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So... here you go! ^_^

But before you put your hands on the thing, please let me give you some instructions for not hurting yourselves while using this...

First of all, a little reminder... LOK Rebirth is entirely mouse-controlled:

  • Right click = Examine
  • Double left click = “Run”

Easy, right...? Well, one of the things I always wanted when making sexy games was that you people had one of your hands free to reach for your... drink. (¬?¬ )

Now, about this build... well, it’s the first one! So, this is more like a stress test, because I never thought we were going to have so many people following and supporting us even before having launched v0.1 (thank you!).

So, take it with a grain of salt...: this is not about quantity, but stability of the engine. Let’s hope all goes well and we can focus on creating content, instead of immersing myself into a debugging nightmare. But I have high hopes, as the beta-testing phase went pretty well.

That said, there are a couple of known issues that I’m still trying to reproduce...:

  • Background music could stop after loading a savegame.
  • Mouse cursor could get locked (in a couple instances) into an hourglass icon (recoverable with ESC key).

As these two are not game-breaking, I decided to go on and launch while I troubleshoot them.

Now... preferred methods to report bugs, by order of preference...:

1st. #bug_reports Discord channel (if you have access).

2nd. A comment in this post, or a private message if you think the issue description will be spoilery.

3rd. A post in our thread at LOK Forums. Use [spoiler] tags if possible, please.

Note as well that we have a bug tracker Trello board (different from the development one). You can take a look in there and see if your issue is already listed before reporting.

And that’s it. We hope you have fun playing and don’t judge us very harshly... this is the first game we’ve ever made. (? ?•???•? ?)

LOK Rebirth v0.1 [Win64] (recommended)

LOK Rebirth v0.1 [Win32]

MAC and Linux versions will be uploaded in some days.

*** Please use your own links if reposting ***




I can't unzip the game.. Is there a password?


It's RAR compressed. Use 7zip or WinRAR to open it.


I did use 7zip but it says can not open file LOK Rebirth v0.1 as archive


i want to make a video about the game but there is hard long words that will make me look stupid :3


i think you guys should find at least 2 more artists to speed things up,Lok is a legendary game in this community,there ´ s probably a lot of people wanting to help with this project.


Damn it is sucks having a mac right now


Love it so far! Does the story not progress past washing the pot?


My character is stuck. She gave a hand job during the pot scene and won't move


Scene seems to be stuck after interacting with Helpful Guy's "spear" the second time.


Also, what's with the purple heart?


I think the three hearts stand for Lust, Alliance/Trust, Corruption? maybe?


How do I even move past it seems to loop constantly doing pot scene and licking the only thing that changes is nesi and her talks

Senoj Nai

One thing I was hoping to see changed from the demo that hasn't yet, that I'm still hoping for in future updates if possible, would be a click/double-click & hold option for prolonged walking/running. Being able to just double-click the edge of the screen in the direction I want her to run and hold it until I want her to stop running would make for better gamefeel than having to constantly click-spam to keep moving.

Kiara Castello

i also seem to be stuck on the 2nd spear scene as well, it will not let me get past receiving my "duty"


stuck on the 2nd spear scene as well will wait for a hotfix update looks good so far can't wait for the fix and more in the future :)


seems that zip file is now corrupted, tried opening it with winRar and immediately got the broken/corrupted message

Kiara Castello

That happens if you try to open it directly from the browser from mega, you have to wait for mega to finish then save as

Kiara Castello

Tried deleting all files and trying again, and it still does not progress

Senoj Nai

How do you even get that far? I'm on washing the pot for the 4th or so time. He just keeps kissing me. Is there a certain number of days after which he lets you jerk him off?


The pot quest line is...repetitive to say the least. Hopefully some content will be added later to break it up. I'm also experiencing the 2nd spear scene bug, however looking at trello I think it's safe to assume that's the end of the demo unless there are 1 or 2 extra surprises. If it's the end, I suggest making it more obvious. I'm hoping there will be a bit more content in the next update, as it seems this was primarily setting up the base game. One thing: what are the plans for the intro? The "tease" about her party is a bit awkward, and it seems strange that the beginning hasn't been finished yet, while everything else has been going forward. Is it something that's going to be added at the end for flavor or what? In any case, I see some potential here, and I really do like the models (can't wait for optional breast sizes).

