequate role before the month ends.


There will be when the time is right (story-wise). We even have the model ready. ;-)


There will be one "job" and some scenes with Cenvir, along with some story events.


No, far from that. We need to maintain a plausible story progression and her getting drilled is not going to happen until she's mentally ready.


where can I see the animation process?


[Abelius]: I spend the vast majority of my time coding, but when I know I'll be animating for more than two hours straight I usually post an announcement. Anyway, if you want to receive a notification, go to my Picarto page and follow me: <a href="https://picarto.tv/Abelius" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://picarto.tv/Abelius</a>


Hey! I wanna help you to translate your game into russian. Do you need any help with it?


That would be easier with a VN, but localization is technically complex in a game like this. A lot of plugins to take into consideration... Therefore, LOKR will be English-only during its whole development.


Looking forward to this game when it has more added to it, has lots of potential


excellent game 10/10


Yeah, 4 months for just one new job/scene is way too much time. I think if we see another 4 month wait for the same amount of content it's time to call it quits. Blind supporters ruin many projects imo.