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So here it is, for all your lazy needs. ^_^

Talk with Nesi to get it. Old savegames are allowed this time.

Funnily enough, the hardest part has been making sure you can't bring it up when you're not supposed to. So, if you find some strange behavior, please tell me.

And now for the actual v0.2 content update planning...

Downloads are at the top of the Overview page.

From now on, I'll be putting there all public files to avoid people downloading (and asking about) old versions.




Will it be possible for having a android version of this game? I want to play it while I'm out and about. Thank you for your time.


After talking to Nesi and trying to open the map, it said "map unavailable" untill i exited the tavern. Minor issue but otherwise the map is working well enough. Any chance you'll have to "unlock" certain locations in the later versions? or will all locations be unlocked on getting the map?


Awesome I feel better already about this game. Glad you listened to the paterons . And give feedback unlike others (cough) simbro


Mmm, the Tavern is a map-forbidden area for... reasons. But I didn't realize that you guys would need to talk to her inside there for old savegames... That, indeed, will confuse players receiving the map and the message to open it with Tab, immediately after Nesi's conversation, to only discover they can't use it in there. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I'll fix it asap. :-)


I tried to compile an Android version long ago, without success. The game makes heavy use of memory and it won't even run on tablets. If maybe someday I learn how to code properly, I could be able to fit it into a mobile device. xD


I like it. When I first thought about fast travel I thought more of a metroidvania style map but this works too. Can you add tooltips over the locations?


Also when will cum layer come? I mean it instantly disappears. It should stay until you wash it off I think :)


What's difference with the 1.0 ver ?


Ah yes, I forgot to include the change log. I've edited the post now. But the main change is the fast-travel map. This is a feature update only.


Is there a way to "put your tounge to good use" with Eri in this build? I need confirmation so I can explore knowing it won't be in vain. XD


No, it's a placeholder for now. I thought of including it in 0.1 so you could get a look at how a "not enough points" option looks until you open them, but failed at explaining to people it's not unlockable yet. xD


Hello LOK Team, I just wanted to let you know that I had no issues with this version. It worked perfectly! Thought I would let you know so you have no future worries about my former comments. Have a good one!


Tested your game few months ago, it's about time to test it again :)


when the new task will come?

Mr Stealth

Just curious. After the 5th personal encounter with the guard to help carrying to cauldron, what will it require to progress further in the story? Or will that come in a future update?


could we be able to see multiplle angle and view of their pussy%




Guys, are you going to do streaming? I'd really like to watch.


Really nice work continue like this <3! Maybe you may add a wardrobe system? It would be nice :p


I'm working on a roadmap document to give better estimations in the future (the Trello board is just not enough). But we're aiming for late January for 0.2, and we'll focus on content instead of complex features, which are always a time-sink.


In 0.1 you can't continue past the boobjob. But yeah, that scene chain will get steamier as new versions come out. ^_^


Kuja already designed and drawn both front and back poses for Krys. Even a doggystyle model. But to actually implement them... is another story. :-X I *will* do it eventually, because there will be gangbangs in this game and a side view model is not good enough for that kind of action. My main "problem" is that what you actually see on screen are independent animations for each model playing in sync. I do it in that way so I can have extreme flexibility in the long term, but the initial cost in man/hours is also... extreme. xD Anyway, we'll get there.


I, as the coder and animator, can only stream the latter when I'm working with Spine on new things, which is not even a 15% of my schedule. However... Kuja could possibly stream on a daily basis. xD I'll tell him. Though his main problem is that he doesn't have a particularly good connection...


She will unlock new outfits in the future, yes. It's a lot of work because of how detailed are these models. Clothes are actually other layers that need to match the underlying ones in EVERY animation... and Spine tools for that have some limitations in that department.


Is there a scene list or walkthrough? Right now it's hard to know if I've seen all content so far or if I just have to repease some actions a few more times. It would also be helpful to be able to skip already seen animations.


Alert messages are supposed to pop up for some seconds (minimum of two even if you're skipping) when unlocking the next scene in the event chain, and also when the content in that chain has ended for the current version. I'll also include a rough guide in the following versions.