Senoj Nai

Yeah, the pot quest is really rough. The slowness of navigating in general and my meticulous insistence upon talking to every NPC for the first few days just to see if they had anything new to say didn't help much either. If that's all there was gonna be, might I suggest an "End day" button after you get back with the cleaned pot? Spare people the walk back to the female area every time.


I'm having a problem with seeing a blue background, but the starting room works fine. The original demo was working fine for me too. <a href="https://answers.unity.com/questions/895651/some-users-only-see-a-blue-background-and-black-mo.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://answers.unity.com/questions/895651/some-users-only-see-a-blue-background-and-black-mo.html</a>


La demostracion es genial pero algo agotador y repetitivo la quest de lavar, cuando vas a conseguir el punto 18 con el lanza se buggea no pasa anda.


I'd go even further and suggest cutting most of the scenes up into single-screen size chunks and enabling a double-click-exit to travel instantly mechanic. the walking/running animation is very nice, but i don't think anybody wants to watch it for half in hour out of every hour of play...


Awesome! So glad v0.1 is finally here. Cannot wait to see how much the game expands.

Miguel Arriola

I have a problem when trying to open the zip file, a message appear that says: ''it can not be open as an archive'', I really want to play this game, what should I do?


I'd suggest an arrow pointing where you need to go too... or a minimap


Update to a newer version of WinRAR. Though this version is bugged. Better if you wait for the bugfix tonight.


Good job)))


I played around with the update and I'd like to give some feedback. Firsty, you have to imrpove the way player control the character. It's irritating to spam left mouse button to move. I'd prefer if you double clicked the side of the screen, Krystal would go there on her own. You could add hold option for LMB so Krystal would go to another section of the area. Secondly, you need to add fast travel option in dialogue allowing you to go back to X person that told you Y person had a task for you, when you completed the quest, so player wouldn't waste a few minutes for walking back and forth. It was really tiring with that cleaning the pot quest. Thridly, add some kind of map, so player wouldn't have to remember where certain NPC are all the time. Fourly, I'd like to know what each stat means (heart icons), 2 of them I was able to figure out, but not the purple one. There was the bug that made dialogue stuck at the end of "a second spear servicing". Overall, the game feels smooth and polished. I recommand adding more variation in the soundract, speeding up traveling around the village significantly, adding fast travel option in general and after you completed "fetch quests".


im stuck at like 53 reputation and 58 the red one 10 purp she still do the titsjob is it the end??


I played a bit and the Art and writing is awesome but I really think the walking is too much and confusing until you memorize where everything is. I hereby suggest a minimap that gets uncovered each time you visit a new location and you can fast travel to each 'room' unless you plan to add events on the way in between. I'd like to see that because like its now it very slow


You cant leaf the waterfall area if you startet the pott queast




[Abelius]: I'll release Mac and Linux versions as soon as I get a stable Windows release. The main reason is to avoid needing to troubleshoot issues that could be platform specific.


Respect, Lust, Submission. Only lust is functional atm.


[Abelius]: All cameras have Occlusion Culling deactivated. However, that also happens if your videocard is not DirectX 11 capable, as this game uses 8K sprite atlases to maintain draw calls to a minimum. Back in the Demo I used another approach, so that's why you got it working. I'm afraid it's too late for 0.1 for me changing atlases dimensions (too big of a change for a bugfix), but I'll reduce it to 4K from 1.1 onwards. You'd still need to have a DirectX 9.3 capable videocard. Take into account, however, that if people start to complain about performance I may need to augment those atlases to 8K again. :-/


Open it with the latest WinRAR version. I'll just ZIP 'em from now on though, for compatibility.


I don't understand... you're indeed not supposed to abandon the pot at the waterfront.


