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[Abelius]: So here we come again...

Dating my Daughter and Big Brother have been forcibly shut down by Patreon.

I cannot express how frustrated and sad I feel at seeing those two great games going down, along with the livelihoods of their creators.

Some people say Patreon is not at fault, because they're only following the guidelines imposed by PayPal/Stripe, which in turn are companies that only care about money and the statistical risk commonly associated with adult-related transactions.

And sum to that that all those companies are based in a country (USA) that have made any depiction (yes, even fantasies) of an illegal sexual activity as illegal as their real world counterparts... and we have the perfect recipe for the epic witch hunt we're seeing in the last months.

I won't enter into a lengthy discussion about how incredibly fucked up it seems to me that fantasies are prohibited in the "Land of Freedom". My country is SO much more free than that...

However, from my point of view Patreon may be the executioner only, but their pro-activeness (Mr. Dots have been instructed to send his next game dialogues to them for prior approval!) in this matter could only be interpreted in one light: they have become mainstream enough that they don't care about adult creators anymore (they're already earning far more with mainstream creators than NSFW ones).

LOKR doesn't have (atm) any of those taboo topics, but I'm pretty sure that even if the rest of us fall in line and eliminate/refrain from adding all "questionable" content to our games, they'll attack us again at some point in the future until one day we wake up to a new ToS document stating that "Patreon doesn't allow any NSFW content".

Because at this point, Patreon's reassuring words are worth nothing to me.

That said, what we could do...? Well, I've been seeing into alternative financing methods like Hatreon and MakerSupport, even itch.io. But make no mistake: all of those are still US-based companies that will be slaves to payment processors when they become big enough.

Moreover, I don't think they have the same payment options as Patreon (Edit: itch.io has PayPal), both for patrons and creators. Patreon needed to convince PayPal allowing them to be used as option for NSFW projects, and only since one year ago. And payouts to Payoneer are also a necessity for us, being international creators.

Nevertheless, we've realized we cannot put all the eggs in the same basket, so I'm going to research into all those crowdfunding sites and return to you with an informed decision. Know, however, that LOKR will obviously continue on Patreon for as long as they allow our presence.

Trust me this is the last thing I needed: to spend even more of my limited time to ensure our livelihoods are not suddenly destroyed on a whim by some SJW "moderator". But they haven't left us any choice, I'm afraid. Hosting the game just here has become suicidal.

Anyway, I'll focus for now on completing 0.2 and we'll talk again after its launch, okay?

And thank you for all your support. I don't usually thank you enough for your faith in this project and us. Seeing how you stay with us month after month warms my heart. :-)



#NSFWProjectsMatter :(


I'm not sure if you can respond (big brother watches and all that), but will you change the direction of the game? More specifically will you create any forced adult scenes or will you try to avoid them.


[Irony mode: ON] Oh dear sir, how could you even think we'll do anything like that!? We'll obviously follow Patreon guidelines to the letter, now and in the future, of course! [Irony mode: OFF] Yeah, I can't really respond to your question here. ;-)


That has to hurt, but that's how the companies move money, however ... I do not know what to say, they still have my support and grace for such a game


i Think it's a combination of the #metoo thing going on and the political climate in the U.S. where even consensual sex might be sexual assault the next day because the man "didn't read her body language". I'm not sure where this will go this year or the years to come, but i really hope it will die off sooner or later... But it's weird since some "adult sites" with real people pretty much feature the same "fantasy content".

Cory Carson

This is fucked


Yeah well... global stupidity at its finest. I'm the first one that would risk his life to protect any woman from harm, but if asked if fantasy non-con turns me on I'd also be honest and say "yes". Problem is, company CEOs making decisions don't give a fuck about individual ethics and philosophy. They're only concerned with what 'the public' would say. And 99% of them, if asked in front of their friends, family and local priest, if they enjoy non-consensual sex and incest stories, would shamelessly lie to save face.


if you change site, let us know I will continue to follow you and support you :)


Thank you! We know most of you would go to those lengths to continue supporting us, and that's awesome. ^_^ As long as I could pay my bills I'll continue development, and that also goes for Kuja who is frigging passionate about this. The thing I hate is that this news comes when I've just started to write and code actual story content for 0.2... and it certainly does nothing to help my focus. :-/


Like someone before said, if you change site just let us know. I'll happily support you on whatever site you choose if you need to move.


Yea me 2. Good game.


So what happens when Patreon decides to take down Lok-Rebirth for bestiality?


Regardless if we like it or not, Patreon is bounded by local law and protest of content creators wouldn't change that.


I've heard a few people bring up this game getting shut down due to bestiality, and it reminds me of something. Back in the day, High Tail Hall's dev team was unable to get accepted by PayPal because of..well. Bestiality. It took a really long time to convince PayPal that it wasn't bestiality and even then they got into hot water AGAIN because PayPal didn't like the fact that it was advertised.

Wrenly Bewick

This is why this game needs an alternate funding platform in addition to Patreon.


How is it beastiality tho they aren't real animals they walk on 2 feet and have human bodies anthros having sex isn't beastiality


Also when is the next version coming out


I was wondering the same thing is the update this month


Me too and any new sex scene?