I'm having an issue with the latest version and it's probably something i'm doing but anyway here it is. I've downloaded the LOK Rebirth v0.1 [64 bit] using the link above. however, when I play it, i only have the content released within the demo. Every time I speak with Jakuul, the game ends immediately afterwards. What am I missing? Oh and before I forget. LOK Team, I want to thank you for your persistence in reviving and re-innovating this game series. I'm elated with the progress your team has made and i pray that you continue to add additional content for as long as can. I am especially excited for the slavery option, cant wait for it. good luck team!


Wha...? That's fucking weird! xD Are you using an old savegame or something?


Hmm.. Not sure if i was just unlucky, but everything worked totally great! Until (SPOILER) I entered Sek's second handjob scene where he manipulates krystal into thinking she can't spill the seed. After he blasted her face, the dialogue is stuck for me. It doesn't continue or anything.. Might just be a unlucky glitch for me, but thought I'd let you know! Otherwise it's really great so far :D


You mean this...? <a href="https://trello.com/c/r3PRLoqM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/c/r3PRLoqM</a> Bugfix tonight. ;-)


Where is Sek? I can't find him anywhere


Is it a pot washing simulator, or did I miss something?


It's just first quest introduced to the game. Treat it as a placeholder to test the game code.


Lok Team, I noticed another bug. If you saved the during dialogue and load that save, the person you talked with disappears, but you can continue the dialogue.


Maybe i just stupid, but what program do i use to unpack a?. Rar and zip dont see to work :-/


My game locked up during the handjob scene with the guard where he convinces Krystal that receiving his seed is a blessing among the tribe, poo.


Where's the Access Panel so I can get to my ship?? There's absolutely no background for me after I leave my room....


I'm uploading a bugfix in a short while. Hold your breath. ^_^


Very nice visuals and animation. Writing is good, too. I like the idea to let Krystal work for that old hack. I don't like the walkingsim-aspect. It harms the pacing. It's too slow, IMO. On the other side, when there is more stuff to discover on the way, that will be a minor issue. On the stabilityside, I got stuck on the second handjobscene. Everything else worked fine. I like were this is going and I'm still excited to see more. Keep up the good work!


Bug Report: red heart at 15 did the helping with pot action and when it finished, I am left with a black screen but sounds as if by the waterfall area. (Fixed only by hitting esc also I am using the bugfix version)


-Game looks great, and runs smoothly -The few sentences that I didn't skip seemed well-written -Go say hi to everyone in the town (oh come on, really? what is this, animal crossing?) -Go back to so-and-so (crap, where did I start from again?) -Go talk to so-and-so for work (and who the hell was she again?) -*Looks at clock* still no sex going on?? ... okay, that's enough for today...


Mmm, those black screens were supposed to be fixed by now. Could you elaborate on the steps you made and when exactly that happens, please?


i couldnt find sek anywhere, one of the npcs said he was in the sick house? couldnt find that anywhere either


[Bug report] - To make the hourglass 'lock,' you first need to do the pot quest. Once you reach the waterfall, and have a selection of 'not washing the pot,' choose that. After Krystal says some dialogue, the hourglass will appear and won't go away till you press select. For me, this worked with both taking sek's help and not getting help from him. - After not washing the pot, if you asked Eri if there's other stuff you can do, the left option doesn't work at all, even when I have 10+ reds (which I have a lot more then you may think). Not sure if it's intentional or not, but wanted to state that just incase)


hi the link for windows 64 seems dead (yup very dead)


I delete old links when releasing new versions. Take a look at the last post.


oh i thought that we needed to download some patched update and we overwrite them on the old game... didnt notice i was downloading the whole thing xD


Yup, I don't think we'll be distributing patches at any point. Compared to a DAZ game this is pretty small, so that added layer of complexity doesn't make much sense. ^_^

Mr Stealth

Ummm.... the Windows 64 version is gone. Either ToS/AUP violation, invalid URL or deleted by the user. Should i just go with the 32 version instead?


Go to the description page and download the latest version from there.